Hi Zeberdee
the short answer is no you cannot connect them together. The pedals for the wheel have analog pots in them and these are read by the electronics in the wheel and then converted to a digital signal which is then connented to your pc via usb.
The M$ FFB2 stick does not use pots in it. It uses an optical scan device which is then converted into a digitial signal which is then sent to your pc via usb.
The only way they might work together is if you make an adaptor cable that the pedals plug into and the other end of the cable can then plug into your gameport. Windows may recognise your pedals as a two axis joystick on port 1 and allow you to calibrate and use it.
Your game would have to support more than one controller (all the M$ Flight Sime software support up to 16 controllers).
The only other way to get rudder pedals for your M$ FFB2 stick is to buy a set of Hoffman pedals. I have these with my M$ FFB1 stick and they work fine . See link if you want more info.