I'm planning a "straight line" challenge for myself and AS I've only really flown europe and NZ I thought where better than flying east to west across the states. I will only fly in a straight line west, and need a comprehensive listing of US airfields.
Is there a downloadable one?
I plan to use the DH Dove.
The restrictions (should anyone want to do one)
are you must use a vintage plane, no more than 2 engines. you must fly at least 100nm a leg. and you must use real world weather. No GPS, as close to due west as possible, deviations for airfields are allowed.
That's it. Enjoy if you do it.
Core 2 Duo E8500 3gb, Gigabyte S-Series mainboard, Sapphire HD5870 Vapor X 1gb GRaphics card, 4GB pc8500