Hello all! It's about time for the second flight on the hoplist for our around the world tour!
This time we are to depart from:
KLHM Lincoln California and fly to KLKV lakeview Oregon.
Barring any bad weather we this flight should take approximately 1:45 in the default Cessna 172SP. I would recommend flying the Cessna 182S, or possibly the 182RG if you have one. If not it is ok to use a similar aircraft.
If you DO use an aircraft that isn't stock in the sim, we would like to recommend that you post a message with a link or filename of the aircraft that you are using so we can avoid having taildragging 172's, etc.
As last time we will continue using skype for this session. (
www.skype.com). Be sure to post a message or PM me with your Skype username so I can call you at 9pm tomorrow night.
As my ip address is dynamically assigned from my ISP I will post the IP address for the session by 8pm tomorrow night in this thread.
Same as before the session will start at 9pm and last till either 11pm or we have landed. (Typically before 11pm)
As always, I hope to see you there,
just so you know now....
the IP address for this session is: