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How good is CFS2? (Read 1019 times)
Oct 25th, 2004 at 2:43am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
I have been wondering how many of you will stay loyal to CFS2 since Pacific Fighter has been release. Do you really think CFS2 can hang around much longer or will you guys start wandering away like we have from CFS1. I hope not . Pacific Fighter might be terrific Simulator but it will never replace CFS2.  Iam not discouraging anyone  from puchasing PT . I for one have preorder one copy for myself. So thats not my objective in writing this post.  My objective is to remind everyone  how flexible this Simulator is and how great it has become with improvements made thru the  community. This is the only Simulator that can Simulate flying from WWI to the Korea war. Its the only Sim with a World Map. You could Fly around the World thru Free Flght and unlimited Fuel. With all Sceneries available thru all downloads it would be enjoyale flight. Is the only Sim that allow you to include Hundreds of plane of different Eras to fly in the same Sim. You can add Sceneries ,Missions, Campaings or create your own Missions with the Mission Builder. Their is also a Web site where you add Dynamic Missions to the game. This is a Great Simulator with out a question. Now let me give you some of tips on how to improve your Experience with this Simulator.

I f You want planes to  downloaded you can download them from this Websites and others.
1: [url=www.]www.[/url]
If you want some the best German plane especially Bf109 this is of one of the best site I have found.
Now for some the of the best Japanese plane available this a nice Web site.
For Texure. I found some seasonal Texure for Europe in in the Scenery section that sre prertty cool.
You can also download very good Italian planes from this Web site:

if you want to edit your missions and campaings. Here is very good Utility that I highly recommend at  . Its call Mks_cfs_utility.v2 . This ulity not allows you change you plane in your mission and camp folders but also help you create different hangers for different theaters of war for you quick missions builder.

Another Utility that I highly recommend is call CFO Weather . With this utility you can change the weather of every Mission as you fly thruough it . It also has a Auto pilot program that is very neat. It has many other features not avalable before. One is a no cheat mode that does not allow you to cheat out of the cockpit. Another thing I discover the other day is that if you have other installs representing different theater of war. You can use the MB of each new install thru this program. You can find this program at.

There will be more advices to be  post later . Iam getting tire . I will post them tomorrow. I hope I have been helpful.

Another Utility I recommend is to download Co man

utillity from:

This utility will allow you to install aircraft into 18 different Hangars. Just a word of advice is to always place the original stock planes in every Hanger. Other wise the program will not work properly.
Once you use all the Hangers. You could create your own Hangars and place them on the Aircraft folder whenever you want to use them. I recommend you use the program first before you try to create your own Hangars because it much easier to change Hangers thru it. All you need is name them acording to what Theater of War war you want use ti in. Its real easy.

Another Wbsite that real cool its:
In this Website you get most of the Upgrade and Utilities you may need ti improve  CFS2. The best thing about it is that they all come with self Instalators. So you do not have to worry where to install them.

Another obtion in playing this game its that you can played in a Dynamic Mission and Campaing format if you want to. You can get the dynamic Campaing at :

Another thing I found is a great European Scenary at :

More Upgrades can bee found at :
and at

More planes at 1.

Skins for Aliies and Axis

Polish Web with Planes and Campaigns Here:

New squadron with Down loads found at:

I would Like your feedback if any of my advice has help in your enjoyment of CFS2.  Thank you James007
« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2005 at 10:19am by james007 »  
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Reply #1 - Oct 25th, 2004 at 7:47am

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Ubi-soft will have to do a lot better than another IL2 upgrade to stop people playing CFS2. Grin Wink

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #2 - Oct 25th, 2004 at 4:44pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Other Web for good Planes I have found thru the years: For the Ki44:

The best one I found for the Fw190:


One of the Web on the North Africa Campaing is:

Great Pacific Air Bases:

Extra very well made Textures on  the Pacific and Europen Thearter are Pactex :

This one have great Upgrades:

This has some nice German Planes and some extra Item. Check it out:

I Love this Web for it Japanese planes. It also some other plane as well:

I almost Forgot this Web has very nice cockpits for stock planes when you make them flyable:

In my opinion some of the best plane available are AV history plane%.  They are now availible:

I will post other Informations at a later date. I hope you enjoy the ones I have provided so far. Please give me your input . Thank you
« Last Edit: Oct 25th, 2004 at 11:20pm by james007 »  
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Reply #3 - Oct 27th, 2004 at 8:24am

stiz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 661
Theres also AER for WW1 planes as well but they changed url and i don't have the new one.....anyone else have it?

