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Question: Should Pay Image Programs be allowed in the Freeware forum?

  11 (57.9%)
  8 (42.1%)

Total votes: 19
« Created by: BMan1113VR on: Dec 4th, 2005 at 5:26pm »

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Image Capture Programs! (Read 730 times)
Nov 29th, 2005 at 11:31am

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Since the Freeware Forum & Payware Forums were split a few years ago, there seams to be a "grey" area that we would like to clear up with all of you.

Here is a little history as to why the TWO FORUMS were created.

Simviation has always been a BIG supporter of Freeware Addons! Our library consists of thousands of free aircraft, scenery, utilities and many other programs that give the flight Sim enthusiast a never-ending selection to chose from.

The Screenshot Forum was introduced by Pete to give us the opportunity to share our images and experiences with one another. This forum was started before Payware Companies even existed.

As the Payware companies became a growing part of the Flight Sim community, Payware images started becoming more and more frequent among all the great freeware shots.

Simviation has always been focused on offering the community FREE ad ons to enhance their simulator. It has always been Pete's goal to keep Simviation a site that caters to the many developers that want to share their products with the Flight Sim Community for free.


Since the Site is based on Free Add Ons, people should be able to view the Screenshot Forum and see what great free add ons they can add to their Sim. It allows people to say, "Wow, I can get that aircraft and scenery too and it does not cost me anything!" It stays true to what the vision of the site is and what this site is about....
"Over 60GB of Freeware Add-ons. Providing 2 Million Files Monthly to Flight Simulator Users Worldwide!"

The decision was made to split the Screenshot forums into 2 separate forums,
The Freeware Screen Shot Forum & The Payware Screen Shot Forum.
This way it gave the user a choice to view what the two different types of add ons had to offer. It also eliminated the constant question of, "Is that Payware or Freeware?"

By splitting the Forums it gave the Freeware user a forum of their own to share their images with everybody else who could get the same add on simply by downloading it.

It also gave the Payware user a separate forum of their own to share their Payware images and show what type of Aircraft & Scenery Payware Products had to offer.

Thus, the two separate forums were introduced...


Besides the obvious Payware Aircraft & Scenery add ons, a few Payware utilities have arrived. Payware products that do not "promote" the Aircraft or Scenery itself, but offer the viewer a different perspective of the image!

The Payware in question would be Active Camera or Walk & Follow.

From the PM's I constantly receive, many think that it should be allowed in the Freeware Forum. The shots are of Freeware Aircraft & Scenery but the shot has been captured with a Payware product. The person posting the shot is not showing you something you need to purchase but giving you a unique perspective of their shot.

Remember, the forums were split to separate
Freeware Aircraft & Scenery from Payware Aircraft & Scenery.
It never had anything to do with image capture programs.
This should not be about, "Hey, that is Payware, it does not belong here", because of how the shot was taken!
There are so many great shots in the Freeware forum and many talented people posting them.
Do you really want to lose some really unique shots in the Freeware Forum because somebody used a "different lens on their camera to take the shot"?
By telling people that they need to post their shots in the Payware Forum because of the "way it looks", is really a loss to The Freeware Screen Shot Forum itself, IMHO.

YES OR NO and maybe post a comment on how you feel about this, Thanks
We leave it up to you.

Should Payware Image Capture Programs
be allowed in the Freeware Forum?

« Last Edit: Nov 29th, 2005 at 2:47pm by Fly2e »  

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #1 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 11:32am

Theis   Offline
Always somewhere, sometime..
Rødovre, Denmark

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Much better Smiley

it would make the shots better

NO in contest!

Cheers Theis
« Last Edit: Dec 1st, 2005 at 3:34am by Theis »  

... Bar by Mees
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Reply #2 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 11:51am
Tweek   Ex Member

Utilities that aren't part of the shot, should be allowed. It's the content of the image which matters.

So it's a big
from me. Smiley
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Reply #3 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:01pm
Souichiro   Ex Member

Well I think the freeware boards should stay entirely free so that includes Walk and Follow which you have to
. Active cam is a different story since you can get the same effect with F1view...


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Reply #4 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:08pm

Ecko   Offline

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I'd say yes! But that's only because I've got W&F myself.. Roll Eyes

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Reply #5 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:09pm

gryshnak   Offline
Low flying is when you
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Hull. Yorkshire, UK

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If someone posts a nice screenshot but I can't duplicate it myself without using Payware, then it doesn't belong in the Freeware forum.

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Reply #6 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:22pm

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
Well, I'm saying yes Smiley

Investing in a great screenshot programme seems to be a good investment. It also adds a new dimension to the flying experience...

My opinion is that the payware forum should just be about payware planes and scenery i.e. airports, mesh.
All other stuff should go in freeware.

But you paid for that stuff!! Angry Angry

Well, my computer has cost me 1500 dollars or something to date over the years. It's quite nice now. Judging by many people's sigs many have great systems which also cost them or their parents a lot. Should we 'cool pc owners' turn down all our settings and shoot jaggied shots in 800x600 because it makes people who haven't such a good system unhappy?

Remember, we are not competing...we are fans of aviation art, why not use things which make our pictures nicer and so on, if we can. By setting your heart against it you are doing yourself a disfavour, IMHO, because they improve your pics and pics is what we like... right?

I hope people will keep this friendly Cheesy

Thats all...

