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OT - All new MAW web site opened today (Read 806 times)
Feb 9th, 2006 at 11:10am

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

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Posts: 577
OT - All new MAW web site opened today, enjoy

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Reply #1 - Feb 9th, 2006 at 5:16pm

dcunning30   Offline
This is me......really!!!!
The Land of Nod

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Reply #2 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 12:38am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Hey Dcunning30 nice to here from you. Yes it does bring some nice pictures. You know the best part is that it is free. Its been done for the love of this hobby.

I really appreciate their effort. It will bee a nice addition to our World war two Sim Aviation World experience.

Together with Combat flight Simulator 2 and all its addon improvement this will bee a great fun.

Just remember that Combat flight Simulator 2 is the only one that will represent the Pacific Theater in its entirely.

Thats a darn shame. The developers have chosen to ignore half of Word war two. A Theater that covered one third of the World at that time.

That means that there will never bee a carriers Ops in CFS3.

There will never bee.
A Battle of outer Mongolia

Chinese Incident 1937

Shangai 1937

Pearl Harbor

Invation of the Philipine 1941

Invation of Malaysia 1941

Signapore 1942

Indonesia 1942

Battle Java Sea 42

Strike India Ocean 1942

The sinking of Repulse and her sisiter ship 1942

Invation of Burma 1942

Avg Campaign 1942

Battle of Coral Sea 1942

Batlle od Midway �1942

Campaing Gudacanal 1942

Campaing New Georgia 1943

Alaska 1942-1943

Burma 1943 �

Central Solomon 43

New Britain 44

New Guinea 1942 through 1944

Tarawa 1943

Marshal Islands 1944

Mariana Islands 1944

Palau 1944

Philipines 1944-1945

Battle of Leyty �1944

Carrier strikes 1942-45

Burma 1944-45

China 1942-45

Iwo jima 1945

Okinawa 1945

Bombing of Japan 1944-45

Manchuria 1945

Possible Hypothetical Campaing Japan 1946-1947 �

You can also do all the European Campaigns of World war two through Combat flight Simulator as well.

All those great Campaigns will missing from your Program. You can only get them through Combat flight Simulator two.

Now together with CFS2 and CFS3 we should have lots of Fun.

Now Bear its better if you post this propaganda in the CFS3 forum where it belongs.


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Reply #3 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 2:32am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
The developers have chosen to ignore half of Word war two. A Theater that covered one third of the World at that time.


Our sincere appologies to you that we can do only one project at a time.

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Reply #4 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 2:46am

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

Gender: male
Posts: 577


It would seem you & Kermit the Frog have a lot in common in that's its hard being green.  Wink

Most people think the work in MAW is pretty good and are happy to see it, especially since most of the developers have moved on from creating a lot of the techniques being currently used in CFS2 as well as a lot of its 3rd party content.


Its funny how the guys who never really did anything much or contributed very little to CFS2 are always the most rabid fanbois'.  Roll Eyes


I guess such is the view of life from the sidelines, the water boys always seem to hate the other team way more then the guys in the game.

BTW to put things in historical prospective: the PTO covered a lot of geography but it was always a second tier effort on the part of the Allies.

The defeat of Germany was Job1 & in the US the PTO was called the "shoestring war".

The PTO's largest & most deadly battle was Okinawa. 182,000 US troops were planned to make the assault which started with 60,000 troops two Marine and two Army divisions invading the island defended by about 100,000 Japanese. 

D-day started with 130,000 troops 3 British, 1 Canadian & 5 US Divisions making the assault .

In the Battle of the Budge 600,000 US troops were involved as part of the 1,000,000+ men who fought in it on both sides.

Some 1,300 US ships surrounded the Okinawa & this grew to 1,600 ships but was way short of the 5,000 ships that were used on D-day.
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Reply #5 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 3:08am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Bears this has nothing with you acting lke a two year old. I"m just exposing how much more we will enjoy both this programs and what they can offer to the communitty. You made it clear to me that you are not interested in expanding CFS3 into the Pacific Theater on a previuos post on CFS3.

Well that fine, We have CFS2 witch enable just to that and a lot more. Thats not to say you Guys are not developing a pretty good addon for this communitty.

Now start acting your age. Perhaps twelve years old will be about right.LoL

You know this post should have been posted in the CFS3 forum not here.

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Reply #6 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 3:59am

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

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Posts: 577
You know this post should have been posted in the CFS3 forum not here.

