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Oh well, maybe CFS4 will be better! (Read 1643 times)
May 10th, 2004 at 8:58pm

Dan32   Offline
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After loading CFS3 several times and doing the updates etc til I got sick of it, I finally just said to hell with it after it froze up again, and removed it.  Back to CFS2.
     The MB is a definite step backwards.  You can't zoom in like CFS2, you can't even test fly your missions without going out of it and into CFS3.  What a pain!  Sure, the graphics are nice, but reeeeaaaaallllly.  I'm running a brand new loaded Cicero with an Athalon 64 processor through a G force 5200.  I just crank everything in CFS2 and the graphics are damned close! 

    Lets face it, we who like to build our own missions should stick to CFS2 until they come up with something better than this.  Try to find a DO 17 if you are a Battle of Britain fan, or a Stuka for that matter.

    Yeah, in all fairness, CFS2 has been out there a while but to me, its the superior way to go.  Anyone want a copy of CFS3?
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Reply #1 - May 11th, 2004 at 2:58pm

bubnme   Offline

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yes... i'll take a hand out...
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Reply #2 - May 11th, 2004 at 7:16pm

Iroquois   Offline
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I like the CFS3 better than CFS2. Anyway, don't give up just yet. You may have a  conflict if CFS3 is freezing. There are several neat little tricks. I'm running a similar system(actually upgrading to an Athlon64 soon) so I may be able to help.

First I suggest you hop on over to They offer beta driver sets that aren't available yet from nVidia. Under Detonator/Forceware Drivers section you'll want to take a look at the 6x.xx series. I'm running the 61.11 drivers but they may not work for some people. The most stable beta set for the FX5200 are the 60.72 drivers.

I only pretend to know what I'm talking about. Heck, that's what lawyers, car mechanics, and IT professionals do everyday. Wink&&The Rig: &&AMD Athlon XP2000+ Palomino, ECS K7S5A 3.1, 1GB PC2700 DDR, Geforce FX5200 128mb, SB Live Platinum, 16xDVD, 16x10x40x CDRW, 40/60gb 7200rpm HDD, 325w Power, Windows XP Home SP1, Directx 9.0c with 66.81 Beta gfx drivers
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Reply #3 - May 12th, 2004 at 3:32am

NoseDive   Offline
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South Wales - UK

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Try to find a DO 17 if you are a Battle of Britain fan, or a Stuka for that matter.

Does anybody know if there is likely to be a Stuka available soon? I'm itching to get my hands (well guns actually) on one. I've seen an incomplete version on one of the excellent development sites but this is unpainted and is based on the 109, so it will not behave like a Stuka.

5,000 feet, full flaps, throttle down, head down, butt up, here we go! NoooseDiiiiiive!!!
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Reply #4 - May 12th, 2004 at 8:47am
Canadian   Ex Member

[quote author=Dan32  link=1084222685/0#0 date=1084237085]The MB is a definite step backwards.[/quote]
If you don't like the MB you can always write missions in an XML editor.  In fact, creating missions in this manner has been so easy for me that I haven't even tried the MB.
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Reply #5 - May 12th, 2004 at 8:12pm

Dan32   Offline
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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hi guys.  Thanks for the tip on the drivers.  I still haven't reloaded CFS3 as I've been writing more missions on CFS2.  To put a finer point on it, every time I'd start up CFS3, it would tell me it wasn't shut down properly, even after I reloaded it.  In some missions, I'd get a strobing effect instead of beginning the mission.  In some I'd just get booted out of the game.  Some would boot me out in the middle of a mission. We all know how frustrating that can be!  Lets face it.  I bought CFS3 thinking that if CFS2 was good, this is really going to kick ass, but it seems to be more hassle than anything.  When I did the upgrade, I thought that should solve the problems.  I did put the 'no cd' patch in and it work fine.  As the one for CFS2 did.  I found that sometimes when I wrote a whole mission, it would not load.  I would go back ane eliminate things until it would, then add the same things back in (aircraft etc.) and it would work.  So you cn imagine what a pain that was.  Having to shut down the MB and fire up CFS3 just to see if it would work.  Why can't you fly the missions from MB.  That is such a step backwards!  Why can't you control the AA, or zoom in and see the field?  Again a step backwards.  What we need to see is a sim that takes the best of 2 and 3 and makes one fantastic sim.
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Reply #6 - May 13th, 2004 at 8:26pm

