Reap wrote on Jan 6
th, 2007 at 5:46am:
Thanks for the Link Gypsy Baron, nice.
Felix I dont yet have FSX and will still be using FS9 for a bit yet, I was wondering if I made some scenery, say just a building or a full airport, would it take any, or much tweaking to get it into FSX or is it a complete no no.
I have brought an airport into FSX from FS9. I had to create an "exclude" , using the FSX tools,
to delete the existing FSX airport to get the imported airport to display properly. The default
autogen and fences, etc, were "interfering" with my enhanced version of the airport.
OTOH, I have brought some FS9 airport AFCAD and scenery files into FSX without having
to make any changes. It's a trial and error situation atthe moment, at least for me.
Also, alot of scenery/airports have "shifted" from their FS9 origins. Case in point, Ford Island
in Pearl Harbour. I had some nice WWII additions to the FS9 Ford Island with both static
aircraft on the apron and AI aircraft coming and going, along with hangars and ships in the
habor and at the piers. I brought this into FSX and, alas, it was displaced a few hundred feet
north and west from the FSX Ford Island/Pearl Harbor terrain. It would be a formitable task
to attempt to "re-align" all the objects in my BGL files I'm afraid, so Ford Island is once
again barren in my FSX world
I haven't yet determined how to create a "flatten" that works in FSX, since the FSX world is
no longer "flat", as was the FS9 world. This could affect an imported airport in unlevel terrain