Even dow guys I really hate this type of post. I have to clarify some things. CFS2 has never been stronger and better developed. Even dow there are many areas still to bee improved.
Mathias you assertion that there have been a few mission packages and f9 planes developed and converted for this program is just wrong.
There are many packages and sceneries plus planes been made to this game.
Just in the last two days Thicko uploaded a La5 and La7 that are not f9 convertions.
Akemis planes. They are not F9 convertables.
Usio is still developing Ships for this program. What about Akemis and what about Piloto Azul.
Thats another great thing about this Sim. The ability to convert planes from F9 to CFS2. Is not that a great option.
What can you tell about the Ships Collins have developed for this Sim.
What can you tell me about Stiz several Land Texures and Ocean Texture improvements as well.
The reason there are very few CFS2 available in the market now days is that it selled well at its time.
I"m sorry I forgot Jimkos Pacific Textures.
Xaviers Bases. Over 360 new bases plus 70 more that he is developing for Japan.
There many more but I do not the space to write all their names in.
You got to remember that this program is 5 years old and still going strong.
I can still see CFS3 in shelf of some PC stores. The reason for that is that it has not sell as well as its predecesors did.
Any program thats is still in store shelf after two year in the Market is simply not a great seller.
You think Hadgar and his group are a fools for developing a Korean Campaign knowing that CFS2 does not support Jets properly.
Stiz keep developing your World war one project please. This way we will have two version of World war one instead of the only one.
I know some people never developed a taste good for this program.
The reason is simple. They detest the Pacific Theater.
Now let me explain something. World war two Simulator World is in decline. That not just CFS2 but CFS3 and EAW plus Forgotten Battle/Pacific Fighteras also.
We desperately need a new World war two Sim of high quality.
In the mean time we as a community need to stick together and develope our collective Sims to their Maximum.
I do not like to divide and to weaken our communities. The number are not important but the quality of the people involve in this habby is whats important.
Here is what another member of our community said in a prevous post on what he would like to see in a future Sim.
1.Well if we are in daydream land I would take CFS3 with a clickable TrackIR capable 3D cockpit, CFS4's terrain & other enhancements + CFS2's fuel tank selection, carriers & world map.
Add in EAW's 250+ plane , all in the air at the same time, formations & Woten controler along with Falcon 4's dynamic campaign engine, avionics/comms models, flight system management, mission recon, BDA, FAC & ATC.
If y'all have never seen Falcon 4 before the basic engine start trainer will give you some idea of the level of detail. 99% of the items you see in the cockit actually functions.
Falcon 4 cold engine startup proceedure. Run the utility & click on the green circles to advance.
http://www.avhistory.org/movies/rampstart.exe In the game if you go with a ramp start it will take about 10-12 minutes. The inertial guidance system takes about 7-8 minutes to figure out where it is on the face of the earth.
This is a link to a navagation tutorial
http://users.skynet.be/F4Checklists/F4tacan.htm BEAR
« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2005, 1:34pm by AvHistory » Logged
http://www.avhistory.orghttp://www.medairwar.com I agree