Dan32   Offline
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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ok, so I broke down and reloaded it.  Went to the Microsoft site and downloaded all the updates.  Installed the no cd patch.  So there I am.  I hit the warp button and she freezes (in a self made mission).  So I have to escape and it apologizes but it has to shut down.  Every time I start CFS3, it says it wasn't shut down properly... Even though I've just exited the normal way.  And when I do hit the button 'are you sure...' it does a real number on my compter.  Which is brand spanking new!  I've tried it with the no cd patch then I took it back out and am running the old cfg with the disc, same thing.  HELP!
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Reply #7 - May 14th, 2004 at 10:46am

chomp_rock   Offline
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Why not try quick combat? I bought CFS3 for the quick combat and I never play any missions.

P.S. 64 bit binaries are slower than 32 bit ones so don't expect a big jump in MSFS or MSCFS preformance just because you have an AMD64 (you should have gotten a Xeon like me  Grin)

AMD Athlon 64 3700+&&GeForce FX5200 256Mb&&1GB DDR400 DC&&Seagate 500Gb SATA-300 HDD&&Windows XP Professional X64 Edition
&&&&That's right, I'm now using an AMD! I decided to give them another try and they kicked the pants off of my P4 3.4!
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Reply #8 - May 16th, 2004 at 1:42pm
Bob_Ruff   Ex Member

Dan32 your posting depresses me. I have heard some horror stories like yours and wonder why CFS3 MB works for me.
Once a mission is named in a mission file, you do not have to shut down CFS3 to alter it.
Say you make mission #1A and save it in "What if" folder. Leave the MB open and on screen. Open the game and fly it. Now you see something is off. close the mission, click close in the bar to reset it to missions, then click the windows icon between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the bottom left of the key board. The game will drop off the screen and you will see it in the lower tool bar. Alter the mission and save it. Now click the CFS3 in the tool bar and it comes back on screen and click open the mission a fly the altered version.
With all the missions I build and the difficulties in placing things, as many have pointed out, this makes it possible to work.
CFS2 was easier to work on, yes. But, an VW bug motor is easier to work on than a Ferrari motor but when its time to go for a spin we all want to be in the red car. (IMO)
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Reply #9 - May 19th, 2004 at 8:47am

Delta_   Offline
London, UK

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Is CFS4 coming out yet?  I have suddenly become interested in CFS again and want to get CFS3 but if CFS4 is coming out i will get that.

My system:Intel Q6600@3.6GHz, Corsair XMS2 4GB DDR2-6400 (4-4-4-12-1T) , Sapphire 7850 OC 2BG 920/5000, X-Fi Fatality, Corsair AX 750, 7 Pro x64
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Reply #10 - May 19th, 2004 at 11:09am

Mathias   Offline
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hi guys.  Thanks for the tip on the drivers.  I still haven't reloaded CFS3 as I've been writing more missions on CFS2.  To put a finer point on it, every time I'd start up CFS3, it would tell me it wasn't shut down properly, even after I reloaded it.  In some missions, I'd get a strobing effect instead of beginning the mission.  In some I'd just get booted out of the game.  Some would boot me out in the middle of a mission. We all know how frustrating that can be!  Lets face it.  I bought CFS3 thinking that if CFS2 was good, this is really going to kick ass, but it seems to be more hassle than anything.  When I did the upgrade, I thought that should solve the problems.  I did put the 'no cd' patch in and it work fine.  As the one for CFS2 did.  I found that sometimes when I wrote a whole mission, it would not load.  I would go back ane eliminate things until it would, then add the same things back in (aircraft etc.) and it would work.  So you cn imagine what a pain that was.  Having to shut down the MB and fire up CFS3 just to see if it would work.  Why can't you fly the missions from MB.  That is such a step backwards!  Why can't you control the AA, or zoom in and see the field?  Again a step backwards.  What we need to see is a sim that takes the best of 2 and 3 and makes one fantastic sim.