But James, Even though it was clearly marked OT (off topic) its amazing that someone else even got a chance to post to the thread before you did. I just knew you would fall all over yourself trying to make one of your typical pointless comments.

Guess what? �I was right & that's so sad �Shocked


Nice thing is dcunning30 saw the post in the manner it was intended to be seen in. �Maybe a few other guys who really like flight sims will also enjoy seeing the work done on MAW.

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Reply #7 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 10:20am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Boy it seems I touch a sensitive subject with you. I have said nothing bad about the MAW project and there you go making personal attacks on again.

Let me explain something to you, Yes the war in Europe had priority over the Pacific Theater at the begining but as our resources improved we dedicated more and more personal and equipment to this war and it was not a shoestring oparartion any more. It was call a shoestring operation during Guadacanal only but not afterward. It was very important Theater of Operation as well. More than three million of our fought and died there.

You also got to remember that it was a total diiferent type of war. It was a Naval war more than a land war. The Biggest naval war zone ever in Modern time where they fought over the vast Pacaific Theater for control of the Far East.

It was a completely different war but a very important Theater of war as well.

You have to remember that the war in the Pacific ended prematurely by a experimental weapon that worked. If that had not happen it would been a lot more terrible than the invation of Germany in 1945.

We are still suffering from its effect. Just take a look at the Far East of today. Did you know that we are dealing with our most important petential enemy of the Furture because of the after effect of Pacific Theater. Yes I'm �talking about Communist China. Korea is also a residual problem from the Pacific war. You see this war is still haunting us today.

From a American point of view this war was our war and not the European Theater. For us the European Theater was a proffessional war while the Pacific Theater was our personal war. The European theater became personal when our troops reached the concentrtion camps in 1945 and we realize how evil the Nazis realy where.

I always been interested in World war two since I was a kid. I treat the war as a true World war. So to me its not about wish Theater is more important but taking this war on true its content.

Its not about Europe vs Pacific. It about Humanities story in a time when the World was in peril.

All I have said is with all that CFS2 and CFS3 can offer after you have finnished with MAW �it will make our Sim expience more complete.

Now you tell me, Can you duplicate any of the campaign I have mention before with CFS3 in the next year.

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Reply #8 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:06am

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

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Posts: 1537
gentlemen, we are arguing over games.
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Reply #9 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:10am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Corsair Freak you are right.

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Reply #10 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:12am

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

Gender: male
Posts: 577
More than three million of our fought and died there.

Now you tell me, Can you duplicate any of the campaign I have mention before with CFS3 in the next year.James007

Interesting, Since the US military had 16 million men under arms I wonder were the other 13,000,000 men might have been.

Also, It would be very foolish to confuse what we can or cannot do with what we choose not to do.


BTW these CFS3 screen shots were made about 2 years ago in March 2004.

« Last Edit: Feb 10th, 2006 at 12:59pm by AvHistory »  
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Reply #11 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:18am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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I can't believe you chaps. This looks like a very creditable project so please let's cut out the silly arguments & boasting. Maybe time to start shouting when you have something to show for it. Roll Eyes Tongue


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Reply #12 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:18am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
Now you tell me, Can you duplicate any of the campaign I have mention before with CFS3 in the next year.


There we go again, huh?
If our heavenly father had blessed you with brain you would have read and understood the parts where it has been said that MAW is a massive, time-consuming project which is as of today - after two years of solid work -  pretty much work in progress.
It's not even done and out and you, who has never contributed anything, bother to bitch around and blame us for not making everything you want at once for your kind enjoyment?
Get a life!

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Reply #13 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:29am

Richarduk   Offline
Where the hell are you
Hampshire. England

Posts: 50
Nice pictures but I,m afraid my lowly computer wont handle CFS3 to well.Upgrade coming up me thinks.

Never fly strait and level in the combat zone for more than 20 seconds,cause I,ll get ya.
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Reply #14 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 1:52pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Mathisias I never said anything negative about the MAW project. As matter of fact I waiting for it as well.

Here is what I wrote:I really appreciate their effort. It will bee a nice addition to our World war two Sim Aviation World experience.

Together with Combat flight Simulator 2 and all its addon improvement this will bee a great fun. Its only a Sim.

Keep it comming.

Its only a Sim. It seems every time I bring how good CFS2 is and how it be to fly in both this Sims that other member gets offended resort to offensive remarks about a fellow member. Now that is wrong.

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