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› I'm a Newb
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I'm a Newb (Read 274 times)
May 10
, 2004 at 4:04pm
Posts: 18
So I want to design an aircraft, but I don't know anything or where to begin. I don't know what programs are needed, how much work is involved, etc. Any and all tips/suggestions/help welcome.
Life is better in a Jug.
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Reply #1 -
May 10
, 2004 at 4:13pm
Posts: 316
See the top thread of this section...
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Reply #2 -
May 11
, 2004 at 11:20am
Posts: 18
Meh, sorry... Must remember, always read the stickies...
Life is better in a Jug.
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Reply #3 -
May 12
, 2004 at 12:39pm
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
Nice to see somebody who wants to make aircraft.
For starters you need a good program for making them. Do not buy something called FSDS. this is expensive, difficult to learn and ineffective. You will want a free program called "Gmax"
This Gmax is easy to use, and very effective. You will find this "gmax" at
Download version 1.2, and install it. You must then register it.
Once you have this down, go to sites like, and here as well to find tutorials. If you have a question, you can most certainly ask somebody on this forum, they always seem to know, lol.
Hope this helps
(FFDS site URL corrected) - FJR
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Reply #4 -
May 12
, 2004 at 1:19pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Do not buy something called FSDS. this is expensive, difficult to learn and ineffective.
Of course I take issue with the "expensive" (compared to gmax, even a $1.00 program is expensive), difficult to learn (matter of opinion- some people find FSDS easy, others find gmax's learning curve very steep - the truth is, both programs require a person's investment in time and effort). As to ineffective? In what way? If you want to say that FSDS does not handle the latest eye-candy from the FS9 SDK, I'll grant you that. But then, being a third party, the FSDS developer doesn't have prior access to the inner workings of the SDKs, the Microsoft flightsim engine changes etc.
The point is, for YOU, gmax has been easier to learn (congratulations - I'm still struggling with it), but for others, FSDS is still a viable and effective program.
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Reply #5 -
May 12
, 2004 at 1:20pm
To fly... Or not to fly?
Posts: 1165
Don't forget to download the Software Development Kits (SDK's) from Microsoft.
&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #6 -
May 14
, 2004 at 8:17am
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
The point is, for YOU, gmax has been easier to learn (congratulations - I'm still struggling with it), but for others, FSDS is still a viable and effective program.
Whoa, back up a second,
you - strugglinng with gmax? Weren't you the guy who very kindly helped me with all the questions i had aboat gmax??? Or was that some dude with the same username???
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Reply #7 -
May 14
, 2004 at 10:29am
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Whoa, back up a second,
you - strugglinng with gmax? Weren't you the guy who very kindly helped me with all the questions i had aboat gmax??? Or was that some dude with the same username???
Aaaaa... but didn't you know that the "secret" of being an expert is spouting off on matters you know nothing about?
We have a saying in Spanish that translates as: "The Devil knows more by being old than by being the Devil".
My "expertise" in basic modelling matters comes more from having seen the answers to the same questions several times throughout the forums, some experimentation, and of course, being able to point to tutorials, tips, etc. A little bit of logic applied to the problem, and some fancy words, and even Hagar thinks I'm an expert!
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Reply #8 -
May 14
, 2004 at 11:19am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Aaaaa... but didn't you know that the "secret" of being an expert is spouting off on matters you know nothing about?
This is true enough. Most people know that I specialise in writing tutorials on various subjects. I have often been misguidedly called genius, guru & expert among various other names not allowed in this forum.
What they don't realise is that I originally knew less than most beginners. When I first started most of my knowledge came from reading FS98 & CFS1 Help & explaining things in my own words. By using ordinary everyday language instead of complicated gobbledegook most people could then understand it. I have a natural talent for this & it was part of my job for many years.
and even Hagar thinks I'm an expert!
I do. I also think you are far too modest.
PS. Mike. Don't take this the wrong way but maybe you shouldn't comment on programs you've never tried & know very little about. I never figured out Gmax as it's far too complicated & completely different to the conventional 3rd party FS applications I'm used to. I would never criticise it as I've seen what its capable of when used by people who can take advantage of its powerful features.
I use FSDS2 & swear by it. It's capable of far more than I will ever need or be able to understand. By allowing me to create my own aircraft for CFS2/FS2002 & FS9 it's worth every penny I paid for it.
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Reply #9 -
May 14
, 2004 at 11:38am
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
PS. Mike. Don't take this the wrong way but maybe you shouldn't comment on programs you've never tried & know very little about.
I understand, but i wouldn't be commenting on FSDS if i'd never used it. Ofcourse, i never use it for really making serious projects for FS. I usually use it for some scenery things and stuff. I wont tell how i got it, cuz i don't want to start one of those huge things like i did with the PMDG 737NG. Ooops, guess i just gave myself away
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Reply #10 -
May 14
, 2004 at 11:56am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Mike. This is too much information. You seem to enjoy being provocative. It must be deliberate as there's no need to say it in the first place & posts can be edited. I would have thought you'd learned your lesson by now.
Let's try again. This is what I was referring to.
Do not buy something called FSDS. this is expensive, difficult to learn and ineffective.
This is your opinion. Just because you think it's expensive & difficult to learn doesn't mean that others do. Like many others I've been creating my own aircraft for 5 years & using FSDS since it was first released for FS2000. This was long before Gmax was released. Some people seem to find Gmax easy to use but I find it extremely difficult. This does not make FSDS difficult to learn or ineffective. It depends what you're used to.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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