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Ridge lift, Wave lift and Thermal (Read 221 times)
Oct 31st, 2004 at 9:29am

tugpilotsmiffy   Offline

Posts: 13
Hi there, just wondering if using the weather SDK from Microsoft it would be possible to accurately model ridge, wave and thermal lift for soaring in FS9.
Could thermals be linked to ground sources and also to to the right type of cloud, ie Cumulus for thermal, Lenticular for wave, and could this be a dynamic theme.
If there is anybody out there wo reads this and knows the answers would appreciate a reply please, as I really don't know where to start with this one, or even if to start at all.
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Reply #1 - Oct 31st, 2004 at 11:50am

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Yes, I was looking for thermals also and the airport I go soaring at (student at K 1N7) has some addon scenery which makes the airport look more realistic (windsock, glider grass runway, and cafe). And there are also thermals which are related to the clouds. Only thing is they are BGL files and computer illiterate me doesn't know how to install!

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Reply #2 - Oct 31st, 2004 at 1:51pm

ozzy72   Offline
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Pretty scary huh?

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Pop into our downloads section, under Gliders (near the bottom of the page) you'll find a nice thermals add-on for FS9 Wink


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Reply #3 - Oct 31st, 2004 at 3:14pm

Hagar   Offline
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Only thing is they are BGL files and computer illiterate me doesn't know how to install!

The instructions say to place the BGL files in the FS9\Addon Scenery\scenery folder. I would prefer to configure these files as a separate area & install/activate it via the Scenery Library like any other 3rd party scenery. You could pop the BGL files in the Scenery subfolder of the Blairstown scenery if you already have it installed & activated. Check out my little walkthrough here.


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Reply #4 - Oct 31st, 2004 at 6:43pm

tugpilotsmiffy   Offline

Posts: 13
Thanks for the replies, but what I really would like is a theme where lift is linked to clouds and to ridge and hill direction, a bit more dynamic and realistic then is currently available, and whether this can be modelled using the curent weather SDK for FS9.
I fly out of England and would like to be able to soar anywhere in the UK in FS9 using normal sailplane methods thermal, ridge, wave but in FS9 rather than the current gliding sims offerings, if it can be modelled in them just wondering why it can't be done in FS9 and if anybody who understands the weather SDK would be willing to undertake it or point me in the right directionas to how it can be done.
Sorry to be so specific and choosy but could be a real useful tool if it can be made to work.
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