Quote:What are you guys planning on doing, Bombardier? ... Just wondering
Well, we're currently making a bunch of Night Over Western Europe campaigns (Nachtjäger, British Nightfighter, Bomber Command, Night Blitz) and I still need to finish off the WW1 scenery for Stiz and WW&C. Then Operation Strangle campaign and then some stuff like USN Bomber Campaign (like my IJN Bomber Campaign 'cept from the USN bomber point of veiw, two essential addons for CFS2!
). Then maybe in between some of that I can help out the other member (I don't know if I can reveal who else is in yet... ???
) on an Eastern Front campaign (coooool.... 8)).
But for now, it's Nachtjäger we are making. I am the one who does the missions and campaign file and all that and Cor..
does the stuff to do with exhaust effects, converting models and coming up with some cool ideas and maybe some other things I don't know about yet. But ja, Herr Stratobat, das Nachtjäger campaign is what we are doing now, kamerad... lol