Quote:Hmmm. What have you gone & done now? That's messed it right up. LOL
What did you want me to change it to? I think the best thing is for us all to delete our own replies. That will eventually remove the whole thread.
LOL! Maybe you could change your first post on this topic to...CFS2's flexibility?
Now that I think about it you can't remove the whole thing even if everyone deletes theirs.
Quote:Bombardier thank for your scenery. Looking forward for your new night campaign.
It's good to know someone likes my work
It has a good way to go yet as I have to fix up my missions so the frame rate won't drop to 1FPS
lol But it will be a ~36-mission campaign so as much as it will take me to complete making it and the beta testers completing it it will take you even longer than the stock campaigns (they are 30 mission campaigns). Oh if you want any tips on nightfighting in German nightfighters just tell me, I'm an expert
Quote:It would have been dead if it where not for the dedicated developers of this community.
Some to name: B24guy, Stiz, Corsair Freak,AF=Midway team, Xavier Berdaguer, Maskrider, Bombardier (me), Fox Four, Akemi.
Happy flying,