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Explodable Object Library ??? (Read 625 times)
May 21st, 2004 at 10:21pm

tiger63   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 171
I'm so lost.  ??? I'm trying to change a/c and .api macros into explodable objects to use in missions and such. Martin Wright told me it was the same as making CFS2 Weapons. But I'm completely lost on how to apply that to this. Please Help
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Reply #1 - May 24th, 2004 at 7:35pm

mag_ddave   Offline
Ddave Ops-CFS Scenery

Gender: male
Posts: 121
Grin i have been reading all your posts about scenery building ,dp files,EOD etc. Quite a big bite to chew  lol.
An alternative for explodeable objects would be to use Brunhost to build missions.It allows you to use the stock scenery objects and make them explodable objects.I'm not sure if its available here at Simviation or not.Maybe Sim Outhouse or one of the other CFS sites. Wink
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