Hi everyone!
Im back after a quiet a while of schooling. Good thing im in summer now; finally a break. Anyways, I am posting this because as most of you guessed, i need help. Like a month ago, I started doing a website, believe it or not, for my church... since I am pretty much the only person that could do it, been unexperienced and all. So i turned to probably the best place to get some help; here.
My first question is "how can you make the background work independantly, from the other one besides it, in the same page"... Ex: scrolling in one side, while having the left side stay put in the place you left it, so that i can put all the links in there, etc...
Second: "how can you make music start playing automaticaly in the background when you open that link?"....like be watching the website, while hearing a background song from that website
and lastly, how can you make a page with a bunch of question/answers be sent to you (me) when the button "submit" is pressed?
I would really be graceful if i got some answers from you people...
Also, if you got any ideas on how i could improve my website, it will be appreciated!!!