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fsfrance closes its doors (Read 7583 times)
Jul 13th, 2007 at 1:56pm
fabian_e   Ex Member

Same as already posted in the FS2004 section...

11/07/2007 09:16 - Un voleur et un menteur (Thief and Lyer)

Erich Buchmann a récidivé.
Il a pris deux de nos modèles (bélouga and C17) pour les mettre dans des packs, sans demander la permission, et surtout en donnant les crédits à d'autres pour nous leurrer ou en se les attribuant. Il avait déjà fait ceci avec le concorde.
C'est un voleur et un menteur ! Honte sur lui. Non content de faire cela il a uploader nos modèles sur des sites comme fsplanet, site que nous ne cautionnons pas pour le fait qu'ils font de l'argent avec le travail des autres.
En conséquence, plus aucun projet fsfrance ne sera disponible, c'est la façon que nous avons de nous protéger. Donc fini les release. Désolé pour les gens qui respectent notre travail, mais ça commence à nous fatiguer...
Honte à toi Buchmann, respecte les autres !

Erich buchmann did it again.
he took 2 new models (beluga and C17) and use them in Pack, without asking permission, and giving credits to other people in order to blur us or by giving credits to himsekf. Shame on you Erich Buchmann. More than that, he uploaded models on websites as fsfplanet, and we don't give credits to these people who make money with freeware designers works.
Consequence is that no Fsfrance Project is available anymore. That the better way to protect ourself from that. Now it's over for public release. Sorry for peaceful and respecful people, but We are sick and tired about this.
Shame on you Buchmann, do respect other people !

Those were the FSX adapted C-17 and Beluga. BTW: you aren't able to download their already released projects anymore.

Sad  Fabian   Sad
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Reply #1 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 2:02pm

aussiewannabe   Offline

Posts: 2541
Same as already posted in the FS2004 section...

11/07/2007 09:16 - Un voleur et un menteur (Thief and Lyer)

Erich buchmann did it again.
Shame on you Buchmann, do respect other people !

That's really sad indeed. I've been watching for new FSX aircraft on this website and see his name as the author quite often. Now I know why Angry


HP Media Center Photosmart m7260n | 3.0GHz Intel Pentium D 830 | 2 GB RAM | 320 GB HD | Sapphire X1950 GT 512MB | Silencer 610 Watt PSU

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Reply #2 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 3:07pm

ozzy72   Offline
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Pretty scary huh?

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Alas Ferdy who runs FSPiratePlanet is hardly an example of a decent or honest person. Seems he is attracting like-minded felons to the site. FSPirate have driven more designers out of simming than all the other sites put together and multiplied by ten Angry
So for the sake of those idiots making a fast buck off someone elses hard work the rest of us lose out (again) Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Alas even our hobby attracts its share of low-lifes...

There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #3 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 9:35pm

GunnerMan   Offline
Not the trees!
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What a pitty, I was looking forward to the Beluga. The sad thing is Erich could care less about what his actions have caused. he will just move on and find something else to ripoff.

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Reply #4 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 7:13am
john_uk   Ex Member

yay yet more talented people who provided some quality freeware addons, stopped developing because of idiots.

thanks eurich or whatever your name is, he deserves the worst marmalade treatment the mods team can come up with in the admic cave board
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Reply #5 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 1:57am

Katahu   Offline

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Again, I highly recommend setting up a watchdog group. Undecided
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Reply #6 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 1:47pm
fabian_e   Ex Member

Bonjour a tous,

L'aventure FsFrance s'arrete aujourd'hui apres presque 6 ans de service. Cette décision murement réfléchie a été prise suite aux événements récents. Le piratage de nos créations a été la goutte d'eau qui a fait déborder le vase. Mais d'autres signes avant coureurs s'etaient déjà manifestés, comme la baisse de motivation de l'équipe ou le ras le bol général de ses principaux membres devant des comportements irrespectueux de plus en plus fréquents.