All of the above hassles with flying missions are most likely due to incomplete installation of addons.
You're either missing a scripted facility or the sim tries to spawn an aircraft with a payload that you didn't install.
I would certainly agree that the mission builder had deserved a better UI.
however, it should give you all the tools you need to make great missions.
Not talking about the fact that the CFS3 AI is much better than the sleepy CFS2 AI:)

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Reply #11 - May 19th, 2004 at 6:23pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
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Not talking about the fact that the CFS3 AI is much better than the sleepy CFS2 AI:)

Still crap dogfighters though. Grin

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #12 - May 19th, 2004 at 7:07pm

nickle   Offline
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There are two issues dogfighting CFS2 and CFS3.
One issue is AI programming; the other fighter performance.
My opinion is that CFS2 is far better dogfight 1v1 with the Zero.  1v1 J ace vs whatever allied. Because the Zero is a true dogfighter and the programmed AI shows it to better capability than the N fighters in CFS3.  The CFS2 AI looks to be more representative of tactics the J's used while CFS3 looks to be an imitation using J tactics.  Mostly boring.  AI is expensive to model accurately so not surprising that MS gave pablum fare in CFS3.
Fighter performance of the MS original was dismal at best.  AvHistory saved their ass. None of the fighers, allied or enemy perform to their specs even in AvHistory versions.  AvHistory Zeros best CFS2.  CFS3 FW190 in AI role is poor.  Far worse than the superb fighter it was.  CFS3 AvHistory 51 is very good or at least realatively very good.  And the 47 is abysmal, not close to the fighter that broke the back of the Luftwaffle.
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Reply #13 - May 20th, 2004 at 3:12am

Mathias   Offline
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Still crap dogfighters though. Grin

Depends, Woodlouse, depends.
Have you tried the recent 1% Bf109F-4 v. Spit V?
You're in for a challenge there. Grin

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Reply #14 - May 20th, 2004 at 3:53am

NoseDive   Offline
Hey, What's the ground
doing up there?
South Wales - UK

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I find that the AI dogfighting is getting a bit predictable, certainly at low-level, where I like to hang out, even when up against aces. Opponent either goes into a wide arc or goes into a steep dive, pulls up steeply into a stall turn then rolls out, usually to the right. It's just a matter of predicting where he's going to go into the stall and wait for him there - a bit of a turkey shoot. I  generally wander off and hit a few ground targets because I get bored.

I have even started going up with two or three against six or more (which I suppose is a bit more reminiscent of the BoB) just to give myself a chance of getting shot down occasionally (sorry, sounds as if I'm bragging, but I'm not - the bad guys just don't seem to be the feared aces I was expecting.)

5,000 feet, full flaps, throttle down, head down, butt up, here we go! NoooseDiiiiiive!!!
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Reply #15 - May 20th, 2004 at 12:46pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
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Cornwall, England

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Depends, Woodlouse, depends.
Have you tried the recent 1% Bf109F-4 v. Spit V?
You're in for a challenge there. Grin

I can't say I have. Will do so though. But I don't like flying 109's, they're a bit sensitive.

If I want a bit of a challenge then I fly my Tempest against a Go229.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #16 - May 23rd, 2004 at 6:35am

Akula.   Offline

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Does anybody here have any info on what CFS4 will be like? If it is WW1, i will get it. if it is Africa WW2, i will probably get it. if it is Korea, i will get it. Any ideas on what it will be about? im stumped ??? cos it could be any of the things i've mentioned.

