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Why do some aircraft fail to initialize? (Read 411 times)
Oct 1st, 2004 at 5:50pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
What are some of the reasons for these type of failures? I have less than 96 AC in my Aircraft folder. I dl'd a campaign which required the Br P40K ac which I dl'd and installed in the Aircraft folder. With QC and FreeFlight I can find this ac and fly it. When I try the missions in the campaign that have the ac as the player aircraft, the missions show 1) ac fails to initialize, 2) mission fails to load, and 3) I don't see this ac in the list of player ac.
Thanks for any help. I've played the game but am not knowledgeable on mission building or CFS2 file interelationships.
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Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 5:04am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Hi JayS,
It's a common problem with imported missions & campaigns and aircraft, the AC file name may be slightly different to the player aircraft the mission is trying to load, you should see the dialog ' player aircraft blah blah brP40k cannot be found' check the spelling & wording against the actual file in the aircraft section & you'll need to rename usually cures it.
Dont be frightened of 'Mission builder' you can change 90% of missions in here player aircraft-weapon loads- enemy aircraft/strength etc etc, get a mission you dont like & get in there and alter it, it's the only way to learn.
Another annoying thing that happens when you have a 'failure to load' is all your settings  disappear Shocked) radio coms, ac tags etc.. is'nt it fun !!!!! Sad
Happ 8)
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Reply #2 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 8:06pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
I looked into the mission file and find things like;
"player_aircraft_name_string"=BR_P-40K Flying Tiger
Should the "name=" be exactly the same as the file name in the Aircraft folder?  What should the name be for the "player_aircraft_name_string"=?  Same file name as in the "name="
I've never used Mission Builder.  Where is it?  I installed everything from my CDs to the hard drive but I don't see it there!
Thanks for helping a newbie.
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Reply #3 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 3:29am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Hi JayS. Look for a file in the CFS2 root folder named Error.log & open it in Notepad. This will give you the name of the problem mission & the unit number of the offending aircraft in that mission. You can use this information to find the type_id number & the name of the aircraft in that particular mission. This is an example from a default mission. Let's say my Error.log tells me this.
[Mission file error]
error=Unable to init unit 9138

First you need to find the type_id= number corresponding to unit 9138 (or id=9138 )



The type_id is 3814. Further down the mission file you should see something like this. (The Notepad Find feature is very useful when searching for these numbers.)


The name= entry is usually (not always) the exact folder name of the offending aircraft. If yours has any other name it will work fine in Free Flight & QC but not missions. This is one of the most common causes of those error messages in missions/campaigns using 3rd party aircraft. The first thing I would check is the folder name of the Br P40K. Make sure it matches the name= entry in the missions. (In your example this is BR_P-40K.) I suspect this will fix your problem. If not, check the title= name in Aircraft.cfg. A few 3rd party missions use this instead of the folder name.

I have less than 96 AC in my Aircraft folder.

The CFS2 "100 plane" limit will vary depending on the aircraft you have installed. If you have over 80 aircraft (including defaults) & get unexplained error messages I would try removing a few 3rd party aircraft.


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Reply #4 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 3:47am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...

Posts: 99
Hi Jays,
dont thank me, i learnt from 'Hagar' & the other 'heavy hitters' here 8)
You need to have the same NAME on the A/C folder in the aicraft section as what your mission is looking for, it could be anything stupid, being in the wrong case(lower instead of upper or the other way round) a missing hyphen etc anything, the plane is obviously there if your flying it in free flight, your mission's just not finding it, note any changes you make in the rename & go back if it does'nt work & try something else, IT'S ALL TRIAL & ERROR  Roll Eyes
The mission builder? should be in start>programs>microsoftgames>missionbuilder right click on it & create a shortcut, paste it somewhere handy, read the pdf manual (need acrobat) to get the basics of it, BE WARNED it's addictive once you get the hang of it  Shocked you'll be forever altering missions 8)
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Reply #5 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 4:00am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi Happ. Wink

Hi Jays,
dont thank me, i learnt from 'Hagar' & the other 'heavy hitters' here 8)
You need to have the same NAME on the A/C folder in the aicraft section as what your mission is looking for, it could be anything stupid, being in the wrong case(lower instead of upper or the other way round)

Just to point out that folder names are not usually case-sensitive. Despite what many people seem to think this applies to any CFG-style text entries in the M$ sims. In my example the name= f4f4_wildcat entry in the mission file refers to the default F4F4_WILDCAT in my CFS2\Aircraft folder. It works just fine.