However..... I've just started using my Flight Environment and after consultation with Fly2e I will be posting my otherwise all freeware shots in payware from now on anyway....LOL Cheesy

It is the rules and I respect them, so bye bye to the Freeware Forum from me Grin

....You will come and see me in payware sometime won't you (plaintive tone Cry Smiley Wink)?



If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #7 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:35pm
Souichiro   Ex Member

If someone posts a nice screenshot but I can't duplicate it myself without using Payware, then it doesn't belong in the Freeware forum.


That's excactly my point!
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Reply #8 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 12:41pm

Woozy King   Ex Member
Forza Lazio!!

Gender: male
Put simply, it's not my opinion that matters, it's you (the mods) that make the rules...and whatever you guys say, we usually stick to I don't mind...even though I have W&F... 8)
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Reply #9 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 1:12pm

Staiduk   Offline

Posts: 1040
My question would be "Who really cares?"
I mean really - the Freeware forum isn't a contest; that's down on the 'Monthly Screenshot Contest' forum.

I personally don't look at the Freeware Forum to see who's good and who's bad; better etc. I certainly get ideas to try from there; but I do that from photography books when I'm using my camera; if you follow me.

Flat out; there are some folks on this forum whom I couldn't possibly match in quality; no matter what program I'm using - Lemoncat etc. are just plain way too good regardless of the software. So the Freeware Forum for me is a place where folks can unleash the imagination; have fun and show off the results of their work.
There is, of course, a difference between Freeware and Payware; much of the payware products are truly magnificent but that's subject matter - it ought to be in a different forum. I'm not gonna complain, however, if someone's taking better shots with a $2000 Nikon when I'm using a cheap Sureshot; if you follow the analogy.

I vote Yes. Smiley
(Edited because I couldn't remember the flippin' question. Grin )

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Reply #10 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 2:27pm

killerbunny   Offline

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Posts: 2078
For the freeware forum, I don't really care what Image Capture Program someone uses.  As long as there is no payware in the shot itself I'm ok with it (not that I would recognize any payware Wink)

So I say

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Reply #11 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 2:34pm

cspyro21   Offline

Posts: 5558
I vote


Cheers  Wink

^Click Me For Studio V!^
Air Training Corps Cadet Feb 06 - June 08
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Reply #12 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 2:42pm

pete   Offline
'That would be a network
Cloud Cuckoo Land

Posts: 8500
There is no outside shot that can be captured with a payweare program that cannot be captured with a little thought:

Considerations? Distance of spotplane & zoom - in or out.

Challenge: Show me something you think only a payware Image capture program can produce & I will produce it in a couple of minutes using nothing but FS9.

My opinion, obviously,  is that these are irrelevant for outside shots ......

& it doesn't need to be payware either - there are free such utilities ....  8)

Think Global. It's the world we live in.
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Reply #13 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 3:31pm

The_Joker_Flyer   Offline
*dribble dribble*

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Well i say

I mean i completely agree with what Fly2e had to say!!!  Wink  

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Reply #14 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 3:38pm

cspyro21   Offline

Posts: 5558
There is no outside shot that can be captured with a payweare program that cannot be captured with a little thought:

Considerations? Distance of spotplane & zoom - in or out. 

Challenge: Show me something you think only a payware Image capture program can produce & I will produce it in a couple of minutes using nothing but FS9. 

My opinion, obviously,  is that these are irrelevant for outside shots ...... 

& it doesn't need to be payware either - there are free such utilities .... 8) 

Well, pete...
I was just thinking, with some payware programs you may have to use them on your pc rather than a freeware program (for instance, I have a laptop, and want F1view, but I would need a scrolling mouse, and, seeing as I know of no other freeware programs that can do it, I may need a payware one.)

I see your point perfectly pete, and I may change my opinion, but still, it was just a thought.
Thanks  Grin

^Click Me For Studio V!^
Air Training Corps Cadet Feb 06 - June 08
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Reply #15 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 4:44pm

cloud9   Offline
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Reply #16 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 5:38pm
Heretic   Ex Member

Payware is payware, no matter if it's working in the background or an active part of the screenshot.

This would be the first step of destroying the foundation of this forum. I'm sure the next step will be allowing such add-ons like Flight Environment.

Hence: No - only over my dead body.
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Reply #17 - Nov 29th, 2005 at 10:44pm

Icelandair Pilot   Offline
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Si! Si!!

(YES YES YES)!!! Grin Shocked Tongue 8)

757-200&&757-300&&767-300&&787-8/9&&------------------------------------&&ULTIMATE AIRCRAFT COMBO!
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Reply #18 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 4:48am

Woozy King   Ex Member
Forza Lazio!!

Gender: male
Well, pete...
I was just thinking, with some payware programs you may have to use them on your pc rather than a freeware program (for instance, I have a laptop, and want F1view, but I would need a scrolling mouse, and, seeing as I know of no other freeware programs that can do it, I may need a payware one.)

I see your point perfectly pete, and I may change my opinion, but still, it was just a thought.
Thanks  Grin

Well, I had a laptop with a touch pad and I flew aorund in FS with that. I used the Active Camera Plug-in for FS2002 (which was my sim then) and I used keyboard keys for moving around...
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Reply #19 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 8:24am

C   Offline

Posts: 13144
Yes, but only for image capture programmes as stated. The the viewer can be sure the the aircraft, scenery, weather etc is all freeware.