- Akula
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Reply #17 - May 23rd, 2004 at 9:23am

nickle   Offline
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The GO 229 is an easier AI target than the 109.
Reason is that all AI targets use the similar flight profiles.  There is some variation.
These profiles are best for the 109 and poor for the 229.  The jet should be using speed and vertical to gain position on the Tempest.   Instead it's profile is low altitude and moderate climbing/descending turns.  It's turn radius is large due to speed.  The Tempest is quickly on the inside of the turn and it is just a matter of the number of turns to close and get hits.  Once hit, the 229 looses its speed advantage.
For spice:
Disable labels.  Leave Cone on.
Neutral only. Ace opponent.  Rookie AA.
Shoot down several.  Damage another.  At Blue base T&G, or full stop followed by TO to engage again. Set up engagements so that Blue base is always nearby.  When low on ammo final landing at Blue base.  Take care not to get bagged on final.
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Reply #18 - May 23rd, 2004 at 6:39pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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The GO 229 is an easier AI target than the 109.
Reason is that all AI targets use the similar flight profiles.  There is some variation.
These profiles are best for the 109 and poor for the 229.  The jet should be using speed and vertical to gain position on the Tempest.   Instead it's profile is low altitude and moderate climbing/descending turns.  It's turn radius is large due to speed.  The Tempest is quickly on the inside of the turn and it is just a matter of the number of turns to close and get hits.  Once hit, the 229 looses its speed advantage.
For spice:
Disable labels.  Leave Cone on.
Neutral only. Ace opponent.  Rookie AA.
Shoot down several.  Damage another.  At Blue base T&G, or full stop followed by TO to engage again. Set up engagements so that Blue base is always nearby.  When low on ammo final landing at Blue base.  Take care not to get bagged on final.  

I find the opposite true. The 109 is easy meat for the Tempest. The Go229 however at least has a huge speed advantage. Its also not bad at turning either. I personally find the Go229 the hardest aircraft to shoot down while flying, with the only time you can get a shot in is when its just pulling out of a dive. I usually try to hit an engine in my first burst, which makes things much easier.

With Bf109's and Fw190's all you need to do is wait for them to climb, then zoom up behind them and blow them away, easy.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #19 - May 23rd, 2004 at 6:43pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Also, CFS4, when and if it comes will be the pacific theatre, picking up from where we left off in CFS2. So 1943 onwards. So expect B29's, nukes, and Kamikazi. Grin

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #20 - May 23rd, 2004 at 7:21pm

nickle   Offline
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So I tried GO vs Tempest.
Hits on the third turn neutral start.
Kill on the fourth.
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Reply #21 - May 23rd, 2004 at 8:06pm

nickle   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
San Diego, Ca

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Tried 3US 51 vs 3Ger 262.
Kill in two turns.
Took four for 262 to impact.
What am I doing wrong?

PS: Tempest vs GO was the shit stock stuff.
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Reply #22 - May 24th, 2004 at 1:20am

Mathias   Offline
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Also, CFS4, when and if it comes will be the pacific theatre, picking up from where we left off in CFS2. So 1943 onwards. So expect B29's, nukes, and Kamikazi. Grin

Woodlouse, wherever you got that wisdon from, I wouldn't hold my breath for it Wink.
CFS4 is cancelled, there will be none.
If it comes it won't be the pacific.
Hence no info at E3.
If you want CFS4 write mail to MS asking for it.
do it now, don't wait until June Roll Eyes

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Reply #23 - May 24th, 2004 at 7:47am

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Woodlouse, wherever you got that wisdon from, I wouldn't hold my breath for it Wink.
CFS4 is cancelled, there will be none.
If it comes it won't be the pacific.
Hence no info at E3.
If you want CFS4 write mail to MS asking for it.
do it now, don't wait until June Roll Eyes

I did say "if". The wisdom comes from common sense, being that CFS2 didn't end in 1945 but 1943. So it stands to reason that CFS4 will be from 1943 to 1947 like CFS3.

