Yes his instructions are a little confusing, esp. to someone new to TTools and the AI traffic source files.
Quote:Using T-Tools,add AC#500 and 501 into your aircraft folder and save the changes…
.....Should be"....into your aircraft.txt file....". Same for '...Flightplans folder...'. Also these instructions are more for FS2002 which handles the creation of new AI traffic a little differently.
**Reading the TTools help file should help to clarify this.**
I'll assume a few things: 1) Your simulator is FS2004. 2) You have properly installed the 2 aircraft into FS2004. 3) You have TTools 2.02 installed and know the location of the TTools.exe file.
In Explorer, goto the folder containing the extracted .zip file. Inside is a folder named 'T-Tools info' containing 2 files, 'aircraft.txt' and 'flightplans.txt'. Rename these files to 'aircraft_airforce1.txt' and 'flightplans_airforce1.txt'.
Copy these 2 files to your TTools folder (the folder containing TTools.exe).
Also in the TTools folder is a program file named 'CollectAirports.exe'. Run this program and select 'Collect FS2004 Airports'. The program will create a file named 'airports_2004.txt'. Rename this file to 'airports_airforce1.txt'.
Now run TTools and on the left the 3 new files should be grouped together. Click on one of the new .txt files. All 3 should become highlighted, and the 'Compile' button should become active. If not recheck the file names, the common parts '...._airforce1..' must match.
Click 'Compile' and TTools will create the new 'traffic_airforce1.bgl' file and place it in FS2004.
That should do it. If you encounter problems/errors along the way, read the TTools help file.
At that time [1909] the chief engineer was almost always the chief test pilot as well. That had the fortunate result of eliminating poor engineering early in aviation. Igor Sikorsky
I intend to live far, so good. Steven Wright
You can just rip up a to-do list.