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cfs3 or PF (Read 26765 times)
Reply #15 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 1:10pm

beaky   Offline
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Uhhhh.... yup!
Newark, NJ USA

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So much for "to each his own"... ouch! For what it's worth, I base my knowledge of  WWII aircraft  on years of (admittedly casual) study of various sources, including talking in person with WWII fighter pilots (would that be an accurate source?), and my knowledge of aircraft performance on over 200 hrs. flying real aircraft, including some aerobatics. A world away from flying WWII fighters, I know, but the same basic rules apply- the numbers are different, that's all.  And as long as we're splitting hairs, the white smoke thing refers to oil coming in contact with the hot engine; I only mentioned it because I noticed in PF if the oil res. is punctured or whatever, the plane starts streaming black smoke. Haven't really noticed the excessive gun smoke (my bad on that misread), but I don't doubt it- ubisoft definitely goes for the drama in the exterior views.  I'll check on the symmetrical damage thing, too- that's stupid.
  I was a little annoyed at first by the tendency of most of the IL2/PF planes to stall when least expected to, but I've learned to deal with it.  I'm pretty convinced that CFS3 is more forgiving in this regard because they made it easier. But  one of the things I like about PF2 is that there's plenty of audible and visual warning (shaking and slipstream noise) of an impending stall, so my last few flights have been much better... given enough altitude, even if I do lose it for a second, they seem to recover in a realistic fashion (I don't know for sure, having never flown anything quite like these planes, but dump nose/opposite rudder usual yields the same result in PF as it has in my own experience in real aircraft).  Anyway, we could go on and on like this- what's needed to really answer the questions about realism is to put matching fighters from each sim through identical flight tests, then compare the results for both aircraft to some accepted historical description of performance, i.e. the manufacturer's manual, or perhaps their production  test results.  I'd rather be dogfighting, but maybe I'll try it.
  Both of these sims have their good and bad points, but the bottom line, for me at least, is that IL2/PF gives a more realistic experience, primarily in having a workable view and being forced to work within the aircrafts' limitations. Those two factors are what drove me away from CFS3.

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Reply #16 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 1:21pm

beaky   Offline
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Uhhhh.... yup!
Newark, NJ USA

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Interesting pics, Avhistory... so far in PF, if I lose an elevator, I can hardly expect a problem-free landing.  As far as the biplane goes, I'm surprised the upper wing remained attached. Never seen anything like that when I'm running PF, and I always have the realism settings maxed.  Maybe I should let my plane get hit more often... Wink

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Reply #17 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 1:27pm

Mathias   Offline
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Well there where certainly planes that where a bitch to fly other where certainly a pleasent experience judging by the various WWII pilots accounts.
BTW, havn't seen any pilots manual that describes a plane as a death trap (and I own quite a couple of these, LOL). It's true though that pilot manuals tend to go with savety procedures while the real aircraft could be well flown over the handbook borders.
Not to become personall or something but I believe you're trying to appear more than you are judging by the standard statements you bring in here, that sort that each 16 years old kid over at UbiZoo quotes as knowledge and fact Smiley
I'm surprised btw that the IL-2ish default scripted takeoffs stall'spin'n merry go'round escape your attention, thought one should expect some differences between different planetypes but maybe wing designs, washout and such are just for the idiots at the drawing board?

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Reply #18 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 3:06pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
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Cornwall, England

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What on earth is up with those little red cones on that biplane?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #19 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 7:37pm

beaky   Offline
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Uhhhh.... yup!
Newark, NJ USA

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Everybody has opinions, mattsmurf, and all I've been doing on this thread  is expressing mine. If the average WWII fighter was more stable than as depicted in PF, or if ubi got lazy and cut'n'pasted when they should've done more research and/or revamped the game engine, so be it. As I said, I haven't even spent much time with CFS3, as the problems with views turned me off big-time (just a personal preference). If your research material is more accurate than mine, so be it. I'm not trying to pass myself off as anything I'm not ('tho it'd be nice to be 16 again!!). All I'm saying is that based on what I know (which is certainly not everything), IL2/PF is real enough for me, and since taking it easy,  with the few aircraft in that sim that I've flown, to get a better feel for the perf. envelope as depicted in that sim, I haven't had any problems. AND... this thread has convinced me not to write off CFS3 until I mess with it some more.  Smiley

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Reply #20 - Dec 26th, 2004 at 10:13pm

