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Missions and Campaigns! Lots of them (Read 343 times)
Jun 27th, 2006 at 1:05pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Have you ever wonder if there are more missions and campaings than the one offer in this program?

After you have flown the in game mission and campaigns there isn"t much more you can do with this program is there?


There are hundreds of missions and campaigns available on this Website and other Websites for our collective enjoyment.

There is also one the best Mission Builder in the Sim world in this Sim for our enjoyment and ready to be use.

Its easy to use once you get use how it fuctions.

Now with the missions and campaigns available you can mimic many of the campiagns in World war two and other wars.

You can fly and fight in for both sides in the Polish campaign.  You can fly in the French campaing and in the Battle of Britain. You can particapate in the attack of Pearl Harbor or defend it. You fly for the INJ and fly in one the greatest military Blitz in history when the Japanese Empire expanded all over the Pacific in the early part of the Pacific war or participate in the Eastern Front. The Mediterenean Theater is also possible plus the the greateest Bombing campiagn in history, the Bombing of Wester Europe by the Eighth and the RAF. You can change sides and defend the Evil Nazi empire if you so desire.

Its also cool to to testing your flying skills in secound most important Battle of World war two. Yes the  Battle of Midway. If you like carrier Ops this is the Battle to fly in.
Can you believe that World war two was decided in just four minutes in that Battle. Can you duplicate that feat.

What about the Solomon and New Guinea and the vast central Pacific Theater campaigns. How can you forget the Invation of Normandy and the drive to Berlin. The Battle over Japan and the short campaign in Manchuria.  

How about Korea and Spanish Civil War and perhaps Vietnam in the Future. Oh yes World War One as well.

Here are some of Websites where you can get many of this campaigns.

Simviation Web it has plenty of Missions and campaigns for everyones taste.


French Website:


3.Pear Harbor:

4.Sim-outhouse Mirroe Website Battle of Midway:

5.Sim-outhouse Mirror Website:

6.Isoliti Website great for Mediterenean Theater planes and campaings:

7.This Japanese Website has some very cool Japanes campaigns. I do not know about you but I like to fly for both sides. It just makes it more interesting to me. Two different angle to the same experience.

8.Netwings has some nice missions and campaigns also:

9. Great site so see the war from the Australian angle:

10.RAF dedicared Website:

11.Sim-outhouse British missions:

12.Sim-outhouse German missions:

13.Sim-outhouse Japanese missions:

14.Sim-Outhouse Otrher missions:

15.Sim-outhouse missions:

16. Japanese Website with payware missions:

17.Fox Four great Korean war addon:

18.You can fly in Dynamic campaings through this Sim:

19.There some nice Europen Theater missions and campaigns in this Website as well:

20. Polish Website with guess what Polish campaing and some other goddies. Check it out:

Just read to the instructions carefuly when you down load a mission or campaing and you will be flying in it immediately.

I also highly recammend for you to learn on how build you own Missions and campaings. It very easy once you get to understand it. This is what makes this sim so much fun for me.

Here is a how to build missions and campaing tutorial through this Sim by Coyote:

Here is his tutorial on how to build missions:


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