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ADDING AC TO QC AND FF (Read 364 times)
Jan 31
, 2006 at 11:44pm
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 5
Okay guys;
Little bit of sympathy needed, I seemed to have lost a VERY important brain cell here.
I have been adding AC to my CFS2 and everything has been working great. All the aircraft were showing up in QC and FF, but suddenly, now only a few. All have AIR files, etc, and were working with no problem. Then BLAM just like my brain cells they were gone.
Here is my problem. I FORGOT if AC have to be manually added to QC, and FF, or do they automaticaly show up. If so please remind me which it is and, if manually ,how to do it.
PS I don't think I am anywhere near the dreaded 100 limit
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Reply #1 -
Feb 1
, 2006 at 6:09am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Hi Fibber. Aircraft have to be added to the database only if you want to use them as enemy aircraft in QC. This can be done with the QC Editor by Jaesen Jones.
I suspect you lost those addons by deleting aircraft they were aliased to. Check out my Aliasing article from the link to my Lair in my sig.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #2 -
Feb 2
, 2006 at 1:15am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 1514
No you do not have add them manually. They show automatically when add them to your Aircraft Folder. You can always fly with them as long as do have more than 95 to 100 in each folder.
As for them showing up as Ai planes like Hadgar said in his previous post. You need the program call QC editor by Jaesen Jones.
As for planes not showing up when you know they are properly install in you Hangar. Maybe you PC was hit a power surge. I know that happen to me just a few days ago.
What I did was to defragment my PC and they all came back.
If that does not work. Do what Hadgar suggested.
His one of the most knowledgable member in this Forum. He knows what his talking about. But first try the simplest solution and work your self to the more sophisticated ones.
Here is Jones QC Editor:
Last Edit: Feb 2
, 2006 at 2:53am by james007
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Reply #3 -
Feb 3
, 2006 at 12:26am
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 5
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!! Appreciate the comeback Hagar, has been awhile since I played the game and boof! problems. I uninstalled (arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!) the whole bloody mess and started anew. I found the problem to be some conflicting downloads that wouldn't talk to each other and wiped each other out.. What one put in the other would take out! As far as the Avengers it seems that a Download for a TBM3 had a corrupted air file. Took out the TBM3 air.file and replaced it in all non- showing models with a stock one and BINGO all the missing planes reappeared.
I have about 4 years worth of zip disks, but no CD burner yet. System won't handle it, and would like to put all the different files in one large zip and go that way. Is it possible to take a stock AIR and combine many of the other good desirable facets into that one AIR and use that on a particular plane?. IE: have a 1943 TBF with all goodies to have folding wings and whatever else? It seems to me that Notepad would be the way to go, but I have put in the lines for folding wings and hook with negative results. I may be missing something here on that one.
Janes WW2 has a CD with all their compatiable and tested D/L's on them. I have seen that some were considering it here, wouldn't be a bad idea. Help to clean up all the sites!
but that is outside my expertise.
again thanks for the help.
Now if I could only get the stock wings to fold like the download said they would on the stock model.!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reply #4 -
Feb 3
, 2006 at 2:27am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
I uninstalled (arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!) the whole bloody mess and started anew. I found the problem to be some conflicting downloads that wouldn't talk to each other and wiped each other out.. What one put in the other would take out! As far as the Avengers it seems that a Download for a TBM3 had a corrupted air file. Took out the TBM3 air.file and replaced it in all non- showing models with a stock one and BINGO all the missing planes reappeared.
Uninstalling CFS2 could have caused the problem as it deletes all CFG files. Read my CFS2 FAQ page from the link to my Lair in my sig. Each AIR file is separate & should not affect any other aircraft.
You can add the folding wing entries to Aircraft.cfg of any aircraft but the wings will only fold if they were defined when it was created.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #5 -
Feb 3
, 2006 at 3:27am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 1514
You can always buy a external Burner. But do place them on CDs since you do not know when your PC may crash.
This is just a advice
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Reply #6 -
Feb 3
, 2006 at 9:21am
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 5
Hi Hagar and James;
Hagar, again I thank you , I did read your site, as well as a few others, and came up dry . Not because of a lack of info, but there was a underlying problem somewhere in my game that was manifesting itself in this problem. I only unloaded AFTER I posted the original message and have been re-loading one at a time. Somehow, the ( apparently) corrupted TBM3 AIR was the one that seemed to common to some of the planes. I have several TBF's loaded so depending on my need for eye candy I can slate that need.
As far as the folding wings, the odd part is that I tried that awhile ago and it worked on the stock TBF, which it was written for. Now when I try it on the stock it won't work. Odd!
As for now it's like the old Abbott and Costello bit " step by step....."
James, that thought had crossed my mind and have been looking in to it. This is a old system and will await a computer show in my area in a few days and take a ride. Have lots of time becoming available as my shoulder has to be rebuilt by a surgeon, because of a complitation of injuries, and that will take 3 - 6mos. and I will need something to do to keep my sanity!.
Thanks again all!!!!!!!
BTW; even though I have not posted here often I really like the info. I have gleaned from here over the years.
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Reply #7 -
Feb 3
, 2006 at 11:28am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 1514
You know what fibber there are many ways to skin a cat. If your interested in buy a new PC that may change the whole picture.
You see one thing that you can do is to use your current Hard drive as your backup. How can you do these. Well when you buy your new PC and can ask the seller to install you current Hard drive as your secoundary hard drive in your new PC. This ways you will have two hard drive in your new PC. One with new program that come with the New PC and the old one the with all your old information.
This way you can save all your information in old Hard drive while you use the new one for your flying.
If your PC crash it usually effects the primary Hard drive and not the secoundary Hard drive. This way you can keep all your information backup safely.
Make sure when you buy your PC that has a lot of Hard drive space. Its essetial if you are to keep upgrading this Sim and if you want to add multiple installs representing different Theaters.
Remember also to scan your PC on a regular base and also do a Disc clean up as well on a regular basis. You also need to defragment it in at least once a week to able to keep your PC in its top performance.
Obviously you did not dedfragmented your PC when I recommend it. Try it out and see if that will fix your problem. Other wise uninstall all your addon planes and reistall them again, Some time that will fix the problem. Please keep a back up of your CFS2 install. That will help you from alot of headaches.
Another thing that I advice for you is for you to never uninstall your CFS2 program from your PC. It simply not necessary. You can always reinstall over the already install program you already have. Thing way you keep all your addon information and fix whatever problem you may have had. How do you do this. Check Hadgar instruction and you will not have problem. Just remember to pick CFS2 when ask how do you want your Keyboard setup as CFS1 or CFS2.
How to reinstall over a already install program by Hadgar:
I hope I have been helpful
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