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for james, and carrier ops fans (Read 697 times)
May 30th, 2006 at 10:01am

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

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Posts: 310
S! guys, let me know if youre interested in the mission i used for this video. it's all stock stuff, just a repainted carrier texture. i made the mission myself, and have been told its one of the more difficult carrier missions out there by a couple of CFS2 carrier gods. im good on carrier landings, but this took me about 20 landing attempts to get right.
Shocked Grin

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Reply #1 - May 30th, 2006 at 10:08am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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WoW! You are a pretty good carrier pilot. Those are pretty rough conditions to land on a carrier. Good job!

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Reply #2 - May 30th, 2006 at 3:56pm

The Mooster   Offline
Good Ole Lancaster County, PA

Gender: male
Posts: 182
pretty cool, now can ya do it with a guy 20 ft away on ur 6? formation lands are amazing to see

i enjoy long walks on the beach, yummie thai food, and obliterating my enemy's aircraft around them with a hail of bullets from 12 .50s. and/or a 75mm cannon.
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Reply #3 - May 30th, 2006 at 4:17pm

flyboy 28   Offline
Jacksonville, FL

Posts: 13323
Wowzers. Shocked I'll have to give that one a go. Smiley Could you PM me the file, Jeph?
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Reply #4 - May 30th, 2006 at 8:15pm

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

Gender: male
Posts: 310
ok, heres the file, i had to edit because when i rechecked the mission in the builder, it wiped my wind. its good to go now. just unzip to your missions folder Smiley

edit 2: moo, i STRONGLY sugggest not landing in formation on this mission. i can do formation landings/take offs, but not in these conditions. ill let you be the first to try it though Wink thats a pretty skinny boat.

edit 3: click this to see the requirements and info.

i have a few pics here at the main site, just click pics and screenshots link, if you wanna see.

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Reply #5 - May 31st, 2006 at 4:49pm

The Mooster   Offline
Good Ole Lancaster County, PA

Gender: male
Posts: 182
well, jeph theres only one way to find out.



i enjoy long walks on the beach, yummie thai food, and obliterating my enemy's aircraft around them with a hail of bullets from 12 .50s. and/or a 75mm cannon.
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Reply #6 - Jun 1st, 2006 at 7:03am

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

Gender: male
Posts: 310
moo, let me know one of these days when you want to try the formation landing. i dont use ventrillo, but im sure both of us are good enough to keep from trading paint. only change to mission requirements, i think would be that one of us would have to have brakes set.

im definitely up for the challenge though Cheesy if youve ever done the CFS1 Ark Royal "mission" ( from RAF 662), we had to land 3 times with the camel, 3 with the FW190, and 3 with the P-47 without crashing. it took me almost 6 hours, lol but i did it. this carrier is cake compared to that one...i think?

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Reply #7 - Jun 1st, 2006 at 3:36pm

The Mooster   Offline
Good Ole Lancaster County, PA

Gender: male
Posts: 182
i'm game anytime. schools out next thursday. YAHOO! i dont have cfs1, so i never have flown the ark royal carrier, but i have flown many a carrier hop.


i enjoy long walks on the beach, yummie thai food, and obliterating my enemy's aircraft around them with a hail of bullets from 12 .50s. and/or a 75mm cannon.
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Reply #8 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 4:17am

stiz   Offline

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Posts: 661
you woulda bust ur gear, tail and hit the saftey net all at the same time there mate  Wink Grin
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Reply #9 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 7:42pm

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

Gender: male
Posts: 310
aye! like i said, the ark took me 6 hours to get sounds bad, but until ya do it, you dont understand. PLUS, you got a witness or two on the deck watching. stay left!

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Reply #10 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 8:01pm

stiz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 661
now try it 10 times with the 1% hellcat with realityX with auto mixture off with people whatching  Smiley
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Reply #11 - Jun 14th, 2006 at 9:37am

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

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Posts: 310
well, ive been out of the CFS2 loop for a minute, so i dont know what realityX is. i also dont think auto mixture is an issue for low level stuff. (carrier ops)... i dont necessarily like no fun rules all the time, because of the simple fact that A: a pixel, a speck of dirt on your monitor, could be anything...not necessarily an aircraft. granted sound helps that, but you may not necessarily know if that might just be scenery with a palm tree unrendered, and from a distance, might be floating in midair.

zooming isnt QUITE, im my opinion, totally legit for one reason...the scouts typically used binoculars, not the fighters...

and offically, coming from a real WWII pilot (RAF_Yank), the "100% hard" flight model is in fact 100% crap. its nowhere near realistic, and im sure if there are any real pilots here who have flown CFS2 at 100%, theyll agree...the flight characteristics are just not right in 100%.

i know CFS2 is lacking in a lot of things, (like flaps that  add LIFT-- ONLY on the P-38 ), but there are a lot of things within the game "out of the box" that can be realistic. 95% medium with automix off as an option is about as close as it gets to real. (i *only* use flaps to kill air speed on approach.)

stiz, after reading some of your info on carrier ops, i must say, with all due respect, you never turn your engine off on the carrier for one reason...someones bound to screw up and run into you. they respawn, and head straight for the water. same reason you dont fold wings; also, as comfortable as i feel doing blue water ops, the downwind to base (third turn) is way too short. no pilot, including Maverick, would try an approach like that, even in a T-6...there are a few other things, but i dont wanna nitpick.

edit: after watching the video, the approach looks far less extreme than the pics show. its still a little harsh, but more believable. my apologies.  Embarrassed

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Reply #12 - Jun 14th, 2006 at 1:22pm

stiz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 661
thinks its based on a proper WW2 carrier manual but i spose all the crews would have tweaked it to what suited them  Smiley, and i'd agree with you on the 3rd turn, i tend to go a little furthur down and make it one shallow turn. Had a look at your site and thought that 1000-2000ft is a bit high/far, we aint flying jets after all  Grin Tongue

RealityX is basicly a little progy type thingi that adds "out of the box" damage to your plane, say you treat your engine harshly, after to much damage it'll die on you, it also means you cant have people doing a 9G turn cos it'll blow you up once you pass the stress limit for your a/c   Cheesy

I tend to fly at 90% realism, flight model on medium, unlimited fuel and ammo unchecked, auto mixture unchecked.

I never turn my engine off on the carrier for that reason and i only fold my wings when taking screen shots  Smiley
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Reply #13 - Jun 14th, 2006 at 4:21pm

Jeph   Offline
Not for the faint of heart.
0.7 nm north of KPNE

Gender: male
Posts: 310
hmmm!!! i was figuring you were like the dudes on the zone that thought ONLY 100% was dead on

i do the unlimited ammo thing too, usually, but some people say thats cheating. if its an FFA...its totally legit. would like to fly with ya one day. let me know if you have an idea for a carrier mission, ill set somethng up with a few challenges Smiley

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Reply #14 - Jun 15th, 2006 at 5:06pm

stiz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 661
nah i never played on the zone, always done IP with friends  Smiley

As for the mission...hmmm suprise me  Grin
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