Here's some other things to consider:
I had the same problem. I wanted the enemy a/c to be
a very real a dangerous threat to my carriers, but could
never get them to "really" do it. So I never felt hard
pressed to get every bomber. Until I found a simple and
sublime solution to the problem.
1. Rookie bomber pilots are just that. If you want your
bomber pilots to actually hit the target, make sure they
are at least veterans.
2. Even though you have set a waypoint to be the
location of the strike (whether ships or static targets),
it is still not enough to put the strike triangle in the
general vicinity of the target. Have a look at the example
below. This will NOT make the bombers hit the target:
Note on the far left where it says,
"Target: Current Point"
This may work for static targets, although rarely, but
for ships almost never. Because the bombers will put
their bombs on almost that exact point, and if a ship
has moved during the mission, it either isn't there yet,
or has already moved past!
I can't tell you how many times I've pounded my desk
and screamed colorful metphors at my computer over
this problem! (I am ex-Navy; I am quite skilled at this,
thank you - hehehe - but computers don't listen).
At last I found the solution. You have to zoom in a lot, as
I did in the example, and then move the strike
point triangle around a few times until the "Target: "
actually lists the "name" of the ship or static target, in
this case - "Alamance" Thus:
This way, the bombers will attack the ships "wherever"
they are located, irrespective of their movement.
Using this method, and the use of "veteran" bombers,
I created a mission where swarms of Kates and Vals
are attacking my carrier group. I had to be sure to get
almost every bomber in each enemy flight...or lose my
own carrier!!! I even had the same planes continue the
attack with guns on the destoyers, and lost 1 CV and
2 DDs because of it! Damn effective! What's really cool
is placing the Dive-Bombers at 5000 feet at the strike
point. Then they go screaming into the target. It's a
very difficult intercept. Very cool!