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Hmm, they seem to work well (Read 862 times)
Reply #15 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 2:24am

denishc   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1018
Hey Die Staffel,

  First of all, thanks for the Ta-152!  She's been a much overlooked aircraft for both CFS1 & 2.

  As for the order of your releases, there's alot to work with, but lets start with the Focke-Wulfs:

FW-190D9 (How hard would it be to work her into a D13?)
FW-190A8/R1 (Give us some cannons!!  Lots of cannons!!)
Fw-190A4 (Since your working on Focke-Wulfs.)
Yak-3 (I remember her for the "Hart's War" addon*.)
P-38J ("Hart's War" strikes again!)
P-38E (One that should have been.)
Typhoon (Another good aircraft from "Hart's War".)
Ar-234 (To go along with your Meteor and Me-262.)
P-80 (To go along with the Ar-234.)
Me-109F (Again, one that should have been.)
Me-109G (So the Focke-Wulfs don't get lonely.)
Mustang III (For the Brits.)
P-40B (Bring on the African Korps!)
P-40E (Ditto)
Hurricane IIB (Ditto)
Hurricane IIC (Ditto)

  And finally.....WHAT, NO JAPANESE AIRCRAFT!!! (Am I being "greedy"?)  I'm sure that had things gone as planned missions and aircraft for the Pacific would have come about.  But as it stands they were only to be pipe dreams. 

  *One of the best missions I've flown came from the "Hart's War" addon.  It had Allied fighters (American and Russian) mixing it up with Ta-152s.  The sky was full of fighters of all types!  It was a handful, but fun!!

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Reply #16 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 2:35am

denishc   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1018
Once these are made, then I shall see whether I retire from CFS1 and 2 or I might just make skins, or look for a new hobby like gardening? Sad

  If you should deceide to bag it all and take up gardening remember, its O.K. to talk to your plants, they like it.  But if they should start talking back its time to change your hobby.
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Reply #17 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 3:13am

Bombardier101   Offline
I think the Caped Crusader
needs a break

Gender: male
Posts: 767
Hi DieStaffel,

Take as much time as you like. It's great to see another designer coming into CFS2 and that can be shown to people who say nearly all the CFS2 devs and tweakers have been at it for years, still slaving away! Wink

There's been talk at SOH about a new Ju-87 at SimV. I suppose they like Smiley

OK....I guess that's the order I request:

Mustang III(Malcolm Hood)
Hurricane IIB
Hurricane IIC
P-80 Shooting Star
Ar234 Blitz night fighter

Instead of giving up CFS1 and 2 you could make more planes? That's if ya want to though. I'm not nagging for more, just a suggestion Wink

Urm............want any DPs done or are you ok? Smiley

Happy flying,

Bombardier 8)

Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!&&&&My CFS2 Addons&&&&Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: Bomber Force Campaign France WW1 Scenery WORKING ON&&Nachtjaeger! Campaign WORKING ON&&British Nightfighter Campaign LATER&&Atlantic Martlet Campaign LATER&&Iwo-jima scenery RESUME LATER&&&&UPLOADS COMING TO SOH SOON
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Reply #18 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 5:29pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
I like Bombadier101 like all world war two planes. Only if you like would you do Japanese planes and perhaps Italian as well.

I"m happy what you have done for us up to now. Its only a suggestion.

Thank you

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Reply #19 - Jan 26th, 2006 at 6:18pm

DieStaffel   Offline
Saving the best for last
Grafton, NSW, Australia

Gender: male
Posts: 114
                 Well after yesterdays big upload(8 CFS1 and CFS2 planes), I only have 9 more to go.  Now judging by the response to this post, nobody seems to be interested in CFS1 or 2 now, so there doesnt seem to be much point in pursuing new planes for CFS1 or 2 and perhaps I should focus on CFS3(once I buy it) and Gmax as the next tool.  However, If I go down that road, I might as well start looking for payware.  People dont seem to mind paying for planes.



Never let history get in the way of a good computer game
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Reply #20 - Jan 26th, 2006 at 6:32pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537
don't be turned off by the number of responses. There is probably only 4 or 5 people who visit this forum regularly, much like The brunt of the CFS2 hold outs are at sim-outhouse.

Good Hunting,
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