If all images taken with active camera, W&F were in the payware forum then there would end up be loads of posts checking what was free in the shot, what was payware etc...
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Reply #20 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 10:25am

Mees   Offline
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Reply #21 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 11:03am
Tweek   Ex Member

Challenge: Show me something you think only a payware Image capture program can produce & I will produce it in a couple of minutes using nothing but FS9.

I'd like to see this recreated with just FS9, with the offset aircraft and rotation. I hope you can!

Image by Ashar (Woozy King)
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Reply #22 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 11:44am

gryshnak   Offline
Low flying is when you
have to dodge the trees
Hull. Yorkshire, UK

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I'd like to see this recreated with just FS9, with the offset aircraft and rotation. I hope you can!

This has the potential for an exciting new thread - "Anything Payware can do, Freeware can do too!"  It would be an interesting challenge, and something different from the usual screenshots.

Once you start down the path to the Payware side, forever will it dominate your destiny
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Reply #23 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 3:35pm

gryshnak   Offline
Low flying is when you
have to dodge the trees
Hull. Yorkshire, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 1053
I'd like to see this recreated with just FS9, with the offset aircraft and rotation. I hope you can!

Our ISP went offline for a few hours so I did this one from memory, but I got the tilt the wrong way around!  Different plane and scenery obviously, but the principle is the same.  Done with F1view.
I also did these just as an experiment to see how far I could move around outside the plane.
Active Camera is probably easier and more sophisticated (I don't know, I don't have it yet) but if you want the shot in a Freeware forum, you'll put in the extra bit of effort.

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Reply #24 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 3:41pm
Tweek   Ex Member

Nice one Smiley Though is that all done from the VC?
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Reply #25 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 3:46pm

killerbunny   Offline

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Posts: 2078
Nice one Smiley Though is that all done from the VC?

I think so

Or there must be a function in F1view that I really want to know about Wink

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Reply #26 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 5:14pm

gryshnak   Offline
Low flying is when you
have to dodge the trees
Hull. Yorkshire, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 1053
Yep, that's all VC.
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Reply #27 - Nov 30th, 2005 at 9:31pm

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Posts: 199132
Thanks gryshnak,

It looks as like a decision to allow this type of image capture to the Freeware Forums might be heading in the right direction............

Change is good.......      8)

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #28 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 3:30am

Alphajet_Enthusiast   Offline
Belgae Gallorum Fortissimi

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Posts: 3144
Alpha agrees with Soui and votes


Remember, in the freeware forums the playing ground is supposed to be even. This software will give certain people advantages in the contest and just allows them to produce better shots than others.
I agree with Heretic, this could be the beginning of the Pete's freeware concept starting to crumble.

Macbook Pro | Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT | 2GB Ram | 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo | Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard
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Reply #29 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:31am

C   Offline

Posts: 13144
Remember, in the freeware forums the playing ground is supposed to be even. This software will give certain people advantages in the contest and just allows them to produce better shots than others.
I agree with Heretic, this could be the beginning of the Pete's freeware concept starting to crumble.

But this post started by discussing the Freeware forum and Payware forum - the screenshot contest wasn't mentioned, and should rightly remain entirely freeware.

So in the freeware screenshots forum there is no "advantage" to anyone of using Active Cam or W&F to take normal screenshots as there is no competition involved anyway, so it should not be a problem...
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Reply #30 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:12am

Flying Homer   Offline

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Posts: 362
Alpha agrees with Soui and votes


Remember, in the freeware forums the playing ground is supposed to be even. This software will give certain people advantages in the contest and just allows them to produce better shots than others.
I agree with Heretic, this could be the beginning of the Pete's freeware concept starting to crumble.

I second that!

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Reply #31 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:23am

gryshnak   Offline
Low flying is when you
have to dodge the trees
Hull. Yorkshire, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 1053
There's a Freeware forum.
There's a Payware forum.

Active Camera is Payware.

What was the question again?
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Reply #32 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:52am

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Posts: 199132
So in the freeware screenshots forum there is no "advantage" to anyone of using Active Cam or W&F

I don't understand!!
What do you mean by Advantage?

This is not a contest!!
That is why we do not allow it in the Monthly contest.


I think what it comes down to is people are a bit jealous of somebody who may have paid for it and feel like they should not dare attempt to post a shot in here.

If we do decide to allow it, what is the harm?

An even playing field ???

Jeez, it is only a shot of a plane and some of you make this out to be like a "That is not fair!!!"


Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #33 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:21am
Heretic   Ex Member

People with W&F will get all the "oooh" and "aaah", will people without W&F will only get two replies stating "nice shots".
Methinks that's what Alpha wanted to point out.

IF this poll turns out in favor for W&F, I want everyone posting shots taken with W&F here to designate their threads with "[W&F]" to make distinguishing between normal and extra special threads easier.
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Reply #34 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:22am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
I am not affected by this any more so I can say I am here's my 2c (already voted yes before...)

The payware forum, as stated by Fly2e, is for people interested in payware planes and scenery ie Emmas Field. That's what its for. Using W+F is not of interest there.

Grysnak and Pete have both stated that it is possible to get the same effects by using F1 view, so one would imagine there isn't really a problem.

As a user of both I would say that W=F can be used with any planes, not just those with an all-plane VC. I doubt if it is possible to take a default C172 with the ground above it with F1, but who knows..

