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How to improve your expireince with CFS2 part2 (Read 1190 times)
Aug 4th, 2004 at 11:30pm

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Now that should have been been able to improve your sceneries and sounds plus many more upgrades through all the Websites available. Now its time for the next level. The most important feature that a Simulator may have it its MB. Many have ask where can I find the MB in CFS2. Well go to STRART in your Desktop and click on it. Go to program and scroll thru it until you find Micrsoft games. Click on it and CFS2 should come up. Then a column with all featureS available in CFS2 program will be hilighted. Click on MB and thats it . How to use the MB. The best way to learn on how to use the MB is  by reading the tips available at You can also buy a Book call CFS2 inside moves by Jeff Van West. Its a lot better than the manual that came with the game. Unfortunualy the manual is very poor on the subjest of MB. Thats a shame that Microfost was negligent on the subject since the MB is the heart of the game. I hope they will be more helpful with their manual the next time. You do get some information within ths MB itself. The most difficult concept in the MB is the Trigger and Event feature . Once you understand that feature than the rest is relative easy.Be patient and with time you will understand it . I am not a expert but I have been able to build hundreds of mission once I learned the concept. It takes time. My missions are simple and I still need to learn a lot more .  Perhaps I can learn from you in the future. Now I always wanted a WWII Simulator that would allow me to fly in all theater in the war. Well Gentelman you can . I downloaded Hundred of planes but was unable to use them since the CFS2 aircraft Folder has a limit of 90 to 100 that can be available at any one time. Now that was a shame. I did figure out a way to increase the numbers of aircraft that I could use by tricking the program. I use to change the name Folder I wanted to use with the aircraft I was going to use at that time. But that was cubber some and time consuming. Than one day I read in a Post about a program that will organize your airplanes files call Co-man. I found it at and with that program I have been able to add close to 1000 aircraft to the game. Now I can build Missions from the Invation of Poland thru the Last days in tha Pacific war.I can Invade France or defend her. I can recreate the Invation of Russia or go the Pacific and recreate does great fights for control of the air over Guadacanal. Now with all the addon you actually make this one of the great WWII Simulator available. If you download the Co-man program I will give you a couple of tips. First of all I recomment that you name each Hanger with the name of the Theater your are to use in or the with Time period you are to use the plane within the Hanger.  My next advise is to include the original plane that come with game in each Hanger other wise the program will not function . Therefore you will have around 70 or less  new planes in each new Hanger. Another word of advice is that when you start building your new missions thru the MB you give them the name of the Hanger first and then the rest of the description. For a example I the named  some of the ones I made :Banzai/Eagle New Georgia camp 001. I name it that way Banzai/Eagle because thats the name I gave to the Hanger I was going to use. One thing I did to make it easier for me was that to made a Short cut of Co-man to my desktop so that way if I now whitch Hanger I was going to use I could choce it before I open CFS2. I also recommend the European Scenery available in another post on this Website.I beleive it to be excellent and it does make you feel your flying over Europe. Do not forget to backup everything before you make a new install . Last but not least copy to CD all your upgrades because all PC tend to crash .I hope you Like all my tips and let me hear from you  . Fly and enjoy. Good Hunting
« Last Edit: Aug 5th, 2004 at 11:59am by james007 »  
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Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 2:41pm

flyboy 28   Offline
Jacksonville, FL

Posts: 13323
Very good. Wink
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Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 3:21pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi James. I've read through both your topics on this subject. There's some useful tips here & it's interesting to see how others work & overcome problems. We all have our own preferences & favourite utilities so I might use & recommend different methods.

May I suggest that splitting your comments up into paragraphs would make this much easier to read.
For example: Quote:
Now that should have been been able to improve your sceneries and sounds plus many more upgrades through all the Websites available. Now it's time for the next level.

The most important feature that a Simulator may have is its Mission Builder. Many have asked where can I find the MB in CFS2. Well, go to START in your Desktop and click on it. Go to Programs and scroll thru it until you find Microsoft Games. Click on it and CFS2 should come up. Then a column with all feature available in CFS2 program will be highlighted. Click on MB and thats it.

How to use the MB. The best way to learn on how to use the MB is by reading the tips available at You can also buy a Book called "CFS2 Inside Moves" by Jeff Van West. It's a lot better than the manual that came with the game. Unfortunately the manual is very poor on the subject of MB. That's a shame that Microsoft was negligent on the subject since the MB is the heart of the game. I hope they will be more helpful with their manual the next time.

You do get some information within the MB itself. The most difficult concept in the MB is the Trigger and Event feature. Once you understand that feature then the rest is relatively easy. Be patient and with time you will understand it. I am not a expert but I have been able to build hundreds of missions once I learned the concept. It takes time. My missions are simple and I still need to learn a lot more. Perhaps I can learn from you in the future.

Now I always wanted a WWII Simulator that would allow me to fly in all theater in the war. Well Gentlemen, you can. I downloaded hundreds of planes but was unable to use them since the CFS2 Aircraft folder has a limit of 90 to 100 that can be available at any one time. Now that was a shame. I did figure out a way to increase the numbers of aircraft that I could use by tricking the program. I used to change the name Folder I wanted to use with the aircraft I was going to use at that time. But that was cumbersome and time-consuming.

