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Which tactics are best? (Read 1410 times)
Reply #45 - Aug 10th, 2005 at 10:19am

dcunning30   Offline
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I see.  Seems I ddin't quite understand you then.  Anyway, that question about sims regarding Europe is an interesting one.  Let me give my opinion.  Being more interested in the Pacific War than Europe, I was very interested in the FPS, MOHPA.  So far, it's had moderate success at best.  If you visit the MOHPA forums, everyone's complaining about the sim.  First of all, Electronic Arts released an unfinished product, I suppose to take advantage of the Christmas season and other bad decisions such as the Flyboys mission, which is horrible.  But I began to think through the local.  Playing a FPS located in pacific islands are just not as interesting as playing  a FPS located in and around European towns and cities.  Now, for a Pacific War history freak like me, I was eating it up, but for the casual gamer, lugging a sniper rifle through the rubble of Stalingrad is far more interesting.

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Reply #46 - Aug 10th, 2005 at 10:44am

dcunning30   Offline
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I should clarify DC,   And i should not have said majority.

BUt at the same time ill stand by what I said,  As its those brainwashed soldiers that useally end up doing something stuipd,  like the prison in Iraq.  

Theres a great scene in I believe the 2nd episode of Band of Brothers that tells alot.  when one of the US troops stumbles across a German POD who actually was an American from a city near to where the American was from.  This soldier, and many others find out,   Hey, these people arnt that bad?  Its just our governments clashing over whatever....  

Then you could watch a movie like Full Metal Jacket,  in which the Helicopter Machine Gunner gets asked "how do you know which ones too shoot at, and he replies "If they run, theyre VC,  if they dont run, theyre well trained VC"  Basically this fictional character embodies the "brainwashed soldier"  Where he does not see a human,  he sees an enemy that must die.  On all sides of every war, there are people with this mentalitiy. Most notable Hiter and the Nazis.  Anyway, this is gettin way off subject so ill wrap it up by saying that i respect people who join up and commet to such a thing as serving,  BUT there are alot of people who join up,  who are unable to determine right from wrong but are giving a gun anyway.....  (Some of them even end up running things)

and i wouldnt say the History books are written by the victors,  They are written by the country your in.  China has recently been upset with Japan, because in the new edition of Japans history books for the schools,  they ignore the horrible things that the Japanese did in China,  and make Japan out to be the "Good guys"

Can you imagine a history book in 50 years saying "In 2003,  We (the US) invaded Iraq and forced them to become a democratic country.....  Of course not, it will say we liberated a surpressed people.


The Dam Busters,  now that was some sort of tactic

The Abu Girab matter was an anomoly.  The second shift guards were not regular army and weren't properly trained.  Much hay was made out of it by the media and certain politicians *purely* for political reasons.  The fact is, by the time the pictures hit the media, the military had been several months involved into the investigation with the goal of prosecuting the culprits.  Yet the media and certain politicians made it look like they discovered the army doing bad stuff and it was them who were forcing the military's investigations.  They have lied to us, for political purposes.

And your reference to the Band of Brothers must but put into it's proper context.  Sure, regular conscripts were just regular folk caught up in the events, but the Waffen SS and the Hitler Youth, they were truly the kool-aid drinkers.  They believe in all the Nazi hype, especially the Hitler Youth.  They were psycho about the propaganda.

And Full Metal Jacket, it's a movie.  Viet Nam was an ill-prepared war with unclear goals, poor strategies, and no domestic support.  What steams me is watching media and certain politicians who clearly do not support our Iraq effort are the ones who keep trying to convince anyone and everyone that Iraq is another Viet Nam.  It's like a self fufilling prophecy.  If they keep saying Iraq is like Viet Nam enough, they attempt to convince the polulation, then the population will enu up withdrawing support and it will end up like Viet Nam.  This is dispicable to me.

All this hype of "We don't support the war but we support the troops" is nonsense.  The troops are defined by their mission.  The sooner and more successfully they complete their mission, the sooner they come home.  By not supporting their mission, morale IS affected.  No amount of explaining and theorizing can change that fact.  The soldier is defined by his/her mission.  Period.  Heck, we're still dealing with Viet Nam vets who are still having issues.  Why?  Because it was an unpopular war and they got no support.  Imaging, they killed, adn watched their buddies die around them, only to have some bunch of politically motivated activists tell them that they suffered hardship and pain for, in John Kerry's words, "A big nothing".  Is that what we want for our service personnel in Iraq to deal with when they come home?  That's exactly what certain segments in society are trying (albieit unknowingly) to set up for them.

Now is Iraq easy?  No.  Is any war?  No. So, when it get's difficult, do we dig in, or do we cut and run?  These media and politicians want us to cut and run, thus fulfilling their prophecies.

And I'm aware how the Japanese had attempted to sanitize thei ractivities in WWII.  But to equate that with Iraq is to ignore the facst.  The Iraqi's were a suppressed people.  How can you say they weren't?  And you know what comprises the insurgents?  Ex-Bathists and foreign jihadis.  Now, the ex-Bathis have been rethinking their actions considering they're killing their fellow Iraqis.  But the foreign jihadis?  They could care less who they are killing.  In fact, they are targeting Iraqi's because they make easier targets.  To equate all this with what Japan did to China during WWII is to ignore large sums of current facts and historical facts.

...but we are moving off the subject of WWII fighters in a very big way at this point.

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Reply #47 - Aug 10th, 2005 at 1:14pm

MadTIGERmaN   Offline
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DC...  Your points are well taken.....
Except for every person who said Iraq is another Vietnam,   You have someone calling Sadaam the next Hitler,  INCLUDING the President who called Iraq, Iran and N.Korea "the new Axis of Evil"   compairing them to Germany, Italy, and Japan.

so it works both ways.