But what W+F does do is it enables screenshot fans to take better pics of anything they want. Why not use it? If you choose not to, why is it a problem that others use it?  However, I can't see a reason why not to use it (in freeware, not the comp) - its easy and fun, will make your FS experience better and costs 30 dollars.

But its payware!!! Well...

Many people have their computer specs in their Sig and post threads like "My first pics with the new system". Their new system cost a lot of money. Others cannot afford it. The 'playing field' is not 'even', even in the contest. Many people on this whole site can't even run FS2004.

To spend a ton on a new computer and then ask people who spend $30 on a screenshot program to post their freeware shots in payware where people want to look at the latest payware planes/scenery seems strange. Who spent more?

Why not enjoy the fruits of other people's 'art work' made with W+F, and think about buying it yourself when you next consider an upgrade. If you'd rather spend a bit more on the latest graphics card, okay, but why stop others...

like I said, I don't really care too much now because I'm in Payware but I just find it hard to understand how a nice development in our hobby is rejected so violently. This is a fun hobby shared by like-minded enthusiasts, not a competion. ...

Thats all guys Smiley




If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #35 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:26am
Heretic   Ex Member

like I said, I don't really care too much now because I'm in Payware but I just find it hard to understand how a nice development in our hobby is rejected so violently.

Because people are charging a ridiculously high price for it? And not all of us teenies have a credit card? Or the money to buy that? Or at least we're not willing to spend our money on payware.
FS has become too much of a money-making machine...
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Reply #36 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:28am

Alphajet_Enthusiast   Offline
Belgae Gallorum Fortissimi

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Posts: 3144
people are a bit jealous of somebody

I doubt it. I have active camera myself, as well as F1 view on my other PC.

As for walk and follow (my main grudge):
I think that Geforce 7800GT - 1024MB RAM - AMD ATHLON 64 3500+ - MSI K8N SLI NFORCE 4 CHIPSET BASED MOTHERBOARD PLATINUM EDITION - 19 INCH BENQ LCD MONITOR - SAITEK X45  were a tad more expensive than one little payware program.

Then again, I dont want to turn this into a major issue on my behalf so just ignore me, im going to go watch flying heavy metal on the discovery.
Just my opinion...

Still friends everybody Wink

Macbook Pro | Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT | 2GB Ram | 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo | Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard
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Reply #37 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:35am

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Because people are charging a ridiculously high price for it? And not all of us teenies have a credit card? Or the money to buy that? Or at least we're not willing to spend our money on payware.
FS has become too much of a money-making machine...

Thank You Bjorn,
you have proven my point.

It comes down to this:::
"Since I can't get it, I don't want it in here".
"Screw the payware companies, they are not allowed in here at all"!

So it is a crusade against ALL Payware even when a simple screenshot image taking program like W+F can provide all the Freeware Screenshot Forum posters a unique shot here and there.

As I can see it, we are only talking about a few people here and there,
seams like your loss to me.  Roll Eyes


Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #38 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:36am

Fly2e   Offline
Global Moderator
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

Gender: male
Posts: 199132
Still friends everybody

Of course, that is not what this is about.
It is about hearing what people think about the subject at hand.  Grin

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #39 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:40am
Heretic   Ex Member

So it is a crusade against ALL Payware even when a simple screenshot image taking program like W+F can provide all the Freeware Screenshot Forum posters a unique shot here and there.

Payware is and remains payware, no matter how breathtaking it may be.
And "unique shots" are way better when they're taken with simple programs like F1 View.
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Reply #40 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:41am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
People with W&F will get all the "oooh" and "aaah", will people without W&F will only get two replies stating "nice shots".
Methinks that's what Alpha wanted to point out.

IF this poll turns out in favor for W&F, I want everyone posting shots taken with W&F here to designate their threads with "[W&F]" to make distinguishing between normal and extra special threads easier.

That's a good point, Heretic. However, it is also true of people with a great computer system, or who have the time+knowledge to find great new planes/scenery which attract interest. It will probably also be true when some people have FS2006 and the rest not.

If you are interested in getting responses to your 'work', as everyone to some degree is, you have to invest a lot of time into it, but also money in your computer system. Screenshots full of jaggies from FS98 don't attract a lot of attention, it's true.

Investing in W+F or FS10 is the same deal. Money. If you haven't got it then it's best to just accept it and enjoy the results produced by people who have... But to be honest, 30 dollars to people who spend 300 or 600 on graphics cards, memory, processors, cooling etc is not a big deal...

Because people are charging a ridiculously high price for it? And not all of us teenies have a credit card? Or the money to buy that? Or at least we're not willing to spend our money on payware.
FS has become too much of a money-making machine...

My computer was terrible before March or so. (I was also pretty poor, as an English teacher in Eastern Europe but then we got a new, temporary source of income... until my looks fade Wink) I looked in on SimV but saw the quality and didn't bother trying...It wouldn't have occured to me to tell people that they should turn down their settings so their pics could be like mine.

The playing field is not level, here or in life. And all we are talking about here is taking screenshots of angled horizons, which I think look pretty cool and would like to see more of.

Still friends? You bet guys, I love it in here and don't want to antagonise.. Just my opinion, take or leave as you like.

