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Old games......for FREE! (Read 409 times)
May 26th, 2004 at 8:10am
Exploder   Ex Member

For those of us who like old games,I can really recommend this site:

The site is in French,but you should find your way through. They've got things like "Pirates", "Sim City 2000", Some parts of the Ultima series, MADTV, etc...
But keep away from the adventures,they are almost entirely in French.

Some hints:
Jeux = Games
Télécharger = Download


eXpLoDeR  8)
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Reply #1 - May 26th, 2004 at 10:12am

Iroquois   Offline
Happy Halloween
Ontario Canada

Gender: male
Posts: 3244
Interesting. Is this legal though? I know some of the games on there are still for sale. I know Sonic & Knuckles is in a new compelation pack for Game Cube for example.

I only pretend to know what I'm talking about. Heck, that's what lawyers, car mechanics, and IT professionals do everyday. Wink&&The Rig: &&AMD Athlon XP2000+ Palomino, ECS K7S5A 3.1, 1GB PC2700 DDR, Geforce FX5200 128mb, SB Live Platinum, 16xDVD, 16x10x40x CDRW, 40/60gb 7200rpm HDD, 325w Power, Windows XP Home SP1, Directx 9.0c with 66.81 Beta gfx drivers
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Reply #2 - May 26th, 2004 at 11:04am

Craig.   Offline

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Posts: 18590
as long as companies have stopped selling it on the specific platform then its legal. Since its gamecube then there shouldnt be a problem
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Reply #3 - May 26th, 2004 at 12:43pm

SilverFox441   Offline
Now What?
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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Posts: 1467
Actually, it's not legal...but it is tolerated.

Very few companies will be bothered to do anything to protest their rights concerning a game that they no longer have any commercial interest in.

I'm normally very much against "pirateware", but will admit I've D/l'd a couple of really old games from places like like Mech Brigade (which I used to play on a C64 and Action Stations (which I used to play on an A500). Neither game has been adequately replaced for the PC and I play them very infrequently.

Steve (Silver Fox) Daly
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Reply #4 - May 27th, 2004 at 5:22am

Omag 2.0   Offline
No badger comes close!
Somewhere, Belgium

Gender: male
Posts: 11985
COOOOOL - Duke Nukem time, where are those machineguns....

&&...&&&&Check my aviation-photo's at go straight to Omag's Album
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Reply #5 - May 27th, 2004 at 1:08pm

Meyekul   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 210
Great find!  If you like to read the descriptions and stuff, you might find Google's Language Tools useful.
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Reply #6 - May 28th, 2004 at 5:53am
Exploder   Ex Member

"Nuclear war" is one of my favourites,as well as "Simon II" and "Commander Keen IV". Smiley
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Reply #7 - May 28th, 2004 at 9:20am

Meyekul   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 210
Here's an english Abandonware site, a really good one too:
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