Judge Mab_08 has spoken!! This was a great comp with a lot of top entries but the following were outstanding..The best depiction of the somewhat unreliable, yet gorgeous Connie is from – and it’s not his first win……:
"This shot is truly a masterpiece well depicting the Connie over mountainous terrain at a high altitude. The haze off in the distance adds to the overall effect. Great shot!"
Runners up are….
An225"This is a really crisp and clean shot. The angle of this shot is interesting and the clouds add depth to the shot...Top shot"
and MrJake2002!"Here is a very dramatic shot with beautiful use of lighting from the ground, the sky and the aircraft...Beautiful"
Thanks to Judge Mab_08 for the competition, and for getting everything to me so darn fast!!!
Mictheslik has been informed of his success – the new JC will be up tomorrow night.