To be honest, actually, now I'm in payware I'm kind of hoping this poll  will be a 'NO' - then more of my colleagues from freeware might migrate and I might get a few more positive comments than 2 or 3 after hours of work and (IMHO) interesting pics, as is the situation right now for me Smiley

edit: oh, got a couple more! Guess I'll quit whining now Grin

edit 2: Oh, and have you heard about Flight Environment, some really great (though somewhat unrealistic and you can get similar results with freeware) sunset textures, and the water's pretty nice, maybe as nice as my freeware waterzone, though that's hard to beat. Grin

Oh, and the Captain Sim C-130!!! It whips the camels a$$ with a belt..!!! Grin Grin Grin

Payywwarree, paaayyyywarreee (subliminal whispering) come on in my sweeties, my tasty tidbits... the water's fine... Smiley sssssssssssssssssssss




If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #41 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:51am
Heretic   Ex Member

There are still people with lower end systems who can produce great shots, Triple_7 for example or Mr. Mugel. If someone knows his computer, he can tweak it so that he is able to run his FS with better graphics. It's not in your system, it's all in the settings. I've seen high-end systems producing terrible quality screenies (the early ARMonkey for example) but once you show the people how to enable anti-aliasing and stuff and tell them how to find a good performance/quality balance most of the reasons for bad screenies are ruled out.
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Reply #42 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 9:09am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
There are still people with lower end systems who can produce great shots, Triple_7 for example or Mr. Mugel. If someone knows his computer, he can tweak it so that he is able to run his FS with better graphics. It's not in your system, it's all in the settings. I've seen high-end systems producing terrible quality screenies (the early ARMonkey for example) but once you show the people how to enable anti-aliasing and stuff and tell them how to find a good performance/quality balance most of the reasons for bad screenies are ruled out.

Very true... here we're talking about knowledge, experience and time as investments... my pics were just jaggied shots of a plane flying until I looked in here, got very helpful advice, absorbed how other people take nice pics, got inspiration and so on.... if it doesn't occur to you, or you are not a creative type or you don't understand your computer (I only found out about tweaking the card a month or two back, didn't know it was possible) then you never get 'better'. Playing field still not level....IMHO.. and why should it be. People are different... Smiley

It's also a matter of taste, my first cessna shots in payware attracted one comment that they were worse than in freeware, plus a couple of comments that I bought the wrong cessna... not much praise there for my W+F and FE. And they weren't bad... in fact I quite liked them Cheesy

I got some nice pics out of my old computer too, but it was like playing a slide show. No fun. Either enjoy flying, or post nice-ish shots. Now I can do both - Yippee!!!

Cost me a bomb of course... my money which also goes on house, car, wife, children... working adults have less free money than pre-work guys imagine...And less time - when I stay up late in my only free time taking pics it means the next day I'm exhausted, and have to perform in front of a class... another kind of investment - in the destruction of my health Grin

All I want to do is post my 'art' on a site which is different from work - is free, and fun, without too many rules, except those that safeguard people from aggression, offence etc.  And I want to mix with other like minded people, look at their great stuff. This is my idea of fun.... (I have others too...) I've looked around the net and SimV really seems to be the best for screenshot whatever the result of this poll I don't mind too much...

It's been nice debating with you Heretic, hope we're still amicable friends!!! Smiley

See you later, got to work now...


If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #43 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 9:33am
Heretic   Ex Member

..if it doesn't occur to you, or you are not a creative type or you don't understand your computer (I only found out about tweaking the card a month or two back, didn't know it was possible) then you never get 'better'.

But that's the problem. How do you want to operate something when you don't understand it? You have to get into the matter to use it to its full extent. Even if it's with the help of others (forums,chats) or reading books or websites and if it's costing you some of your precious free time.

Playing field still not level....IMHO.. and why should it be. People are different... Smiley

The playing field is level. It just comes down to experience. "How can I increase quality and performance?"
The newbie may needhours and a lot of help to figure that out, the pro only needs one reference site and thirty minutes. Same with add-ons and screenshots.
And speaking of screenshots, what's better? Fiddling and fiddling and getting a satisfying "gosh that looks great" for your hard work or using a tool saving you some work and getting the same comments like "great looking shots" for something that you only needed two minutes for?

It's like climbing a mountain. The freeware guys are doing it like their ancestors did, with their feet, for free and a lot of time and sweat while the payware guys who payed for a helicopter ride get to the top earlier, but don't have the rewarding "I did it!" feeling.

not much praise there for my W+F and FE. And they weren't bad... in fact I quite liked them Cheesy

Higher standards in the payware forum. Live with it. Wink

It's been nice debating with you Heretic, hope we're still amicable friends!!! Smiley

Sure. Remember: I can't stand payware, but looking at it isn't harmful. Wink
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Reply #44 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 10:43am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

Gender: male
Posts: 8255
Had to pop back in Grin

In answer to Heretic again...

...I hope people don't feel there's been a hijacking Embarrassed by the way, I think (hope) the points we are both making are useful...

But that's the problem. How do you want to operate something when you don't understand it? You have to get into the matter to use it to its full extent. Even if it's with the help of others (forums,chats) or reading books or websites and if it's costing you some of your precious free time.

The playing field is level. It just comes down to experience. "How can I increase quality and performance?"
The newbie may needhours and a lot of help to figure that out, the pro only needs one reference site and thirty minutes. Same with add-ons and screenshots.
And speaking of screenshots, what's better? Fiddling and fiddling and getting a satisfying "gosh that looks great" for your hard work or using a tool saving you some work and getting the same comments like "great looking shots" for something that you only needed two minutes for?

