Hi All
Rather than learn Gmax for a couple of small objects I
need someone has offered to make them for me in Gmax or 3Dmax.
1- I take it 3Dmax (Gmax's big brother) can't export to FS9
but can it save the file in a format Gmax can import? If so
what is the best format. This will save him from having to
install Gmax.
2- This fellow is not a flightSimmer...he does not have FS
installed. Can he save it in the default Gamx file format
and send it to me or more to the point will I be able to
then export the file to FS9 (I have Gmax installed)?
3- If I am able to reload the file and save it as a file FS9
will "understand" what is it I need to give it a scenery
object ID? Or is that what happens when you export it to FS9?
Thanks for any help you can give me!