There's a few bombsights around that might work for you.
The kind that I've seen most often in CFS2 aircraft is a panel implementation that gives you a view down through a set of crosshairs. These are set to be accurate (-ish) at given air speeds and altitudes. Ken Austin's bomb sights (
http://www.simviation.com/members/cfs2panels12.htm) use this approach and they look good, too!
There is also a level bombsight implemented in AF=Midway's TBD-1(
This is excellent and seems highly versatile at various altitudes and airspeeds as it does the necessary calculations for you and puts you right on the money every time. I've checked this against the bomb_trainer and it's really very accurate indeed, provided you are absolutely straight and level.
I had some problems getting it to work at the outset - the sight was visible, but the screen was blacked out. I finally traced the difficulty to a couple of errors in the panel.cfg file. Replace the existing panel entry for Window02 as follows:
window_size= 1.000, 1.000
window_pos= 0.000, 0.000
gauge00=bombsight!sight, 173,53,299
gauge01=bombsight!Switchb, 0,0,139,480
gauge02=bombsight!Switchbb, 501,0,139,480
All the best,