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How to improve your CFS2 Sceneries! (Read 919 times)
Feb 28th, 2006 at 10:38am

james007   Offline
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Guys my previous PC broke down about a two weeks ago. I was force to buy a new one against my desire but I just could not stay grounded.

I just had to buy a new PC. Thank God I had a slave Hard drive and was to recover almost evevrything to its original state.

I will always recommend for you guys not only to backup everything on CDs but have two Hard drives if possible. One as the Master as your main Hard drive where you PC runs from and another one as slave where you can back every thing just in case your PC starts acting up.

Well I forggot to back up my European CFS2 install. Guess what. It has been a blessing in disguise. Now I having a great time upgading my European Install and improving my Pacific Theater with new Sceneries upgrades.

Here is how I have done it.


I installed McClelland UK sceneries.


I added Ian Elliot London upgrade and Mathias CFS1 airbases o my European Theater.


Then I added the European Coast line to my install.


I also install the BOB selfinstall scenery by Gary Bums.


I also went downloaded Simouthouse Europe Mesh at their backup site.


You can either install Sim-outhouse or Netwings sceneries Mesh. They both are of very good quality. Its up to you.


part two:

Last but not least I recommend you down load McClelland European Scenery for CFS2. Its a must if you really want to improve this program sceneries up to grade. With his sceneries you will not only have Cities and forest but also roads.


You must install this European Texure upgrade. Its the best one in my humble opinion.


You get a cities upgrade right here in this Web. It will not make the cities look more real from 1000 feet and below but it make them look better from 1000Ft and above.

I hate CFS2 clouds. Thanks to our members there are some new clouds available as well.You can get the one from Sim-outhouse call Stiz Clouds or LW clouds. Its you choice. I have install them both in different install that I have. You also download a new Sun.

I forgot Stiz European Water. This is also a must.

Europe has neve looked so good in this program


You can also add Seasonal Texutures at Avsim.
They are call cfs2hw.cfs2sp,cfs2su,scfswi,and cfs2fa.Look for them through the search engine at AvSim.Warning you will have to do it Manualy, but its real easy and lots of fun once you figure it out.


This are Genenral upgrades. There are more specific area upgrades that are also available for you pleasure.

I want to Thank this Website and the others like Netwings and Sim-ouhouse and all the Sceneries Developers and smaller Websites for Helping us enjoy this program with your talent. Without out your help this program would not have been the joy it is today.


PS my next post on this subject will be on the Pacific Theater.

On to the Pacific Theater.

« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2006 at 12:31am by james007 »  
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Reply #1 - Mar 1st, 2006 at 12:37am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Well I have been upgrading so much my European Theater that I almost forgot the Pacific Theater. I was having a ton of fun flying over Germany and France plus the Eastern Front with my new improve Sceneries.

But today I decided to upgrade my secound Pacific Theater install to see if I could improve it. I decided to install the Philippines seceneries and see what it would look like. Well the improvement was incredible. I could not stop my self from flying and watching my new Philippines sceneries. It was just beautiful to watch the Pacific Ocean blending with the Philippines many Islands. Then I decided to fly over Henderson field in Guadacanal and boy where the sceneries wonderful. From a distance you could see the Beaches and the different color schemes of the Pacific Ocean. Then I flew over Tokyo. That was fun to.

This is what I recommnd to improve your Pacific Theater scenery.

First you should get Stiz wonderful World Texures.


Then I would get the Pacific Coast upgrade.


Following that install CFS2 Tropical Texture.


You can also install Stiz Pacific Ocean Texure by Stiz.


You can also fix the Pacific Ocean with Stiz Pactex 1 to 5 folders. Remember the Pactex is just for fun. You can the different shore looks as you with Pactex folder 5.


The best Japan Scenery available is this one.


Or you can try this one if you like.


You can also install the Philippines sceneries I install. Its of very good quality.


You should also install eawwii Asia 360 Airfields complete and Japan Mainland airfield package of 93 airfields.


You can improve your Burma scenery by installing Lowengrin Burma Dynamic Campaign and installing his Burma scenery. Beside its a pretty good Campaign.


You should also get Maskrider Scenery packages. They are one of my favorite. They include beautiful Pacific Theater Airfields.


I also recommend Stiz or LW Clouds at Sim-ouhouse. They are quite a improvement over the stock clouds. You can also get new clouds at:



You can also install Hawaii scenery from this Website.


Go to its CFS2 scenery section and you will find there.

A simple explanation I found on how to activate new sceneries.


Now I"m enjoying this Sim more than ever and I hope you are as well. Now you can fly all over the World in what ever Theater you want with visual style.

I enjoy flying as much over the European Theater as the Pacific Theater. I hope you do to. They both give me a special kind of joy.

Now you do not have any excuses. You can not tell your family you will not take them to Europe and visit London or Paris. You can"t say you can not effort to fly to the Far East. Its available with a Joystick and a good plane. You have over one thousand plane to chose from. All you have to do is wait until the war is over. Other wise you might be shot down. LoL

Just enjoy it as much as possible.

