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Flight Journal German Fighters (Read 157 times)
Nov 14th, 2004 at 12:55am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
I went with my wife to Borders Book store yesterday. I spend some time in the Magazine section on Aviation. Boy did I  see intersting Magazine on Aviation History. Their was one article on the recontruction of four Ki 43 found on the Pacific a while back. I found it very interesting. Their was another one with a very facinating story about this Marine Pilot who saved his carrier by shooting two vals in one mission. His recount of his adventures in the Pacific air war where to say the least very intertaining.
He said that it was a very dagerous and heated war. That he was always scare and it took him years to admitted to his freinds and family since it was not expected for him not to be afraid ar to show fear during the war.
But what I found most intersting was a magazine by Flight Journal Special Issue call "German Fighters". I highly recommend it . Its has a a lot Information on the German Airforce during the  World War Two.
It has a article on the Me 109 ,Fw190, Junker 88 and other German planes. It also has a article on what if? call Butcher vs Hellcat and Corsair that I found facinating. Its about a arial simulation test that they did during the war pitching the Fw190 against the Amirican War Birds and how bird did against each other. I am sure you will find it intersting also. Their are many other facinating article and stories in this issue. I highly recomend that you buy it if you are really intersted in WW11 Aviation History
I wish and hope they do one on the Imperial Navy Airforce and Japanese Army Air Forces also. They also have a facinating story to tell from the Axis point of view.
Lets not forget the Italian Air Force and the Finnish Air Force as well.

« Last Edit: Nov 15th, 2004 at 12:27am by james007 »  
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