I feel its much closer to Vietnam then WW2.  Im pretty good friends with a recruiter, and hes said how hard recruiting is right now,  because of troops being sent off to be a police force in a land where they want you dead.

Anyway,  to wrap up my point.  The Educated soldier is less likely to do something,  "war crime" worthy,  Then the brainwashed soldier.

Just look at who the Japs would recruit for Kamakazee missions.... 

and im not talking educated in an ABC, 123's way,  more of a cultural way.

Inside of my Cage I am still just a Cat full of rage
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Reply #48 - Aug 10th, 2005 at 2:28pm

dcunning30   Offline
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The Land of Nod

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I feel its much closer to Vietnam then WW2.  Im pretty good friends with a recruiter, and hes said how hard recruiting is right now,  because of troops being sent off to be a police force in a land where they want you dead.

Anyway,  to wrap up my point.  The Educated soldier is less likely to do something,  "war crime" worthy,  Then the brainwashed soldier.

Just look at who the Japs would recruit for Kamakazee missions....  

and im not talking educated in an ABC, 123's way,  more of a cultural way.

I agree about Iraq being more like Viet Nam that WWII.  The WWII generation became one mind in winning the conflict.  There was much debate pro and against the war prior to us entering the war.  But once we joined the conflict, all debate stopped.  With Iraq, as was in Viet Nam, the debate continued, without regard to the harm to morale of the troops that is created by many of the things that were and are being said.

And I can understand recruiting going down.  All you have to do is watch the evening news and anyone would become depressed about matters.  There's positive news regarding Iraq, just you're not going to get it from the networks.  Also, regarding active duty personnel, re-up's are going through the roof.

Your points regarding the educated soldier and using kamakaze's as an example are not clear to me.  Can you explain what you mean?

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Reply #49 - Aug 12th, 2005 at 1:26am

MadTIGERmaN   Offline
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I cant say forsure,  but i know the Japs had certain "types"  for the Kamakazee....   people with low self esteem perhaps?  they would build them up telling them "look at the honor you will do for your country" 

Actually, pretty much the same type of tactis the terrorists use for suicide bombers.   People with that same mentality.

but those same types of people are easy recruits for our armed forces too (ares meaning the US as i am from america)  We just know theyre worth more alive then dead....  and we dont call them "suicide missions"  even if they have little hope.....  can you imagine the PR on that one?

And about the news,  its not all one sided,  its actually drastically both sided. 

I saw 2 articles in the same paper in one day not long ago.

One was about how great life in Iraq is now,  how X% of people now have phones/cell phones, internet access, and all these other things that they never had before.

then on the next page it says how horrible life in Iraq is,  that you only get 4 hours of Electricity a day, and little water.

What the writer wants you to believe, is what they will spin the story too......

Which helped make the Flying Tigers into Gods of Aviators,  along with Jimmy Doolittle and his Raiders,  Boyington and the Black Sheap (talk about bending the truth,  how bout his book and TV show?)

Inside of my Cage I am still just a Cat full of rage
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Reply #50 - Aug 12th, 2005 at 2:28am

james007   Offline
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You have got to remeber the way they though back then was different that the way we think to day.

What many writters forget is that most of the time the truth is more interesting than created Myth.

Military Myth are created to reduce fear and create confidence. Sometimes Goverment need to do this.

But Historian given the appropiate time. Should exclude them from actual historical records.

I blame our present day Historians for not been more critical.

This is only a opinion

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Reply #51 - Aug 12th, 2005 at 7:01am

Bombardier101   Offline
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All this hype of "We don't support the war but we support the troops" is nonsense.  The troops are defined by their mission.

I'm sorry Dcunning but I disagree with you on that.

I think what they mean is they want the troops to stay alive and well (and probably get them out of Iraq), but they don't want them to wage war. I hope I've made my point without any offence.

Back to the subject, does anyone know what tactics the Luftwaffe employed? The only ones I can think of are Nachtjagd tactics:

-Wilde Sau (Wild Boar/Pig)

-Zahme Sau (Tame Boar/Pig)

-Schrage Musik (Slanting Music)

If any one wants to know what these tactics are feel free to ask me here or if anyone can add more Luftwaffe tactics feel free to tell me here.


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Reply #52 - Aug 12th, 2005 at 12:09pm

MadTIGERmaN   Offline
Cant beat a Tiger in a
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Please do tell us Bomberman Smiley  would love to hear what those tactics are?   interesting names.

And your right on about the support our troops but not the war thing.  Thats how ive felt all along and meant to address that with DC.   Im a big Pearl Jam fan, and they cought MAJOR flack back in 03 for voicing up against Bush.  Suddenly because they did not support the presidents decision to go to war,  they were un-american, un-patriotic, and wanted the troops dead?   Which makes no sence really,  how can people who dont support war, because they want PEACE want troops dead?    and so on,  i could go on forever about the subject.  And i do think the best part about Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam through that whole thing,  Is that Eddie V is very well knowledge on the subject, and isnt just another celebrity wind bag.

Inside of my Cage I am still just a Cat full of rage
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Reply #53 - Aug 12th, 2005 at 2:47pm

dcunning30   Offline
This is me......really!!!!
The Land of Nod

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I think what they mean is they want the troops to stay alive and well (and probably get them out of Iraq), but they don't want them to wage war. I hope I've made my point without any offence.

Not to worry,  I'm not offended.  Even though I still have big issues with that point of view,  I will stop posting on this subject.  It's probably gone on for too long anyway.

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