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Help with vision controls (Read 112 times)
Nov 1st, 2004 at 10:51pm

astrodude   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
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Posts: 1
Hey everyone! I am just starting out w/CFS2 and have previously played Jane's WWII Fighters. In that game, you have the ability to use your mouse to control where you are looking, indepedent of where you are flying with the joystick.
I was somewhat surprised that this 1998 game seemed to have the ability to do that when I can't seem to get the new 2002 CFS2 to do that. Can you tell me if I am overlooking something, as I was overwhelmed with all the keyboard actions I must use to get the same function with just the mouse. I am using WinXP home, a Logitech Wingman Extreme 3D joystick, and have an AGP 8500 AIW Radeon Video card. Don't know if that would help or not. Thanks again, any tips shared are appreciated.
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Reply #1 - Nov 2nd, 2004 at 3:39am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
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Hi astrodude. CFS2 was first released in 2000, not 2002, but that's besides the point. I strongly suggest you forget the mouse & get yourself a decent joystick with twist-grip rudder function & POV HAT.* Then your view problems are solved & the game will be far more enjoyable.

*PS. I checked out your joystick & it seems to have these features. You might need to configure the HAT to the view commands from CFS2/Settings/Controller Assignments. Then you have no need to use the mouse at all.


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