Some time ago intrest was shown in a CFS1 addon titled "Hart's War" by 'CFSInc,'. Sadly "Hart's War" was only on the market for a short time when MicroSoft sold the rights of CFS1 to Atari. At that time 'CFSInc.' had to pull "Hart's War" off the shelves while they renegotiated publishing rights with Atari. Well, it looks like "Hart's War" may soon be available again!!
Today I dropped into the 'CFSInc.' website and was surprised to find that the site has a whole new look! The site seems to still be under construction but they list "Hart's War" as one of their products along with a new "dual" pack that will include a Battle of Britian scenario!! Check out what 'CFSInc.' is up to on their website at
Heres to the return of 'CFSInc.', "Hart's War" and more good stuff to come!