Also, Hagar spoke to someone from sim-outhouse who has/had a part in CFS4 and he says pretty much the same. Wink

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #24 - May 24th, 2004 at 8:38am

Mathias   Offline
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I did say "if". The wisdom comes from common sense, being that CFS2 didn't end in 1945 but 1943. So it stands to reason that CFS4 will be from 1943 to 1947 like CFS3.

Also, Hagar spoke to someone from sim-outhouse who has/had a part in CFS4 and he says pretty much the same. Wink

Well, I don't think there are "officals" at the outhouse staff with insight to CFS developement as they have pretty much p****d off the Aces with some nasty anti-campaigns in the past, with the result that one certain Aces team member who posted fairly regularly at public boards has been shut up by management.
There is a certain individual over at SOH who has been pampered by a lowlife of the MS sales crowd sort of "Hey, great that you like our stuff", but that's about it.
Fact is, CFS4 hasn't been announced at E3, there is no beta testing whatsoever, MS is holding back finished CFS3 patches and new version of the terrain SDK,
CFS4, when it was still alive, was not supposed to be in the pacific.
They pulled the plug on CFS as they did on TS, just that it dies in all silence unless you and me send mail to MS regularly.

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Reply #25 - May 24th, 2004 at 2:23pm

Scorpiоn   Offline
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I don't understand what everyone's so upset about.  CFS3 is still rather new and Microsoft has a habit of not announcing simulators untill they're just about finished.

People feel like Microsoft has some sort of obligation towards them to make up for CFS3. Roll Eyes

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #26 - May 24th, 2004 at 5:14pm

nickle   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
San Diego, Ca

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So romantic 605. 

And then it kissed it / where the sea too would end is your lips weakly and palely / and its eyes become wet
the last kiss is so long here / the last kiss it remembers no longer Rammstein - fog
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Reply #27 - May 24th, 2004 at 5:31pm

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

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Posts: 4496
To quote Silent: "Ugh, online translators..."

Roll Eyes It is a nice song actually, sad, but nice. Smiley

Back on topic... Roll Eyes

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #28 - May 24th, 2004 at 5:39pm

Mathias   Offline
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I don't understand what everyone's so upset about.  CFS3 is still rather new and Microsoft has a habit of not announcing simulators untill they're just about finished.

People feel like Microsoft has some sort of obligation towards them to make up for CFS3. Roll Eyes

Heck, I must be an idiot then, I thought M$ would announce this year's titles at E3.
Forget all the rest I've been talking as it's basically just been told to me while I was asleep and on dope, and CFS3 is almost two years brand new, LOL.

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Reply #29 - May 24th, 2004 at 6:10pm

Mathias   Offline
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To quote Silent: "Ugh, online translators..."

Roll Eyes It is a nice song actually, sad, but nice. Smiley

Back on topic... Roll Eyes

Und dann hat er sie geküsst / Wo das meer zu ende ist
Ihre lippen schwach und blass / Und seine augen werden nass
Der letzte kuss ist so lang her / Der letzte kuss
Er erinnert sich nicht mehr
Rammstein - Nebel

And then he kissed her/ where the sea is at the end and her lips weak and pale/  and his eyes turn wet/ the last kiss is so long ago/the last kiss, he can't remember

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Reply #30 - May 24th, 2004 at 7:26pm

nickle   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
San Diego, Ca

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Maybe the kiss fondly remembered is CFS3 memories.
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Reply #31 - May 25th, 2004 at 5:06pm

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

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Heck, I must be an idiot then, I thought M$ would announce this year's titles at E3.
Forget all the rest I've been talking as it's basically just been told to me while I was asleep and on dope, and CFS3 is almost two years brand new, LOL.

Not, not so much, I'm just saying I find it unlikely that Microsoft would just up and stop porducing Simulators.  Civil and Combat simulators are coming, and probably will be for a long time.  Mybe this year, maybe next year, maybe the year after next.  If Microsoft is having serious troubles, maybe in four, but I don't think they'll take that long.

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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