O.K., noname I got that part straight.
Everyone here started at the beginning to learn how to repaint and work with files and I guess working with Alpha Channels is the
last bastion so to speak.
I was hoping you would read the material at Martin Wright's page where it explains how everything works in DXTbmp (complete with images).
Here's a screenshot showing the steps to replace the alpha channel using DXTbmp. The simplest way to get a plain-jane-alpha file is to find one (on another repaint) and Export it from DXTbmp as a 1024x1024x256color.
See image:
Once the O.K. is clicked, Windows File Mangaer will open and you can browse to to your newly acquired plain-jane-alpha.BMP
Save As your new repaint in your favorite Extended Format and go take a look.
P.S. DXTbmp(x), comes with a Help icon It reads: "A new Alpha channel can be imported to replace the existing one. This can be in any image format but will be converted to 256 greyscale upon loading and be resized (if necessary) to match the current image size."