PS. To avoid silly typos when renaming folders copy/paste the appropriate entry from the mission. Then it can't possibly be wrong. Most of this stuff is logical once you understand the basic principles & know what to look for.
« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2004 at 9:52am by Hagar »  


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Reply #6 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 1:00pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
I changed the name in the mission to exactly that of the folder and that mission worked.  Still having problems with missions using the P39 Airacobra but I continue looking at those.  Found MB, tried to open it and got some kind of an error about a corrupt database.  Is there an error log for this I can use to help figure this one out?
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Reply #7 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 1:18pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
I changed the name in the mission to exactly that of the folder and that mission worked.  Still having problems with missions using the P39 Airacobra but I continue looking at those.

It's better to change the folder name of the aircraft rather than edit the missions. Using your method you would need to edit every mission in the campaign.

Error.log will record errors as they occur. If more than one 3rd party aircraft is involved in the campaign you might need to check it several times. This is time-consuming but the best way I know.

I don't know which method you use to install aircraft but if they come with the campaign they should extract with their correct folder names. Always extract zipfiles to a Temp folder first. To install aircraft paste the appropriate folders into CFS2\Aircraft.

PS. Quote:
Found MB, tried to open it and got some kind of an error about a corrupt database.  Is there an error log for this I can use to help figure this one out?

As I mentioned earlier, unexplained error messages are usually caused by having too many aircraft installed. Try removing a few addons.


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Reply #8 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 4:28pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
One more question please.  I removed ac from Aircraft down to 56 acs.  I have two campaigns that do not show a number of the ac I have installed when I expand Player Aircraft.  I also get an initialization error when I try to open MB.  I'm hoping you won't tell me I have to re-install to fix these problems!!  Could I just replace all the ac ion Aircraft with just the default ones and restart CFS2?  Will that fix anything?  Is there another to re-initialize these databeses??
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Reply #9 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 5:19pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Ask as many questions as you wish. I don't claim to know all the answers but I'll do my best to help.

Right. Let's start again & see if we can figure this out. The problem with aircraft not displaying on the Player Aircraft menu in campaigns is probably the entered_service= date in the DP files. This must be be earlier than the date of the first mission in the campaign. This is easy enough to fix if the aircraft have their own DP files. Either change the date or if the entry is missing copy one from a suitable default aircraft & paste it in. This is the entry for the CFS2 default Wildcat which should be selectable in all US campaigns.


The CFS2 limit is usually somewhere between 80 to 100 aircraft. 56 is well below that so this is not causing the problem with the MB. I seem to recall that the MB won't run below 1024 x 768 display resolution so this would be the first thing to check.

Hope this is some help. Please don't be afraid to ask again. If I don't know the answer it's quite likely someone else will. Wink

PS. DP files can be edited in Notepad. Each time you edit a DP file delete the corresponding CDP.


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Reply #10 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 6:20pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
Thank you.  I'll check the date entered service in the dps.  I discovered my probelm with MB.  I have three copies of the CFS2 installed.  I copied two of them from the initial install and named them differentlly (CFS2 SIM1, and CFS2Sim2).  MB runs out of the CFS2 folder, the original one, and I found that two directories in that folder were mis-named(SHIPS_original instead of SHIPS, etc).  I fixed that and MB runs fine.
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Reply #11 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 6:59pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Glad you figured out the MB problem. Please tell me if you fix the other one.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #12 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 7:18pm

JayS   Offline

Posts: 22
Yup, you were exactly right.  The "date-entered-service" dates were after the campaign start date.  I adjusted the dp file date entered service dates to precede the campaign and everything is now fine.  Thanks for your help I certainly learned from this one.  Any advice on how to learn to use MB?
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Reply #13 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 2:37am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Yup, you were exactly right.  The "date-entered-service" dates were after the campaign start date.  I adjusted the dp file date entered service dates to precede the campaign and everything is now fine.  Thanks for your help I certainly learned from this one.

Glad my suggestion worked. I haven't been involved with CFS2 for a while so I've lost touch with a lot of this stuff. Lots of people around here know much more than me these days.

Any advice on how to learn to use MB?

You might like to try Cody Coyote's MB tute.

I'm in the process of reformatting it in HTML format so you can read it online. Must get my finger out & finish it. Here's Part 1.


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