Also you got the simviation link wrong. Theres no space Smiley

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Reply #4 - Oct 27th, 2004 at 10:33am

ronvenema   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 14
I started with Dynamix Aces of the Pacific and progressed through numerous flight sims. Microprose European Air War came in 2nd place for versatility and I played with 3D Red Baron for a long time until I installed XP, (unresolvable sound problems requiring boot and reboot etc) and now play Cfs2. Even though I have Cfs3 I still have more fun with Cfs2 as I can set it up to operate with any theater and time period. With all the planes and accessories provided by enthusiasts it can become quite a sophisticated game. Pacific what?
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Reply #5 - Feb 8th, 2005 at 6:29pm

SkyJoker   Offline
bailing ouuuuutttt.....

Gender: male
Posts: 4
CFS 2 is a MASTERPIECE    8) best sim ever  8)

Gravity is a myth its the earth that sucks.
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Reply #6 - Feb 8th, 2005 at 10:02pm

Cody_Coyote   Offline

Posts: 92
I see no one responded to Stiz.  here's the working link for the Aerodrome:
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Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 4:46pm

dcunning30   Offline
This is me......really!!!!
The Land of Nod

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Posts: 1612
I think it's great!

I bought PF with great anticipation.  I found myself being frusturated and perplexed by the incomplete manual.  Now, I'm a flight-sim veteran, having started with SubLogic Flight Simulator for my Atary 800XL, but PF was a challenge to me.  I went on the message base, only to find, amongst several who were quite helpful, many who were thin skinned about PF, even several suggesting CFS was for kids and PF is for the adults.

Since then, I've removed PF from my hard drive, and I'm enjoying CSF2 immensely.  Especially since there's the huge aftermarket add-ons.  I've continued visiting the PF message base for some time.  But after a while, I got tired of poster complaining about the lack of planes and were begging for Oleg to give them more planes.  Also, they were begging for more ships too.  After Oleg indicated they weren't getting any more planes or ships, they were left stuck.  I resisted the urge to post that they would have all the planes and ships if they went to CFS2, but there's a majority attitude that any mention of the CFS games ARE NOT welcome, nor appreciated.

My conclusion, (and so are many PF players) is PF is an incomplete game.  CFS2 all the way for me!!! Grin Grin Grin

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Reply #8 - Mar 6th, 2005 at 7:33pm

KJSimon   Offline
1st Lieutenant
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 2
I think it's the best Combat Sim from MS fo far....CFS-3 is a TOTAL waste of HD space. I think that Janes WW-II is the best in your face combat sim. The enemy fly straight at you. Most of the combat is at EXTREAMLY close range. Also SDOE is still a great sim now that it's up to version 1.6. To check out this excellent sim just go to
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Reply #9 - Mar 7th, 2005 at 12:04pm

BFawlty   Offline
Come see me at the Inn

Posts: 32
I agree with KJSimon, 2 is better than 3. I really like the whole world aspect, and with the new textures by Stiz, it just keeps getting better. I have gigs of add on stuff for this one, and still finding more all the time.

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Reply #10 - Mar 7th, 2005 at 12:54pm

HawkerTempest5   Offline
Hawker Tempest MK V
United Kingdom

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Posts: 3149
CFS2 is and will remain my favourite combat sim for the foreseeable future.

Flying Legends
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Reply #11 - Mar 9th, 2005 at 10:12am

dcunning30   Offline
This is me......really!!!!
The Land of Nod

Gender: male
Posts: 1612
What's wrong with CFS3?  I went over to the CFS3 forums looking for that info, but I still am not sure.  Reason why is I'm thinking of buying it, but I'm not sure just yet.

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Reply #12 - Mar 9th, 2005 at 5:08pm

egypt23spitfire   Offline
remember them all

Posts: 22
started combat sims with EAW
(with addons had heaps of planes in the sky at once with no slowdowns great for BOB stuff ROWANS would never work on my machine for some inexplicable reason)

progressed to CFS2( loved it.... although a bit lonely)

bought IL2( loved it being  VVS VS LUFTWAFFE)
(an area that not many of us knew much about excellent that he brought  a very important  theater to our attention so it could have the respect it deserved)

but then OLEG tried to please various other tastes and basically everything just slipped back to the usual themes

i have them all on my hardrive and will not be taking any of them off

they are all good in there own ways

and are like old friends(yes even cfs3.)

but CFS2 is my main "interest"
the development potential is enormous

(but for a good dogfight LA7vs BF109 ...IL2 is it for me)


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Reply #13 - Mar 9th, 2005 at 5:50pm

dcunning30   Offline
This is me......really!!!!
The Land of Nod

Gender: male
Posts: 1612
EAW is awesome.  it's still on my hd too.  there's a mod to the config file that allows you to have the sky full of over 100 planes at once. (no exaggeration), with no frame rate drop either.  to be such an old game, it still holds up pretty well.

one of my favorites is to create a mission with a spitfire xiv and go charging into a swarm of over 100 ju88's and see how long i last.

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