Junior, hope you don't mind if a stray off topic, But you brought up an interesting point.
Pilot workload is pretty much equal in a Boeing 777 or an Airbus A340.
The FMC in the 777 is more of an airbus type MCDU, it provides a basic interface to operate the FMCS (Flight Management Computer System ), just as the FMC in the 737, but also provides a broader image interface to both the FMCS and connected subsystem within the FMS. Also both aircrafts are FBW.
But you are correct, Airbus aircraft generally spits out information to you via the ECAM, whereas in the 737NG all you have is engine and hydraulic systems on the MFD, all other systems are monitored elsewhere, on the overhead panel for delta pressure, APU EGT, cabin altitude/temp, Duct pressure, voltmetering etc.
The A320 is more complex than the 737, more automated systems to aid the pilot, but also requires lots of attention. Automated flight should be a supplement to the pilots, not a substitute