You know what really sucks about the stock entries in the Free Flight/Quick Combat select airfield menu? The country, city etc. parts aren't usually 'proper'. Forgive me if this sounds like a trivial tweak but I reckon one day I should make new AFD entries with the REAL places. Also, I hate it when someone makes a new airfield with an AFD entry and they type the place like England in capitals so you have to go through thousands of 'ENGLAND's and 'BRITAIN's and 'great britain's for a darn airfield! Please people, use the proper names and use proper names. Like for Holland, it's not 'Holland' it's 'Netherlands, The' just like on FS2002. And for England it's really Great Britain.
When James said there isn't a world map for SOTCFS2 (Sims Other Than Combat Flight Simulator 2) I thought he meant no outside scenery. Oh well
BTW, James, the B6N is the Tenzan, codenamed 'Jill' by the Allies. And I think the D4Y was the Suisa? My memory of that has gone to the dogs
Happy flying,