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Planes and more Planes! Hundreds of Planes (Read 945 times)
Mar 7th, 2006 at 9:15am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
I have decide to make a post placing most of the links I have with CFS2 planes. I hope to you like this post. My only objective is to help fellow members to find most of the planes that have been develope  throughout  the years for this community by its dedicated developers.

My first recomdation if you to install Acman from this Website that will anable you to install most if not all this planes in different Hangars and in different CFS2 Installs.


                        A WORD OF CAUTION

When you use the Acman and create a new Hangar you need to include the stock planes. What you can do is to make a New Folder and place a copy of the Stock planes in it. When you make the new Hangar just copy  the stock planes from this Folder. Remember also that you are limit to 95 to 100 planes per Hangar. You do get up to18 Hangar with this program.

My secound recommendation is for you to install this utility from Sim-outhouse that will allow you to change planes and ships with in a Miision and Campaigns in secounds.

It also will give the ability to change whole planes Hangars and convert them into Ai Bandits in Quick mission.

This way you do not have activate plane after planes manualy. Its call


Now let start the best of planes and Skin plus panels available for this Sim.

1.Simviation planes.What great collection:

2.Sim-outhhouse hundreds of planes. One of favorite Website:

3. Simhouse Skins:

4.Sim-Outhouse outlet planes:

5.Sims Outel Skins:

6.Wai planes. It those only have nice planes but one of the P51 avalable in the Sim World:

7. Netwings planes. One of the great collections of planes ever:

6.Netwings Skins. Very nice ones indeed:

7.World war one planes available right here:

8. A nice Web for planes:

9.Avsim a nice all around Website for planes and o
ther things:


11.Nice Mosquito:

11. World war one and P26 planes:

12. Absuad self auto install upgraded planes available Here:

He177 :

14.French Web with lots of planes. You will figure it out:

15.DAG has Russian planes:

16.French Fighter D520 Dewoitine:

17.Website dedicated to the P51:

18.Missions and Bf109:

19.Easy Kill has nice Skins and effects:

20.Easy Kills planes are here:

21.Spanish Web with some more planes:

23.This site has many nice Me110 and some other European planes:

24. Av planes:

25.This Web also CFS2 planes:

26. Best site for Italian planes:

27.Good site for Ju52:

28.Best site for Ki44:

29.One of the best Websites for Japanese planes and some German planes as well. I love the Ki43 and Ki84:

30. Here is another Website:

31.Here is another Japanes Website with some nice Japanese planes:

32. Here is a Website with rare British planes:


34.Another British Website with guess what? More British planes. I love their Spitfire and Hurricain. It also has a nice Ki43 with all around view from the cockpit:

35.Modern planes:

36.Bruno planes:

37.Green Stuart Web includes World war one and two planes. It also includes the only G4MI Betty in this Sim:

More will be posted in the near Future.

« Last Edit: Mar 10th, 2006 at 8:53am by james007 »  
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Reply #1 - Mar 7th, 2006 at 5:34pm

candle_86   Offline
it's better to die free,
than be a slave
Fort Worth

Gender: male
Posts: 397
what sources for 1950-1970 era planes, this is my favorite time frame
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Reply #2 - Mar 9th, 2006 at 10:50am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
38.Robs Skins A very nice Website for skins:

39.You can find P38 right:

40.A few more planes:

41. You can find sone Fw190D and Fokkers plus a good Hudson light Bomber good for the South East Asia early campaigns. There are some nice Skins for James Me110:

42.This site has a few for sale addons for CFS2. Check them out:

43.Aeroplane Heaven is a great site. Now they are offering one of the Best Bf109E and Hurricain pack for free. They will look good great for a early Europe war campaign:

44.Fightertown is one the oldest and best Websites for quality planes. I love their P61 and Ki45:

45. Nice Japanese Website with some nice planes:

46.Jason and Steves is another Site. Check it out:

47.Online Squad with some things:

48.This the only addon I recommend if you are truely a World war two Aviation Buffer. Its a addon base on the attack on Pearl Harbor. Its truely a must have:

49.Piloto Azul is a you pay Website that has a lot of nice planes. Check it out:

50.RAAF Website that has more than just RAAF planes. Check them out:

52.Nice Wai IAR 80:

53.Paul Rebuffat Website. One of the best for Bf109 and Spitfires:


54. Modern planes for CFS2. Check it out. Its has a B52 and a F22. Here it is:

55.World war one planes from French Website:

56.Modern planes from the same French Website:

More will be posted in the near Future.


1.How to install new planes into Combat Flght Simulator 2?

This is one of the easiest Sim in witch to add new planes into.

1. Go to My computer.Double ckick on it.

2.Double click on Local Disc.

3.Program Files

4.Microsoft games

5.Combat flight Simulator 2

6.Open the folder and look for the folder call Aircraft.

7.Paste the new Aircraft folder in it.
Thats it!


You always have take a look inside the new Aircraft folder and see if it cotains any folder within that needs to be install like Guages or Weapons.

Go inside them and copy and paste them at the appropiate folders so the new Aircraft can show up in CFS2.

Take a look in this post and see if it will help you enjoy this Sim to its max:;action=display;num=11...

« Last Edit: Mar 30th, 2006 at 12:24pm by james007 »  
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Reply #3 - Mar 14th, 2006 at 1:39am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Panels and more Panels. Some times you will like to change your Planes panel. Now that more than possible. I will give a few sources where you can find some nice Panels.

To install a new panel all you need is to find your plane folder. Go inside the Panel folder and copy the new Panel and paste it by overiding the older panel. Vola! you have got a new Panel for your plane. Thats it!





« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2006 at 10:11am by james007 »  
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Reply #4 - Mar 16th, 2006 at 4:02pm

candle_86   Offline
it's better to die free,
than be a slave
Fort Worth

Gender: male
Posts: 397
ya got a good source for an F-84 Thunderjet, its one of my fav jets
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Reply #5 - Mar 22nd, 2006 at 1:13am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Here is a great Website with some of nicest Japanese Panels I have ever seen. It also has two Bf109 Panels as well.


CFS2 does not have very accurate World war two panels but it does have relative accurate panels. One thing that CFS2 panels have is that it allows the user on 2D view to inter react with the switches and nobs in your panel with your mouse

Now thats cool!

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