FsFrance est devenu une sorte d'usine où on nous impose (ou reproche) presque de faire ceci ou cela. Beaucoup de personnes pensent que nous sommes à la disposition de la communauté FS et qu'il n'y a qu'a demander pour avoir. Ce n'est pas nouveau mais là on en a marre.

Heureusement tout le monde n'est pas comme ça. Je sais que beaucoup nous soutiennent et que ce sont eux les plus pénalisés dans cette histoire.
A ces personnes je voudrais dire que FsFrance va très probablement revenir mais sous une forme plus légère, à la manière de la toute 1ère version du site (pour ceux qui étaient là) que j'avais créé, il y a quelques années. Ce site reprendra le theme pour lequel j'avais créé FsFrance à la base : le plaisir avant tout !

Merci a tous ceux qui nous ont soutenu et un enorme merci aux personnes qui ont contribué à FsFrance, notament l'équipe... cette bande de copains qui m'est tres chère.

A bientot,

Yannick - FsFrance Team

That's it, even their Concorde isn't available, site closed entirely.... Sad
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Reply #7 - Sep 24th, 2007 at 8:24am

levkovvvv   Offline
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butchman,if i find you i swear to god i will KILL,SLOTHER,SHOT,HANG,MURDer and IMPALE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! Angry Angry Angry Angry Sad Sad Angry
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Reply #8 - Sep 24th, 2007 at 9:10am

pete   Offline
'That would be a network
Cloud Cuckoo Land

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Yes piracy is VERY wrong but closing the doors of a great website providing fun to 1000's because of a single pirate is also VERY wrong.

'Buchman' (probably not his real name) uploaded those aircraft here & elsehwere but we removed them immediately when alerted they were against the copyright owners wishes. 

The way to deal with piracy is to fight it. Not bow over & give up.  Roll Eyes

If we let the bad guys win we'd all be living in caves.

(P.S. if anyone ever wants to start a watchdog - do it & we'll all support it)

Think Global. It's the world we live in.
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Reply #9 - Sep 24th, 2007 at 12:27pm

spitfire boy   Offline
Welcome to my world.
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levkovvvv wrote on Sep 24th, 2007 at 8:24am:
butchman,if i find you i swear to god i will KILL,SLOTHER,SHOT,HANG,MURDer and IMPALE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! Angry Angry Angry Angry Sad Sad Angry

woooaaahhh.... okay, niiice, deeeep breaths.... deep breaths.... go to a happy place... Grin

What really gets on my nerves like nothing else is these people are doing nothing to earn the money they do earn... and the designers they choose to 'pirate' are getting nothing in some cases for all their hard work.

Seems like a bit of a strange outcome. Angry

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Reply #10 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 4:22pm

pepper_airborne   Offline
Voorhout - The Netherlands

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I reckon that if we can find someone that hangs around in the legal circuit and can help us set up a few scary legal lines it might scare off most of the pirating crowd, although i doubt this buchman will be scared of it.
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Reply #11 - Nov 22nd, 2007 at 2:28am
fabian_e   Ex Member

There's a big upload of lots of FSFrance models to avsim today. Just serach for "Gmax Academy" and you'll get many of the models FsFrance made / hosted.


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Reply #12 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 1:57pm

MrJake2002   Offline
Porthleven, Cornwall, UK

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Yes. it appears FS France is back under a different name...

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Reply #13 - Dec 3rd, 2007 at 3:25pm

Stubbedtoe18   Offline
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Man I really want their Concorde and Beluga!!!!!
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Reply #14 - Dec 4th, 2007 at 2:54am

Ashar   Offline
Ottawa, Ontario

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Stubbedtoe18 wrote on Dec 3rd, 2007 at 3:25pm:
Man I really want their Concorde and Beluga!!!!!

I want the Concorde...I have the CLS Beluga... Tongue Tongue

Blabbing Away at SimV Since June 8, 2004
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