You can change your position in the flight to simulate being someone else's wingman.
Open the mission file using Notepad or some other text editor. Scroll down until you find the section for the player's formation. it will look something like this:
[formation.8] id=6000 type=air waypoint_path_id=5000 directive=2 players_formation=1 formation_type=1 points=2 unit_id_position.0=9193,0,0.0,0.0,0.0 unit_id_position.1=9194,0,-300.0,-600.0,0.0 unit_id_position.2=9195,0,300.0,-600.0,150.0 unit_id_position.3=9196,0,600.0,-1200.0,150.0
If you have a complex mission with lots of flights there will be many sections that look like this but only one says "players formation" as shown above. Make sure you pick it.
Notice the four highlited numbers listed above. These are the unit ID numbers for the planes in the player's formation. The first one listed, 9193 in this case, is the player's aircraft.
To move the Player to another position within the flight simply swap the player's ID number with any other number in the flight, like this:
unit_id_position.0=9196,0,0.0,0.0,0.0 unit_id_position.1=9194,0,-300.0,-600.0,0.0 unit_id_position.2=9195,0,300.0,-600.0,150.0 unit_id_position.3=9193,0,600.0,-1200.0,150.0
Now instead of being the lead plane you will fly as the last plane in the flight. Save the mission and your done.
Some cautions to watch for. Unlike when you are the flight leader and everyone waits for you, when you are back in the flight they take off shortly after the sim starts. You must be ready or you will get run over by the planes behind you and you will blow up. Also, when you are not the flight leader you can't give commands to your wingmen. You just have to hope the AI do what you want them to do. Finally, if you open the mission in Mission Builder and make any changes to it you will be reset as the flight leader and will have to do the manual edit over again.
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