Then one day I read in a Post about a program that will organize your airplanes files called Co-man. I found it at and with that program I have been able to add close to 1000 aircraft to the game. Now I can build Missions from the Invasion of Poland thru the Last days in the Pacific war. I can invade France or defend her. I can recreate the Invasion of Russia or go to the Pacific and recreate those great fights for control of the air over Guadacanal. Now with all the addons you actually make this one of the great WWII Simulators available.

If you download the Co-man program I will give you a couple of tips. First of all I recommend that you name each Hanger with the name of the Theater you are to use or the Time period you are to use the plane within the Hanger.  My next advise is to include the original planes that come with the game in each Hanger, otherwise the program will not function. Therefore you will have around 70 or less new planes in each new Hanger.

Another word of advice is that when you start building your new missions thru the MB you give them the name of the Hanger first and then the rest of the description. For a example, I named some of the ones I made :Banzai/Eagle New Georgia camp 001. I named it that way, Banzai/Eagle, because that's the name I gave to the Hanger I was going to use. One thing I did to make it easier for me was to make a Shortcut of Co-man to my desktop so that way if I know which Hanger I was going to use I could choose it before I open CFS2.

I also recommend the European Scenery available in another post on this Website. I believe it to be excellent and it does make you feel you're flying over Europe. Do not forget to backup everything before you make a new install. Last but not least, copy to CD all your upgrades because all PC tend to crash.

I hope you like all my tips and let me hear from you.

Fly and enjoy. Good Hunting.

I took the liberty of quickly editing it to correct typos.

You might like to read my "Windows Basics" & "Working with Windows" articles.
These cover many of the basic Windows functions described in Part 1 of your topic.

Hope you don't think I'm interfering but you did ask for comments. Wink


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 4:01pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
With regards to the Mission Builder, Cody Coyote made a Tutorial about creating Campaigns, it has a lot of info about using the Mission Builder in general. I think it's available here and at Netwings.


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 4:12pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
With regards to the Mission Builder, Cody Coyote made a Tutorial about creating Campaigns, it has a lot of info about using the Mission Builder in general. I think it's available here and at Netwings.


I forgot to mention this. It comes highly recommended by the crew at Fox Four. Wink

PS. Thanks Cody.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #5 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 4:25pm

RichieB16   Offline
January 27, 1967

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Yeah, that tutorial is really great.  I had never made any missions in CFS2 before giving that tutorial a go-and I was able to create some good missions (at least in my opinion) using it.  And, its easy to follow.
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Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 4:48pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
Is there an HTML version of the Tutorial anywhere?


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 4:59pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Is there an HTML version of the Tutorial anywhere?


I don't know. If not, I could soon fix that once I get my regular machine up & running again. With Cody's permission of course.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 6:32pm

Cody_Coyote   Offline

Posts: 92
Strtatobat, Hagar, RitchieB16 -

Thanks for the nice comments regarding the tutorial.  I never did an HTML version but I support the concept. 

Hagar, if you want to undertake that project consider this as permission to do so - and thanks in advance.

P.S. - It's nice to see people like James007 still interested in what remains a very good sim.
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Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 6:40pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hagar, if you want to undertake that project consider this as permission to do so - and thanks in advance.

Thanks again Cody. It might be a few days yet. I might post it on my Lair if that's OK with you.

P.S. - It's nice to see people like James007 still interested in what remains a very good sim.

Still lots of potential. IMHO


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #10 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 6:59pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
Ah... Now that's good news Grin


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #11 - Aug 5th, 2004 at 7:16pm

Cody_Coyote   Offline

Posts: 92
Hagar - Posting at your lair sounds great.
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Reply #12 - Aug 6th, 2004 at 4:12am

Akula.   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 943
BY the way, cody, i really liked your tutorial. i was new to cfs2, and it really sorted me out with building missions and campaigns. i'm now trying to build a modern-day fighter battle (minus the missiles, working on that one Grin) and when i perfect it, i'll upload it onto www.simV for everyone to enjoy (Well, maybe not without missiles!)

- Akula
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Reply #13 - Aug 6th, 2004 at 5:53am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...

Posts: 99
BY the way, cody, i really liked your tutorial. i was new to cfs2, and it really sorted me out with building missions and campaigns.

Amen to that Akula, if a thick so&so like me can do missions using codys tute, there's hope for EVERYBODY Roll Eyes i still think CFS2's good, CFS3  need's big computing power to make it work properly.
Only seems to be the occasional new stuff being posted now for CFS2 tho'.
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Reply #14 - Aug 11th, 2004 at 2:11pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hagar - Posting at your lair sounds great.

OK. I've posted a draft of Part 1 Here. Please tell me what you think.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #15 - Aug 11th, 2004 at 5:13pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
Thanks, Hagar Smiley

Looks great 8)


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #16 - Aug 12th, 2004 at 1:09am

Cody_Coyote   Offline

Posts: 92
Hagar -  Looks great!  I'm impressed!  Even the real Cody Coyote likes it, which is to say he made a contented grumbling sound as I paged through it.  Granted I was scratching his ears at the time.

Seriously - thanks for doing this.

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Reply #17 - Aug 12th, 2004 at 1:42am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Hagar Thats great work. Thankyou .
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