Alpha: IVAOs site was down, due to Morten Hansen (IVAO owner) had a disscusion with the staff.
heres his explanation: – The International Virtual Aviation Organization
has been the victim of a coup!
They claim that the council of IVAO has elected a new president.
The Council of IVAO is:
Hq. +
Department Directors and Assistant Directors +
Division Directors and Assistant Directors
There have not been any voting for new president among these council members !
I was a couple of days before a senior-staff meeting I had called for, to try and solve some of the dissatisfaction I was aware of, that there was among some of the staff-members, informed that a clique of senior and non-senior staff members had decided that if I wouldn’t hand over the domain and take the position of Honored President they would leave and start their own network.
Instead – the day before the senior-staff meeting - they removed all my accesses, toke the website, databases and servers and made a duplicate network.
As they have removed my access to a.o. the databases, I am currently not able to provide the services you have been used to – Sorry !
(Looking for legal advisor.....)
Personally I of course have some un-answered questions......
How many of the staff supports these actions ? And how many of the members ?
I have the last days got extremely many e-mails on my private e-mail address.
+700 mails - only 3 of these were negative - again - Thanks for your support !
You can read my full version of mine and IVAO's history here
.........when I have finished it (currently working on it)
Morten Hansen.
Ivaos new homepage (
Cheers Theis