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seaplane take off strip in Missionbuilder (Read 458 times)
Jul 8th, 2004 at 4:21am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Posts: 99
just to clarify what i meant in the CFS2 wakes post,
can you put a take off point ANYWHERE  on water for a seaplane take off point?
I've got a seaplane base,but can you, some how,simulate a take off, an Airstart perhaps,( wont start lower than 164ft when i tried it) from anywhere ?
I'm OK at the moment i've got the Canadian Catalina the vickers canso, which has a good undercarriage setup, a sunderland or german floater no way just revs it's heart out on the runway  Roll Eyes
There's no problem with seaplanes in an airstart mission, you can land & take off again.
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Reply #1 - Jul 8th, 2004 at 7:25am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
Just add an entry to your airbases.dat.

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Reply #2 - Jul 8th, 2004 at 3:22pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
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Posts: 99
Thanks Mathias,
just add an entry as you say, need to identify a position in missionbuilder, long-lat-height=0, hdg's not important on the sea, may matter on a river (cant turn a seaplane too easily Roll Eyes) & away you go, clandestine activities here we come !!!!
Happ 8)
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Reply #3 - Jul 10th, 2004 at 9:57pm

Simon H   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 12
Heres a couple of sea plane bases to paste into your air base.dat  in the info folder, just change the Xs to fit in your existing sequence but make sure the end of the file has a blank line  and then a little square,

name=Koror Sea Plane
base_lat=N7 21.13
base_lon=E134 30.51

name=Rendova Sea Plane
base_lat=S8 27.61
base_lon=E157 16.89

They are both fictional bases, Koror is in the beautiful Palau Islands and Rendova is a base for PT boats in the Solomons, I havent found the real location for it, but "hey" I bet someone knows exactly where it is, Lieutenant J F Kennedy was stationed there.
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Reply #4 - Jul 11th, 2004 at 4:39am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
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Posts: 99
Thanks for that simon, Koror & Rendova wont fit well with Liverpool or Lossiemouth  Roll Eyes i'm doing a euro CFS2 for myself, it's what mathias has suggested also,finding the heading was a problem until i hit shift+z & there it is across the top !!, so i can just fly the course i want in any plane,hit p & write down the co-ordinates, as simple as that.
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Reply #5 - May 21st, 2005 at 10:24pm

Simon H   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 12
Its true, heres another fix for floating starts in mission builder that I came up with which works for boats and flying boats but is not tested with amphibians. Many seaplanes opperated with some sort of tender, a ship or boat could be modified to work like a carrier. the dp file must be changed


Then the ship.cfg needs to have this in it

; this section defines the control points the
; AI (and LSO) use to steer towards the flight deck

; platforms are the actual surface that the planes
; land on.  You can define as many platforms as you
; want by adding subsequent sections with increasing
; numbers.  e.g. [platform.1], [platform.2] etc.
; vertices should be defined in model coordinates,
; and counter-clockwise order when viewed from above.
: REMEMBER, positive z is out the TAIL of the ship
; the shape may be concave or convex
; there may be from 3 to 20 vertices (limitation
; may go away later) and they must all be on the same
; plane.


pitch_wave_moment_scale = 1
bank_wave_moment_scale  = 1
pitch_damp_moment_scale = 1
bank_damp_moment_scale  = 1

the dimensions of the platform provide the deck surface but it is not relevent in this case since the take off start point is  50 metres to port at sea level. the dynamics section provide pich and roll  I have used a copy of a merchant ship renamed as a sea plane tender. but a pt boat or even an empty model would work just the same.

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Reply #6 - May 22nd, 2005 at 3:56pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...

Posts: 99
Thanks for that, Simon, have'nt got the Euro stuff on this new computer, i'll certainly try it out  when i eventually start it up again,meantime on with Fox-Fours Brit Korean war 8)
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Reply #7 - May 23rd, 2005 at 10:35am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Hopp_Hazzard I have another suggetion for you. For the looks of things you are only interested in the European Thearter and thats find by me.

Evendow I consider that only having half of World war two. CFS2 gives you that option.

I did this with my CFS2 install for the European Theater.
There is a way of only having European Air bases.

Go to:

Thats where Mathis Ground Grew Web is, go to the CFS2 section. Download his Malta Spitfire Campaign and within it you will find a folder call Information.

Within that folder you will find Eruropean Airbases for the whole theater. It will include the whole Mediteranean theater as well.

The only areas not included are the Easter Front and Weatern Africa.

He formatted them to replace the Pacific airbases.

I hope you will backup your original airbases files in case you change your mind one day and decide to fly in the Pacific Theater for change of pace.

Remember to follow the sequences of Id and Airbaese numbers so they will showup in the Mission Builder.

I want to thank Mathias for making this possible of only having Erupean airbases.

Check his Website out. It has many goodies for those of us that like the European Theater.

Unfortunuanly he does not care for the Pacific Theater because his a very talented individual. �

I would love it for him to make a Ki45 or Irving with new Textures. �

I still appreciate what his done for us.

I hope I have been able to help you out.

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