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Many Problems (Read 895 times)
Sep 26th, 2005 at 6:24pm

CMarky   Offline
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Little America

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Hello everyone,
It's been about 2 years since I've had a serious 'play' with CFS2 and the first time I've ever posted on this forum.(I think ???)
As with most of the flight sims I've ever owned, CFS2 hasn't done exactly as advertised. It has never lived on my hard drive for any length of time due to performance Issues. (Stutters!!) No matter how many peoples advice I took. Or which tweek(s) I performed, it never made a blind bit of difference. The problem has persisted Sad I think the only reason it didn't go in the bin years ago is because I've had loads of fun adding bits to it Grin I've never so much as flown a training mission. Just 'Free Flight' to admire the work of those many talented people out there constantly expanding the list of addons.
I have been informed on several occations on different forums that I'll never get smooth running on any sim as long as I'm using Windows 98. (Oh well!) But this time I've promised myself to give it a go with some Training missions etc and see how I get on.
So far I've added various 'improvements' to aircraft, scenery and effects.
Some of the scenery however is proving troublesome. It would seem that some of the maskrider scenery packages are calling for trees that have not been included in his tree package. Infact they are looking for Lindsey Watts original trees and not the maskrider trees at all?
I believe the 'original' package can be found at SimOuthouse, but that site either doesn't exist any more or is down for some reason.
Also the Midway42 package is giving me trouble. I have followed the instructions on how to remove both the original objects and runway to the letter. Unfortunately the runway has refused to budge and I'm not sure that the new objects are in the correct place either.
I do hope some one out there in CFS2 land can help me.

Mark Smiley
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Reply #1 - Sep 26th, 2005 at 7:38pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

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Posts: 1537
Hi Mark,

which MaskRider sceneries do you have? his newer sceneries use GSL objects (Destroyable objects) and his older ones use Api Macros, the links for the Macro's are below:

MaskRider Complete Library Objects/API Macro Collection

Lindsay Watt's Tree Library

Hope that's what you needed.

Good Hunting,

Edit - if you're using the old Api\Macro sceneries might I suggest upgrading to the GSL? GSL objects are more frame friendly, and they're destroyable.  Smiley
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Reply #2 - Sep 26th, 2005 at 8:08pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Hi Mark. CFS2 runs just fine on Win98 so don't worry on that score. What's more important is your system specs & video card. Correct video card drivers can make a lot of difference & also the amount of RAM. 512 Mb is supposed to be the optimum for Win98.

Fireman is the best person to give advice on that Maskrider scenery or Maskrider himself. He used to be a member of this forum but I haven't seen him lurking recently.


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Reply #3 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 6:04am

CMarky   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Little America

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Posts: 6
Hi Guys,
It is the GSL scenery for New Guinea that is in need of trees. Thanks for the links.
I have the library objects already which are loading fine.
But I am still unable to get those trees, even via your link. Sim Outhouse seems to be unavailable. Sad

By the way. My system spec is:

gigabyte GA-7VT600 MoBo
Athlon 2000xp
Gainwood FX5900XT
Hercules Fortissimo3
512meg DDR333 ram

Thanks for your responses.

Mark Smiley
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Reply #4 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 6:28am

ozzy72   Offline
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Pretty scary huh?

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Mark to use the Sim-Outhouse downloads you have to register (it is free) Wink

There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #5 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 8:47am

CMarky   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Little America

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Posts: 6
Hi Ozzy,
At the moment my computor wont even let me see the site, let alone download anything!!! Angry
All I can get is that page telling you that the server may be unavailable due to the wind blowing from the wrong direction, and to check my security options, etc, etc.

Mark Smiley
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Reply #6 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 9:49am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
SoH appears to be working normally for me.
You could also try Netwings
although I'm sure most of what you need should be available here at SimV.


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Reply #7 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 3:35pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537

if you PM me your E-mail address I'll E-mail you the GSLized trees.

Good Hunting,

btw, do you need the GSL buildings too?
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Reply #8 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 7:39pm

CMarky   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Little America

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Posts: 6
Hi Hagar,
I already have the MR Trees installed.
According to an old post on Netwings, the MR Trees package has not got all of the the original LWD trees in it. It also looks as though the trees have been renamed as MR_tree and not LWD_tree, which is what the program is calling for. Also the set up document does specify LWD_Tree_Library.
And I still can't get onto sim-outhouse!!!
I think it must be my fire wall or internet options setup causing the problem.

I've just had a great idea! Forget the PTO, I'll go for some European scenery instead Grin

Mark Smiley
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Reply #9 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 10:11pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537

the trees and objects at netwings are Api\Macros, the trees you need are GSL, or destroyable... if you only have the MaskRider GSL scenery installed, you only need the GSL scenery objects.

