After d/l and installing this scenery
by John Young, i see what you mean re: airport icon not showing in GPS mapview. this is not something i would have noticed had it not been mentioned.
funny thing is, when EGCN is first loaded and the GPS is opened for the first time, the round airport icon shows and then it quickly changes to a runway icon.
I could not even get a screenshot at 1280x1024 but do have one of the runway icon:
I hope this is what you referred toHere's what AF2 readme says about Addon Scenery"21. Add-on Scenery and AFCAD
BGLC files will completely override the visual elements of AF2 data, but will not block the facility information from the AF2 files. Mixing AF2 scenery with BGLC scenery:
Designers would use a scenery design program like FSSC or Airport for Windows to create the visible BGLC scenery and
instrument-usable navaids, and they would use AFCAD to produce the invisible AFD airport facility data to match.
Some designers may be wondering if they can use visual elements from the AF2 scenery, such as runways and curved taxiways, with visual elements from BGLC, such as buildings and other structures. It has been demonstrated that this is possible, but it involves tricky llayering and exclusions methods. "
I have no idea if this is the cause but you are correct in your observations.
P.S. Thanks for the headsup on what apperas to be a good scenery addon. Now I'll get the AI_traffic workin'
You are correct: John YOung's is much better scenery