It's like climbing a mountain. The freeware guys are doing it like their ancestors did, with their feet, for free and a lot of time and sweat while the payware guys who payed for a helicopter ride get to the top earlier, but don't have the rewarding "I did it!" feeling.

Higher standards in the payware forum. Live with it. Wink

Sure. Remember: I can't stand payware, but looking at it isn't harmful. Wink

Regarding spending ages twiddling to get the best shots...

If a plane has an outside VC you can take the same shots using F1, if it hasn't, you can't (probably).

You'll spend just as long with W+F if not longer; more possibilities, more choices... the results can be great and you are just as satisfied. I haven't noticed any time saving since using these programs (w+f and FE), but my enjoyment of flying and screenie taking has increased immensely..

It's also more fun!!! I love placing the plane in one corner and then looping it, inverting etc, and seeing the sky and ground whirl crazily around me while following the plane as if in formation. It's the only formation I'm probably ever going to manage, I suck at it in mp Cheesy.

It adds to the feeling of motion and flying and you can enjoy it with any plane, even the default 747 if you like......sloooowly...

A second point: The "spirit of freeware" is commonly held to be about guys giving up their free time to create something, enjoying this process of course, and then making it available for free. I think it's great of them to do this, and that is why you'll never (well, almost never Smiley) hear me complaining about the deficiencies of some plane - I take them as I find them, and if I don't like them... bye bye.

However, taking screenshots is not "creating freeware" it is simply enjoying the fruits of other people's labour, and it is possible to argue that by using W+F and other things like FE you are actually showing off other people's work in the best possible light, doing it justice, helping to bring it to a wider audience etc.

Thirdly, and briefly, I disagree that there are higher standards in payware... there are high standards in both forums, and both have their star posters which I marvel at and try to learn from. And my favourite are the stories, where quality of shot comes second or equally with the ideas that go into them.

When I stated 'not much praise for my FE and w+f" what I mean is that no one said "wow FE!! or W+F"
People say "Yeah, Captain Sim Hercules!" or "Great Carenado XXX". W+F is just a tool... payware is imho for payware collectors... The RealAir Spit. The FeelThere so and so...

I have to say that if I had the cash I would also be collecting payware. Why not...




If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #45 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:05am
Heretic   Ex Member

A second point: The "spirit of freeware" is commonly held to be about guys giving up their free time to create something, enjoying this process of course, and then making it available for free. I think it's great of them to do this, and that is why you'll never (well, almost never Smiley) hear me complaining about the deficiencies of some plane - I take them as I find them, and if I don't like them... bye bye.

It's just criticism,but let's say in hard words. "Bad textures" means "needs improved textures".
But if the designer considers a plane finished - fine, I've got other planes. I downloaded a plane and don't like it? Bye,bye. I purchased a plane and don't like it -> screwed.

However, taking screenshots is not "creating freeware" it is simply enjoying the fruits of other people's labour, and it is possible to argue that by using W+F and other things like FE you are actually showing off other people's work in the best possible light, doing it justice, helping to bring it to a wider audience etc.

You can do this if you like but not in a forum that is dedicated entirely to freeware.

When I stated 'not much praise for my FE and w+f" what I mean is that no one said "wow FE!! or W+F"
People say "Yeah, Captain Sim Hercules!" or "Great Carenado XXX". W+F is just a tool... payware is imho for payware collectors... The RealAir Spit. The FeelThere so and so...

But you paid for that tool and the textures. And that makes it payware.

I have to say that if I had the cash I would also be collecting payware. Why not...

Why at all?
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Reply #46 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:14am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
Ok Heretic, I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

On 'why collect payware at all' I think the answer is clear... why do anything? If I had the money for it I would do it, just as I now 'collect' and cram my hard drive with freeware stuff. If I had the money I would go on exotic holidays too... I can't - oh well. I wouldn't buy a payware VC-10 because Maltby's is good enough for me, but I might buy something which I was really keen on, and didn't have a great quality freeware add-on. Or even if there was one. People can do what they like with their money, and if some people are making a living developing addons for FS thats wonderful for them. I have to do something less fun, but that's my fault and my choice. I don't bear grudges towards them for being lucky enough to have a great job.

Otherwise, I'm bowing out of this debate...
I've made all the points I think I can make on the topic, sorry all to take up so much space, but it is one I feel quite strongly about even though it doesn't directly affect me. I can understand that others see things differently, and the need for rules in a forum in order to maintain the high standards it has.

I guess 'the mods' will make their decision based on the opinions of all interested parties, so I hope some other people will add their voices to this debate...I'm going to give it a rest now...promise...nothing else to say anyway...'s an interesting topic, curious as to the result Smiley

See you around!!!


If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #47 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:25am
Souichiro   Ex Member

Well I truely think w&f is a lovely program. but I feel that any shots created with any kind off Payware (except for the PC and FS) should go into the Payware board. I stand behind Björn 100%. I don't have any more points to add to the discussion.

I think that the mods have gotten their answers and it seems most would like W&F to be allowed in these here boards......

So be it....
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Reply #48 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:28am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

Gender: male
Posts: 8255
Well I truely think w&f is a lovely program. but I feel that any shots created with any kind off Payware (except for the PC and FS) should go into the Payware board. I stand behind Björn 100%. I don't have any more points to add to the discussion.

I think that the mods have gotten their answers and it seems most would like W&F to be allowed in these here boards......

So be it....

Wow Souichiro, neat and straight to the point... wish I could do that lol Cheesy


If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #49 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 12:27pm
Heretic   Ex Member

Okay, let's drop the "why payware?" stuff. It was my mistake bringing this up and I agree with you. In the end it comes all down to the money. But if you decide to buy payware, you gotta love it in return.
If there was a payware Do-328 released, I don't know if I could resist,too. But payware for the sake of having it ("payware addict"..hahaha!) is just sick.

As long as you get the stuff you really need, so be it. But buying one add-on after another, with the knowledge that there is stuff out there equally good and for free...

If this decision really ends up in favor for W&F, I demand a designation for W&F threads.

And don't worry Krigl, I still like you. Especially if you point me to some great and free czech addons once in a while. Grin
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Reply #50 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 12:51pm

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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I have an idea!!!

Why don't we drop the whole subject and just let it lie.

If somebody posts a shot or two using w+F, so be it.

Most people who are using it are posting in the Payware Forum anyway.
I don't even think there is a person in the Freeware Forum that has W+F and posts continuously.

So I guess I will "Un-stick" this and whatever happens, happens.

Besides, chasing people around from forum to forum to check and see if they are using W+F where they shouldn't is a total waste of time,

from my point of view  Wink

Thanks for all your input.

So it is safe to say that if somebody uses W+F in here, that they will be frowned upon and we will let the members put them in their place!  Grin

Have fun!


Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #51 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 2:14pm

Saitek   Offline

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Posts: 7555
Much better Smiley

it would make the shots better

NO in contest!

Cheers Theis

Me too - even though I don't have active camera.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, as Theis said, NOT in the contest. 

Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Intel Core 2 Duo E2180 2GHz
GA-P35-DS3L Intel P35
Kingston HyperX 4GB (2x2) DDR2 6400C4 800Mhz
GeForce 8800 GT 512MB
2 x 22" monitors
200GB Sata
Be Quiet! Straight Power 650W

Flying FSX with Saitek's pro flight range:
Switch panel
Yoke and throttle quad
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Reply #52 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:05pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
I say ditch the Payware screenshot forum and combine them again. That'll get rid of all arguments about whats allowed and whats not. Plus those who live in the payware forum won't miss out on whats in the freeware forum and vice versa. I mean honestly, is it really that had to answer the "Is it freeware or payware?" question?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #53 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:40pm
Heretic   Ex Member

I mean honestly, is it really that hard to answer the "Is it freeware or payware?" question?

Its the "Where did you get that?" question.
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Reply #54 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:54pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
Its the "Where did you get that?" question.

When it comes down to it they are basically the same question. So why endure one and not the other?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #55 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:25pm

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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The real reason once again for the two.....


Since the Site is based on Free Add Ons, people should be able to view the Screenshot Forum and see what great free add ons they can add to their Sim. It allows people to say, "Wow, I can get that aircraft and scenery too and it does not cost me anything!" It stays true to what the vision of the site is and what this site is about....
"Over 60GB of Freeware Add-ons. Providing 2 Million Files Monthly to Flight Simulator Users Worldwide!"

The decision was made to split the Screenshot forums into 2 separate forums,
The Freeware Screen Shot Forum & The Payware Screen Shot Forum.
This way it gave the user a choice to view what the two different types of add ons had to offer. It also eliminated the constant question of, "Is that Payware or Freeware?"

By splitting the Forums it gave the Freeware user a forum of their own to share their images with everybody else who could get the same add on simply by downloading it.

It also gave the Payware user a separate forum of their own to share their Payware images and show what type of Aircraft & Scenery Payware Products had to offer.

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #56 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:29pm

jordonj   Offline
Loose my license...WHAT

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My opinion...seperating the two only serves to divide the community...

And you may have a user (like me) who uses primarily freeware, but has a payware installed here and there.

I also don't care for members who stand on their plastic platforms and scorn those who like to buy payware...I mean really!  It all comes down to what you the end, it's all good!

Screenshots are also up to the skill of the photographer...freeware can look just as good as payware, in the right hands, (just as a payware shot can look like crap).  Hence, I see little point in keeping payware out of contests.

I really think we should just have it all on one forum, just my opinion though...


My first flight in a 172 on August 20, 2004&&...&&&&Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right. (P. Drucker) &&&&When all think alike, then no one is thinking. (Walter Lippmann)&&&&Boredom's the problem. And how do you beat Boredom? Adventure!!!&&&&Tyler: You-You'll remember my position, won't you?&&&&Rosie: Sure! Stop by for a drink sometime!&&&&Tyler: Wait! Wait! What is my position?&&&&Rosie: the hell outta me! I just hope I can find my way back home!
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Reply #57 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 7:32am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
Sorry to stick my oar in again...I agree with the above  posts by Jordan and's one hobby and I'd prefer all to be in together.

That's just my humble opinion and I'm sure a lot of guys are violently against it, and I'm not going to fight for it.. but with so many 'payware quality' freeware products out there and also a lot of really poor payware in some companies' portfolios... why divide the community... all posts with payware planes could be marked PW so all who are allergic to it can avoid it... simple, really.

Thats all....