Tomtomcat   Offline
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At the moment I do play IL-2/PF a lot more than
CFS3 simply because I can´t get rid of those
nasty neon colours after I installed new drivers,
uninstalled them and reinstalled the old 4.7 ATI
drivers (getting rid of those colours worked in
the right now I´m stuck!).
Overall CFS3 gave me more headaches than joy
although I like some of the features of CFS3 better
than IL-2/PF, I do prefer Oleg´s sim since it
feels better , has more details and recreates
that flying and fighting athmosphere of WWII
more than CFS3.
I don´t want to miss each of them and I really
don´t see the point of having to choose only one
since they both have their good and bad sides...
so if you have CFS3 AND IL-2/PF why don´t
just enjoy it?????
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Reply #21 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 3:19am

Mathias   Offline
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Everybody has opinions, mattsmurf, and all I've been doing on this thread  is expressing mine. If the average WWII fighter was more stable than as depicted in PF, or if ubi got lazy and cut'n'pasted when they should've done more research and/or revamped the game engine, so be it. As I said, I haven't even spent much time with CFS3, as the problems with views turned me off big-time (just a personal preference). If your research material is more accurate than mine, so be it. I'm not trying to pass myself off as anything I'm not ('tho it'd be nice to be 16 again!!). All I'm saying is that based on what I know (which is certainly not everything), IL2/PF is real enough for me, and since taking it easy,  with the few aircraft in that sim that I've flown, to get a better feel for the perf. envelope as depicted in that sim, I haven't had any problems. AND... this thread has convinced me not to write off CFS3 until I mess with it some more.  Smiley

You're right rottydaddy, to each his his own.
My replies to you where rather rude and I appologize for that.
Still it seems that PF is for Oleg what CFS3 is for M$ in regards to release unfinished products with a gamey approach.
The good thing in CFS3, the user can fix it even if tedious in some areas while in the IL-2 series of games you are stuck with what the developers give you Sad that's why it's CFS3 for me all the way until a better open architecture Sim is there (whenever that is, LOL)

BTW, wouldn't want to be 16 again, pimples, hormon trouble, parents having the thumb on you? No!
Mid-twenty, that was a great age Cheesy

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Reply #22 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 10:05am

beaky   Offline
Global Moderator
Uhhhh.... yup!
Newark, NJ USA

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Posts: 14187
It's all good, matt- passion is a big part of the simming/gaming experience. I was more gushing about PF than I was bashing CFS3, y'know? Speaking of fixes, do you know what I mean about the forward view in CFS3? I need to re-install it and check again, but I seem to recall losing all my eyepoint settings even if I looked left or right then returned to the forward view. Not 100% sure about that, but definitely would lose them after switching to another view (which is "cheating", I know, but useful when one is learning to use the sim). If I could overcome that, I'd be ready to give CFS3 another shot.

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Reply #23 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 1:24pm

Microsoft Corporation   Offline
I find your lack of faith...
Alameda County, Germany

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Posts: 189
Looks like AvHistory needs more work on his gunnery.  Peppering your target only makes lots of little holes m8  Wink

PF is still very much a work in progress, and the devs are constantly communicating with users and evaluating feedback.  I've been in the Software biz for many years, mainly in the support role, and I can tell you the customer experience with 1C:Maddox is unprecidented and a beauty to behold.

We (customers) bitched and moaned for years about the ridiculous blinding muzzleflashes, and Oleg insisted for years that it was coded into the game engine and nothing to be done.  Lo and behold, PF comes out and no more big blinding muzzleflash!!  Grin

What has MS fixed in CFS3 in the past year as a result of customer feedback? he's holding his breath -> Sad

In fact they just released patch 3.03 on Christmas day [EDIT: for PF!].  

If 1C:Maddox is guilty of anything, it's giving us too much.    I would have preferred that they had fully "fleshed out" the Eastern Front with more maps and flyables, rather than expand into the PTO.  We're dying over here without our Ju-88  Cry  

But the hard reality is that most of the market (USA) is not that interested in the War in Russia.  I'm just grateful that I've found a great bunch of guys who are, and continue to be, for an amazing on-line war that is still going strong, currently at Kursk July 1943.

Anyone try to e-mail MS and get an answer about next update for CFS3?  

So i'm done now, and will read all the inevitable flames from the CFS3 True Believers, since even tho I havn't said anything against CFS3, by praising the "Infidel" (Oleg) I have committed the most unforgiveable blasphemy.    

May Bill have mercy on my wretched soul!

...&&&&AvHistory&&Gold Member Plus&&***&&Posts: 118&& Re: cfs3 or PF&&« Reply #26 on: Dec 27th, 2004, 4:34pm »  &&>>>PF is still very much a work in progress<<<&& &&Stick a fork in it its done. UBI has pulled the plug on PF just like they did to Eagle & LOMAC. &&
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Reply #24 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 2:07pm

Mathias   Offline
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Posts: 558
Anyone try to e-mail MS and get an answer about next update for CFS3?  

