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pps (Read 1095 times)
Dec 17th, 2005 at 7:25am

papa-metro   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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I just realized this was not clear, my request to "clean up your act" was meant for some CONTRIBUTORS, not MODERATORS.
sorry ...
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Reply #1 - Dec 17th, 2005 at 10:25am

Fly2e   Offline
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Reply #2 - Dec 17th, 2005 at 2:33pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
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'S OK..... some moderators need to take a bath more than weekly ....

(Ok Dave, it IS Saturday today!)

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Reply #3 - Dec 18th, 2005 at 3:04pm

Hagar   Offline
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This really has nothing to do with me & is merely my own personal opinion. I mean no offence & was going to keep quiet but feel this should be pointed out.

People have different ideas on what is offensive. I was not offended by anything in the topics mentioned. In fact I found the comment that was deleted quite amusing. A little humour never comes amiss in this sometimes depressing world of ours & some people appear to take things far too seriously. If you go searching for something to be offended by you will invariably find it no matter how innocently it was intended.

This applies to moderators as much as anyone else & I'm just thankful that I declined the job when it was offered. It must be an impossible task to try & please everyone despite your own personal opinions & I'm glad I don't have to do it. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion as an ordinary member of this forum. This is something I might not have felt free to do as a moderator.

PS. Mods. Please delete this reply if you consider it in any way offensive. I'll be happy to delete it myself if requested.
« Last Edit: Dec 18th, 2005 at 4:59pm by Hagar »  


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Reply #4 - Jan 2nd, 2006 at 6:33pm

TSC.   Offline
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I was...
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People have different ideas on what is offensive.

I'm only here to back Doug up 100%

How can you reasonably determine what might be deemed offensive on a forum that is used by a worlwide community, with people from all races, religions, backgrounds & ages.

Apart from the obvious swearing, bullying, name calling etc. It's hard to draw a line on what everyone will deem offensive.

Not that i'm saying your wrong Papa, far from it - SimV has to rely (initially) on the members using their own brains to determine what some of the other members might take offensively.

Fortunately, for the most part, I tend to regard all members as intelligent individuals & very very rarely come across any stark raving idiots.

Peace people,



'Only two things are infinite.......The Universe and Human stupidity........and I'm not too sure about the Universe' - Einstein
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Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 6:51am

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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Fortunately, for the most part, I tend to regard all members as intelligent individuals & very very rarely come across any stark raving idiots.

Peace people,


Talking about the mods again, I see.....  (the question left in the air is - whicih half of the sentence refers to the mods??)


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Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 2:04pm

thebrelon   Offline
life is too short, have

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may I allow myself a short word.

I don't know what you're talking about (it's a good start, isn't it) but I would like to say that initially I was on no-nodes forum which I almost never visit anymore, and people there are/were far more sensible than here.
I mean, moderators "moderate" far more than you seem to do here, which leads people to became really agressive as they very often see topics closed. and by the time I was there I've seen contributors taxing moderators of censures, and moderators replying they do what they want/feel good, you are free to leave if unhappy...
also, contributors are/were very serious, almost no fun, always serious talk, and strong arguments...
all this to say, I really enjoy being there, people here are REALLY cool, contributors AND moderators...
it seems that when something goes wrong, it is arranged the clever way (as you look to do).
it's normal, over the quantity of thread posted everyday, that sometimes there is a clash, but never seen anything serious...
and as hagar said, moderator seem to be a hard job, and we are all human...

hoping I'm not too much out of the topic, now go back to fly and enjoy the simV familly!!!

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