If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #58 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:39am

eno   Offline
Why you shouldn't light
your farts!!
Derbyshire UK

Posts: 7802
I tend to agree with Jordan and Woodlouse ....... when it actually comes down to it we all PAY for our copy of FS. So to follow Heretic's argument to it's most extreme, what are we doing posting any shots of any flightsim apart from open source free ones in the freeware forum?

Whilst I appreciate and applaude Pete's mission statement to concentrate the efforts of this site on supporting, showcasing and providing freeware developers with a forum to show their wares, the payware developers deserve just as much recoginiton.  I don't really see the reason for not just having one screenshot forum.  It still gives the user the choice of what to view and to compare and contrast the attributes of both types of addon. I don't see how this could be detrimental to the freeware developers in fact it would be an insentive to improve their wares.

This site has by far and away the best screenshot forums, considering that the guidelines for posting are more stringent than most other sites. Almost everyone who posts their shots here on Simv can blow the socks of those who post on other forums. Wether you use freeware or payware addons should be irrelevent as we all strive to be better at what we do within this hobby.

I chose to throw money into my hobby to improve my FS experience and I've been lucky enough to be able to do so. I should not be sneered at by those who don't have the same opportunity, I would not look down on those who cannot afford to follow my example.

Let's all just enjoy this hobby and strive to continue to be the best site on the web for those who happen upon it.

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Reply #59 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:49am

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Posts: 199132
I don't have Walk & Follow and just by cropping these shots, I think I am able to produce a similar effect.



What do you think?

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #60 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:54am

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
What do you think?

I think there are freeware utilities that'll do exactly the same as Walk and Follow and Active Camera so it doesn't matter what was used to take the shot.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #61 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 11:06am
Tweek   Ex Member

I think there are freeware utilities that'll do exactly the same as Walk and Follow and Active Camera so it doesn't matter what was used to take the shot.

If there is a freeware utility that allows the camera to pan (in spot view), offsetting the view, I'd like to hear of it! (that doesn't mean editing the aircraft cfg! Tongue)

Still, I'm all for payware utilities being used in freeware screenshots, as long as it is not showcasing the ability of them, i.e. not starting a thread to specifically draw attention to the functions of a program (like W&F or FS Navigator).
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Reply #62 - Dec 3rd, 2005 at 8:34pm
Heretic   Ex Member

So to follow Heretic's argument to it's most extreme, what are we doing posting any shots of any flightsim apart from open source free ones in the freeware forum?


I wrote in one of my first posts in this thread that FS is excluded from the discussion. We all payed for it after all.
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Reply #63 - Dec 4th, 2005 at 4:05am

eno   Offline
Why you shouldn't light
your farts!!
Derbyshire UK

Posts: 7802
Bjorn ...... Let me give you a comparrison with another hobby.

Say we were all Vintage Aircraft  Restorers and we had a forum for posting shots of our projects, asking advice and swopping / buying and selling parts.
Your project is an ME109, you just happened to FIND  rotting in a barn. The 109 needs extensive restoration as it's just a hulk thats been burried under muck and dust for years. You proudly post shots of your project on the forum saying "What a find!". You busily start asking advice and searching for parts from anyone that has enough spares to give them to you.
The day after a friend of yours posts pictures of the ME109 that he has just BOUGHT at auction ... it's in a slightly better condition  than yours there's some of the gauges still in tact and a load of loose spares that just need cleaning up. He too starts asking advice and looking to buy parts from anyone who has them to offer.

In your eyes your friend shouldn't be posting pictures of his project in the same forum. After all he had the money to be able to buy his 109 and  because of that it's in a better state than yours and someone else has started and done half the work for him.
I'm afraid that your argument just smacks of theirs is better than mine because I can't afford or am unable to buy the same gizmos.

Let's all just enjoy the same hobby as best as we all can. Keep payware out of the screenie competition, even walk and follow. But don't complain if someone happens to use it in the freeware screenies forum, especially if it makes a bit of average freeware look fantastic.

As others have said, who cares what the camera was if the shot is fantastic.

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Reply #64 - Dec 4th, 2005 at 12:06pm
Heretic   Ex Member

I'm afraid that your argument just smacks of theirs is better than mine because I can't afford or am unable to buy the same gizmos.

Exactly. Me and many, many others who either have no credit card or don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money for unnecessary stuff.

But don't complain if someone happens to use it in the freeware screenies forum, especially if it makes a bit of average freeware look fantastic.

Do whatever you want. But don't expect a nice word for your pics from me in one of those W&F threads.
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Reply #65 - Dec 5th, 2005 at 3:07pm

Sytse   Offline
Virtual Red Arrows
The Netherlands

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Posts: 3590
If someone posts a nice screenshot but I can't duplicate it myself without using Payware, then it doesn't belong in the Freeware forum.

That's something I have been thinking about. I don't think that all shots in the freeware section should be reproducable by everybody. That would mean that the persons with a good system should post in the payware forum. (You pay for computers...)

This is why I agree with Theis: YES, but NO in contests.
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Reply #66 - Dec 14th, 2005 at 6:48am

Delta_   Offline
London, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 2032
This is why I agree with Theis: YES, but NO in contests.

I agree Smiley

My system:Intel Q6600@3.6GHz, Corsair XMS2 4GB DDR2-6400 (4-4-4-12-1T) , Sapphire 7850 OC 2BG 920/5000, X-Fi Fatality, Corsair AX 750, 7 Pro x64
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