So i'm done now, and will read all the inevitable flames from the CFS3 True Believers, since even tho I havn't said anything against CFS3, by praising the "Infidel" (Oleg) I have committed the most unforgiveable blasphemy.    

May Bill have mercy on my wretched soul!

I would certainly agree, Oleg's patch records are quite impressive.
He ought to if he wants to keep his closed sim alive.
Although one might wonder what a 120MB  downloadable patch is worth that breakes as many things as it's supposed to fix.
Another thing that rather pisses off than anything else is the fact that they are charging full price for what is basically just an update to the original game.

As for M$ fixing things, well yep, we just got E-mail with some neat tools that allow us (the MAW developers ) to produce a full working new theathre.
I won't marry Bill for that but it ain't bad at all, huh?

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Reply #25 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 2:17pm

Mathias   Offline
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Posts: 558
Rottydaddy, I'm afraid there's not much you can do to avoid the views to reset when switching around.
You can customize your views though so that they fit your needs right away without zooming in or out.

You'd have to open the aircraft's xdp file in Notepad and edit the Field of view, the FovUp and FovDown portions

<Station Name="Pilot" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="20" FovDown="32">

You can also adjust the snapviews.
The following example has an offset added.
If you use your hatswitch or keyboard to look fore/right it'll turn 45° right, 5° up and move 8 centimeters to the right.

<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="-5" X="0.08"/>

Oh, you shure know that you can turn your snapview into a free pan view by hitting the scroll lock key?


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Reply #26 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 4:34pm

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

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Posts: 577
>>>PF is still very much a work in progress<<<

Stick a fork in it its done. UBI has pulled the plug on PF just like they did to Eagle & LOMAC.  

Oleg has been told no more PF money & get back to work on BOB which has fallen behind schedule.  The guys he farmed PF out to could not handle the work & he had to spend budget & time to bail them out after PF was released.

>>>We (customers) bitched and moaned for years about the ridiculous blinding muzzleflashes, and Oleg insisted for years that it was coded into the game engine and nothing to be done.  Lo and behold, PF comes out and no more big blinding muzzleflash!!  <<<

So lying to your customers about a major issue is OK so long as you fix the issue you are lying about within 4 years & let the customers have the privilege of paying full price for the fix, interesting marketing concept Roll Eyes

Not to worry though,  Oleg will give y'all a chance to re-buy BOB at full price a few times over by reducing the number of planes so you can buy them in future add-on releases.

Oleg on BOB:


I would say we will have way less aircraft in the intial release of BoB. Simply becasue of more detialed things for each aircraft modeling.... Which means time and resources that we may spend for that modeling.

However we will expand the BoB by the way as it is done with the PF... means install stand alone new sim or install this new sim over BoB and to get new experinece....

This is more life-able idea... and for more longer life of the sim on the market...

As well as we like to go by two branches - Single + online with linmited online features and only online sim branch simultaniosly, where on dedicated server will be new events and wars regulating by developer/publisher. It is jut an idea for you in which way we directed now. Not all may happen, but it is ideal thing for which we force all our resources in future, where you will be able to control not only the planes.""

BEAR - AvHistory
« Last Edit: Dec 27th, 2004 at 8:06pm by AvHistory »  
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Reply #27 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 8:24pm

Microsoft Corporation   Offline
I find your lack of faith...
Alameda County, Germany

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Posts: 189
I would certainly agree, Oleg's patch records are quite impressive.
He ought to if he wants to keep his closed sim alive.
Although one might wonder what a 120MB  downloadable patch is worth that breakes as many things as it's supposed to fix.
Another thing that rather pisses off than anything else is the fact that they are charging full price for what is basically just an update to the original game.

As for M$ fixing things, well yep, we just got E-mail with some neat tools that allow us (the MAW developers ) to produce a full working new theathre.
I won't marry Bill for that but it ain't bad at all, huh?

I was checking out the MAW site earlier today.  The screenshots there are VERY impressive.    If gameplay, even just single-player, is half as good as those screenies look, I will be a buyer. 

If you are getting tools directly from the devs, that is awesome.   I'm getting my piggybank ready.  A new system with Athlon FX55 and Geforce6800 will do those beautiful 3D models justice 8)


...&&&&AvHistory&&Gold Member Plus&&***&&Posts: 118&& Re: cfs3 or PF&&« Reply #26 on: Dec 27th, 2004, 4:34pm »  &&>>>PF is still very much a work in progress<<<&& &&Stick a fork in it its done. UBI has pulled the plug on PF just like they did to Eagle & LOMAC. &&
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Reply #28 - Dec 27th, 2004 at 9:40pm

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

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Posts: 577
>>>I will be a buyer.<<<

There is no charge for MAW 8)

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Reply #29 - Dec 28th, 2004 at 3:39am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
Yep, MAW is freeware. Smiley

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