This is not the only good sceneries available for this Sim. This are my suggested sceneries only.

I hope I have been helpful


« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2006 at 1:22am by james007 »  
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Reply #2 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 12:49pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
If you have wonder how can I change the Weather on a CFS2 mission here are some small tips.

You down load this Weather utility cfo_Weather/CFO. Granted you will have to it by hand but it works like a sharm.


I took this tip from Nibbios Web site and I take no credit. How to create Wind in missions this is how.

2.As you may have noticed, the Mission Builder does not allow us to set up full meteorological conditions as well as we can in Free Flight. This is true for wind but I suspect it's also true for turbulence and other variables, even though I have not tested it extensively.
Well, no problem. I have just received a precious tip from Hans Castorp, which I reproduce here:

1) go into free flight
2) open up the advanced weather dialog
3) setup your desired atmospheric conditions
4) fly now (this is necessary to have cfs2 rewrite to the cfs2.cfg file)
5) exit free flight
6) with your text editor, open up cfs2.cfg and under the heading [free flight] copy all of the weather related entries
7) with your text editor, open up the mission file you want to add the weather to and add the section heading [weather] after the first heading in the file; paste in the weather data under this new heading and save.

Hans also suggests:
I have winds set for ground at c2500 (depending on cloud coverage) and aloft at 5000, 10000, 18000, and 24000 with accompanying temperature readings, all taken from for real time conditions. Surface gusts are as per whatever METAR report I happen to be using, and shear strength and turbulence are (subjectively) dependent on how stormy it 'feels' (ie i haven't been able to find reported data for these variables yet). Clouds and surface temp/dew point as per METAR in use.

Thank you Hans

Using the same technic you can create snow in your missions as well.

make up your weather in Free Flight and have it rain .. all you have to do to make it snow is go to the cloud.0 line and change the fourth number from the right from 1 to 2


Thanks to Beowulf

I hope you appreciate this information.


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Reply #3 - Mar 4th, 2006 at 1:29am

candle_86   Offline
it's better to die free,
than be a slave
Fort Worth

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Posts: 397
Just a question James as you seem to know your way around the scenery, is there any USA scenery with the air fields and such of the 1940's that would be kinda cool
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Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2006 at 2:01am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Candle_86 yes there are several USA seceneries available for this program. They are small and do not cover the whole Nation but there are several ones available.

I think Avsim has a few of them. Please do not quote on that but I do believe seeing some USA sceneries a while back at the site.

Have you check in this Website. Perhaps you should look at: Netwings.

There is a CFS2 Canyon scenery available here:


I will try to look for one to help you out.


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Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2006 at 8:43am

4_Series_Scania   Offline
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Nice link's James, I think its time for a spruce up of my CFS2 install....

Posting drivel here since Jan 31st, 2002. - That long!
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Reply #6 - Mar 4th, 2006 at 10:21am

Simhead   Offline
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James, maybe I missed something, but do you personally use for European airbases?

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Reply #7 - Mar 4th, 2006 at 11:21am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Simhead if you open or active your Mission Builder you should go to Europen Theater once you have chosen to make a new mission by clicking on the new mission Icon with your mouse.

The Mission Builder already comes with Airfields points without Hangars or airstrips.

Once you install McClelland scenery it should give them Hangars and other Building.

You can also test them through Free flight. Scroll down through the Airfields untill you see the Europen Airfields.

I will give more information later. The real World is keeping me busy at this time. There is Gentelman at Sim-outhouse that is developing ground objects for the European Theater Airfields.


« Last Edit: Mar 5th, 2006 at 12:52am by james007 »  
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Reply #8 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:09am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
If you are looking for good European airfields look in Here:



Pen32 has done a lot of good stuff for this Sim. Check out all that Gentelman has done for us. Its quite a long list. He is one of our better developers. Fortunualy there are a lot of them that are doing a wonderful job this program. Thank you guys.

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Reply #9 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:12am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
As for USA scenery perhaps you can add them from FS98 and FS2000. I have never done this but I heard it can be done.

I found this Montana scenery at  Netwings:

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Reply #10 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:29am

candle_86   Offline
it's better to die free,
than be a slave
Fort Worth

Gender: male
Posts: 397
As for USA scenery perhaps you can add them from FS98 and FS2000. I have never done this but I heard it can be done.

I found this Montana scenery at  Netwings:


Ok how do I seperate my FS98 USA scenery. I have FS98 installed atm
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Reply #11 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:39am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
I have never done this. I can not help you in this matter. My best suggestion is for you to start a new post with this question.

There are others who may have the answers to your question and we can all learn from them.

We as a comminity are always learning from each other all the time.

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Reply #12 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 4:47am

candle_86   Offline
it's better to die free,
than be a slave
Fort Worth

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Posts: 397
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