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Question: Should Pay Image Programs be allowed in the Freeware forum?

  11 (57.9%)
  8 (42.1%)

Total votes: 19
« Created by: BMan1113VR on: Dec 4th, 2005 at 5:26pm »

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Image Capture Programs! (Read 728 times)
Reply #45 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:05am
Heretic   Ex Member

A second point: The "spirit of freeware" is commonly held to be about guys giving up their free time to create something, enjoying this process of course, and then making it available for free. I think it's great of them to do this, and that is why you'll never (well, almost never Smiley) hear me complaining about the deficiencies of some plane - I take them as I find them, and if I don't like them... bye bye.

It's just criticism,but let's say in hard words. "Bad textures" means "needs improved textures".
But if the designer considers a plane finished - fine, I've got other planes. I downloaded a plane and don't like it? Bye,bye. I purchased a plane and don't like it -> screwed.

However, taking screenshots is not "creating freeware" it is simply enjoying the fruits of other people's labour, and it is possible to argue that by using W+F and other things like FE you are actually showing off other people's work in the best possible light, doing it justice, helping to bring it to a wider audience etc.

You can do this if you like but not in a forum that is dedicated entirely to freeware.

When I stated 'not much praise for my FE and w+f" what I mean is that no one said "wow FE!! or W+F"
People say "Yeah, Captain Sim Hercules!" or "Great Carenado XXX". W+F is just a tool... payware is imho for payware collectors... The RealAir Spit. The FeelThere so and so...

But you paid for that tool and the textures. And that makes it payware.

I have to say that if I had the cash I would also be collecting payware. Why not...

Why at all?
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Reply #46 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:14am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

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Posts: 8255
Ok Heretic, I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

On 'why collect payware at all' I think the answer is clear... why do anything? If I had the money for it I would do it, just as I now 'collect' and cram my hard drive with freeware stuff. If I had the money I would go on exotic holidays too... I can't - oh well. I wouldn't buy a payware VC-10 because Maltby's is good enough for me, but I might buy something which I was really keen on, and didn't have a great quality freeware add-on. Or even if there was one. People can do what they like with their money, and if some people are making a living developing addons for FS thats wonderful for them. I have to do something less fun, but that's my fault and my choice. I don't bear grudges towards them for being lucky enough to have a great job.

Otherwise, I'm bowing out of this debate...
I've made all the points I think I can make on the topic, sorry all to take up so much space, but it is one I feel quite strongly about even though it doesn't directly affect me. I can understand that others see things differently, and the need for rules in a forum in order to maintain the high standards it has.

I guess 'the mods' will make their decision based on the opinions of all interested parties, so I hope some other people will add their voices to this debate...I'm going to give it a rest now...promise...nothing else to say anyway...'s an interesting topic, curious as to the result Smiley

See you around!!!


If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #47 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:25am
Souichiro   Ex Member

Well I truely think w&f is a lovely program. but I feel that any shots created with any kind off Payware (except for the PC and FS) should go into the Payware board. I stand behind Björn 100%. I don't have any more points to add to the discussion.

I think that the mods have gotten their answers and it seems most would like W&F to be allowed in these here boards......

So be it....
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Reply #48 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:28am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

Gender: male
Posts: 8255
Well I truely think w&f is a lovely program. but I feel that any shots created with any kind off Payware (except for the PC and FS) should go into the Payware board. I stand behind Björn 100%. I don't have any more points to add to the discussion.

I think that the mods have gotten their answers and it seems most would like W&F to be allowed in these here boards......

So be it....

Wow Souichiro, neat and straight to the point... wish I could do that lol Cheesy


If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #49 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 12:27pm
Heretic   Ex Member

Okay, let's drop the "why payware?" stuff. It was my mistake bringing this up and I agree with you. In the end it comes all down to the money. But if you decide to buy payware, you gotta love it in return.
If there was a payware Do-328 released, I don't know if I could resist,too. But payware for the sake of having it ("payware addict"..hahaha!) is just sick.

As long as you get the stuff you really need, so be it. But buying one add-on after another, with the knowledge that there is stuff out there equally good and for free...

If this decision really ends up in favor for W&F, I demand a designation for W&F threads.

And don't worry Krigl, I still like you. Especially if you point me to some great and free czech addons once in a while. Grin
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Reply #50 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 12:51pm

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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I have an idea!!!

Why don't we drop the whole subject and just let it lie.

If somebody posts a shot or two using w+F, so be it.

Most people who are using it are posting in the Payware Forum anyway.
I don't even think there is a person in the Freeware Forum that has W+F and posts continuously.

So I guess I will "Un-stick" this and whatever happens, happens.

Besides, chasing people around from forum to forum to check and see if they are using W+F where they shouldn't is a total waste of time,

from my point of view  Wink

Thanks for all your input.

So it is safe to say that if somebody uses W+F in here, that they will be frowned upon and we will let the members put them in their place!  Grin

Have fun!


Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #51 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 2:14pm

Saitek   Offline

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Posts: 7555
Much better Smiley

it would make the shots better

NO in contest!

Cheers Theis

Me too - even though I don't have active camera.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, as Theis said, NOT in the contest. 

Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Intel Core 2 Duo E2180 2GHz
GA-P35-DS3L Intel P35
Kingston HyperX 4GB (2x2) DDR2 6400C4 800Mhz
GeForce 8800 GT 512MB
2 x 22" monitors
200GB Sata
Be Quiet! Straight Power 650W

Flying FSX with Saitek's pro flight range:
Switch panel
Yoke and throttle quad
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Reply #52 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:05pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
I say ditch the Payware screenshot forum and combine them again. That'll get rid of all arguments about whats allowed and whats not. Plus those who live in the payware forum won't miss out on whats in the freeware forum and vice versa. I mean honestly, is it really that had to answer the "Is it freeware or payware?" question?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #53 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:40pm
Heretic   Ex Member

I mean honestly, is it really that hard to answer the "Is it freeware or payware?" question?

Its the "Where did you get that?" question.
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Reply #54 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 6:54pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

Gender: male
Posts: 12574
Its the "Where did you get that?" question.

When it comes down to it they are basically the same question. So why endure one and not the other?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #55 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:25pm

Fly2e   Offline
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It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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The real reason once again for the two.....


Since the Site is based on Free Add Ons, people should be able to view the Screenshot Forum and see what great free add ons they can add to their Sim. It allows people to say, "Wow, I can get that aircraft and scenery too and it does not cost me anything!" It stays true to what the vision of the site is and what this site is about....
"Over 60GB of Freeware Add-ons. Providing 2 Million Files Monthly to Flight Simulator Users Worldwide!"

The decision was made to split the Screenshot forums into 2 separate forums,
The Freeware Screen Shot Forum & The Payware Screen Shot Forum.
This way it gave the user a choice to view what the two different types of add ons had to offer. It also eliminated the constant question of, "Is that Payware or Freeware?"

By splitting the Forums it gave the Freeware user a forum of their own to share their images with everybody else who could get the same add on simply by downloading it.

It also gave the Payware user a separate forum of their own to share their Payware images and show what type of Aircraft & Scenery Payware Products had to offer.

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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Reply #56 - Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:29pm

jordonj   Offline
Loose my license...WHAT

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Posts: 5601
My opinion...seperating the two only serves to divide the community...

And you may have a user (like me) who uses primarily freeware, but has a payware installed here and there.

I also don't care for members who stand on their plastic platforms and scorn those who like to buy payware...I mean really!  It all comes down to what you the end, it's all good!

Screenshots are also up to the skill of the photographer...freeware can look just as good as payware, in the right hands, (just as a payware shot can look like crap).  Hence, I see little point in keeping payware out of contests.

I really think we should just have it all on one forum, just my opinion though...


My first flight in a 172 on August 20, 2004&&...&&&&Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right. (P. Drucker) &&&&When all think alike, then no one is thinking. (Walter Lippmann)&&&&Boredom's the problem. And how do you beat Boredom? Adventure!!!&&&&Tyler: You-You'll remember my position, won't you?&&&&Rosie: Sure! Stop by for a drink sometime!&&&&Tyler: Wait! Wait! What is my position?&&&&Rosie: the hell outta me! I just hope I can find my way back home!
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Reply #57 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 7:32am

krigl   Offline
Flightsim did me in.

Gender: male
Posts: 8255
Sorry to stick my oar in again...I agree with the above  posts by Jordan and's one hobby and I'd prefer all to be in together.

That's just my humble opinion and I'm sure a lot of guys are violently against it, and I'm not going to fight for it.. but with so many 'payware quality' freeware products out there and also a lot of really poor payware in some companies' portfolios... why divide the community... all posts with payware planes could be marked PW so all who are allergic to it can avoid it... simple, really.

Thats all....



If you're bored of an evening - and you'll have to be - you can check out my screenshot gallery: Kriglsflightsimscreens...HERE

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Reply #58 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:39am

eno   Offline
Why you shouldn't light
your farts!!
Derbyshire UK

Posts: 7802
I tend to agree with Jordan and Woodlouse ....... when it actually comes down to it we all PAY for our copy of FS. So to follow Heretic's argument to it's most extreme, what are we doing posting any shots of any flightsim apart from open source free ones in the freeware forum?

Whilst I appreciate and applaude Pete's mission statement to concentrate the efforts of this site on supporting, showcasing and providing freeware developers with a forum to show their wares, the payware developers deserve just as much recoginiton.  I don't really see the reason for not just having one screenshot forum.  It still gives the user the choice of what to view and to compare and contrast the attributes of both types of addon. I don't see how this could be detrimental to the freeware developers in fact it would be an insentive to improve their wares.

This site has by far and away the best screenshot forums, considering that the guidelines for posting are more stringent than most other sites. Almost everyone who posts their shots here on Simv can blow the socks of those who post on other forums. Wether you use freeware or payware addons should be irrelevent as we all strive to be better at what we do within this hobby.

I chose to throw money into my hobby to improve my FS experience and I've been lucky enough to be able to do so. I should not be sneered at by those who don't have the same opportunity, I would not look down on those who cannot afford to follow my example.

Let's all just enjoy this hobby and strive to continue to be the best site on the web for those who happen upon it.

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Reply #59 - Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:49am

Fly2e   Offline
Global Moderator
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!

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Posts: 199132
I don't have Walk & Follow and just by cropping these shots, I think I am able to produce a similar effect.



What do you think?

Intel Core i7 Extreme Processor 965, 4.2GHz/8MB L3 Cache, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Intel X58 Chipset Cross
Fire & SLI Supported, Mushkin Redline 6GB (3X2GB) Memory, eVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285, Vista 64.


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