Hasman check the scenery setting within the game it self. Play around with it and see wich one will give you the look you want.
CFS2 is the only Simulator that allows the most access to its inner workings and with the most options available to change them to your liking.
If that does not work to your liking. Their is the possibilaty that your vidoe card its not up to date in its drivers.
Another possible thing to do is to change the scenery with one available thru our many Webs dedicated to this Simulator.
I like Stiz World FS2004 Tuxures available at:
http://www.combatfs.com/index.php?loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileType=cfs2-sce...It easy to install. Just open the Microsoft flight Combat 2 Folder/SCENEDB Folder/ World/ Texture. Paste and copy and overide the old Texure. Thats it!
There are many sceneries are available in this same Web. Check them out.
To install the other Scenery go to the Post by me call how to install Mesh. There you are going to see a Post by Hagar that will explain to you how to install all other scenereis that do include World Texures.
Another word of advice is for you to always backup your CFS2 folders so if do not like the new sceneries you can delete and copy and paste back the original sceneries.
I hope you like my advice.