I have found a way to take Screen Shots in CFS2. All you need is to install this program call FRAPS and basically you can strat taking pictures immediatley.
Here is how it works.
1.Down load FRAPS
2.I install it. It usually it install intself inside my Computer C. You can also pick the location where you it install. It will create its own Folder call FRAPS.
3. Go inside the Folder call FRAPS. CLICK on the Icon call FRAPS 99. Activate Start Fraps by Minimizing it or other option.
4. Start CFS2.
5.Start Free Flight or Quick combat.
6.Press F10 if you want a Screen Shot and or if you want a short 30 secound movie press F9.
7.Minimize CFS2.
8.Go back to FRAPS folder and click on either the Movie or Screen Shoots you have just made.
Its real easy.
The best thing about it that it will allow to take shots not only in CFS2 but also with most games you play in. Another thing is that there are no limitation to the number of Movies or Screen Shoots that you can make.
You can also use it as Gun camera or simply make a short movie of a mission you really like. Its your choice. You are the Movie Director.
Here is the Web where you can find FRAPS:
http://www.fraps.com/I hope enjoy this information
PS I want to thank Bear for helping me figuring out this program.
Now I want to see your Screen Shots in this Forum