Good Hunting,
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Reply #10 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 6:29am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
I seem to remember the updated Maskrider scenery is not compatible with the earlier stuff. If you have any of that already installed I suggest removing it. I also remember that the Maskrider scenery can cause conflicts with other 3rd party scenery by some other authors. For example; Steve McClelland's Pacific FarEast mesh & airfields that we use for the Fox Four campaigns. Maskrider used to have his own website where the files could be downloaded & all this explained. I'm not sure if this is still up as I can't find it from a quick search on Google.

PS. If I'm not mistaken these are the trees you're looking for.


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Reply #11 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 9:08am

james007   Offline
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  CfS2 How to increase Frame Rate
« on: Sep 20th, 2004, 3:19am »  Quote  Modify  Remove 


I have read thru many post many Complains about poor frame rate by their PC when runnning CFS2.  Here are some small tips I have learned through many trail and errors. The first thing you must bee aware is what are the capabilities of your PC.  You must also know the quality of your video card also. You need at list more than 1.5 MHz speed. 512 MB Ram plus a minimum of 80 Hard drive memory to make CFS2 program work  well. Make sure your Hard drive Memory is less than 75% full. That in itself will effect the efficiency of your PC. Make sure you vedio Card is up to date with all the it latest drives.
Next thing most People do not understand is that sound takes the most of the resources of your PC when running a flight Simulator. 
You should always check where the sound volume in the game are set.  Remember your sounds volume do not have to be place at itst maximum setting when you are playing. Some times it feel more realistic when the the sound are set at a lower setting. For example if you set voice volume down to lets say yo 10% .  You may feel it sounds more realistic than before since in real life Pilots had a hard time hearing other Pilots with all the noises going around them. So you can lower the volume on all your sound settings until you feel confortable with them.
Also if your a English speaking person . You do not need to read the Messages from your fellow squadron members. Message read out  take a lot of resources from your PC and that may decrease your frame rate.

You may take a look at your Graphic settings and  adjust them from 1 to 6 depending of you might find acceptable with what frame rate you feel confortable with. Remember you can make your own adjustments within  the Graphics Setting . For Example if you set the graphic stetting at 2 . But you feel you are not getting the Frame Rate you like.  You can  always go settings/Image Quality and make your own changes.

You should always take at look at what resolution does you PC and your vedio card work best with. In my experience  I put mine at resolution of 480 x 720 x 16 in the CFS2. I place my PC vedio at higher resolution setting of  480 x 720 x 32 . I have had great results from that. 

How do manipulate the vedio resolution in you PC. Well thats easy. Right click with your mouse. Your wiil see  with different requests . Go down the roll where it says properties . Double clickck on it . Go where it says Settings. There you should see the resolution settings for your vedio card. Set it to your liking. Test over many different settings until you find one that works best the for you . Just remember the Lower the resolution the better the frame rate. But also remember your are also sacrifying visual quality over frame rate. Some times the lower resolutions gives you poor frame rate also. I do not understand why.

Another thing to remember is that the more planes you place on a mission the more the PC has to work.  The lower thr Frame Rate. So lower the amount of planes in your missions. You really do not need 65 planes per mission to get  the most realism out of a mission possible. You probably get the same effect with only 30 to 35 planes. And that way you will get better Frame Resolution.
How to lower the number of planes in your missions is easy. Go to your MB. Open it and go to save missions , change the numbers of each squadron or delete some of the least essentials quadron by removing the farthest away squads from the player plane. Remember most or all the action revolve around the players plane.Then save the the Mission .

I hope this tips will improve your enjoyment of CFS2 experience. I hope I have been a little helpful.
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Reply #12 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 9:23am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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I forggot to mention that Ships and Ground obects also chew up a lot of PC resources if they are moving. So be Jugdyciouse on how many Ships on the move you are going to put in a mission. If you spread them out a little bit.  You may get the same illusion of attacking a large task force as before and perhaps you do not need the thirty ships you where using before but only 18 to 22.
Rememder you also have static Ships and groud objects in your MB. Use them as often as possible in missions you do need moving objects. Open the MB and on your right upper side you should see a bulls eye Icon. Double click on it and you will be able see the static objects avalable.Chose whether you want Ships ,Planes ect. I hope this will help you.

PS make sure you defractment you PC on a regular basis. you also need to clean compac disc.  Last but not least you should scan for virus on a regular base.Check your vedio card and see if your card is up to date. Upload its lates drive.

Window 98 is not the problem. Believe me, The program was made to work at its best with window 98.

You can also change the program to work with Window 98 by changing its configuration through the front desk Icon and right clicking it.

I hope I have been helpful

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Reply #13 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 5:29pm

CMarky   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Little America

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Posts: 6
Thanks for all the good advice guys. And for the link Hagar. Unfortunately it linked me back to sim-outhouse, which as you already know isn't recognised by my computer.
Oh well! It was a good try.

Mark Smiley
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Reply #14 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 5:48pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Thanks for all the good advice guys. And for the link Hagar. Unfortunately it linked me back to sim-outhouse, which as you already know isn't recognised by my computer.
Oh well! It was a good try.

Mark Smiley

I can't think why that would be Mark. I'm downloading the file right now & I'm not even logged in.


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