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› wingmen crash
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wingmen crash (Read 1277 times)
May 2
, 2004 at 9:16am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 140
I have a number of missions which upon completion most of the wingmen crash/fly into the ground while approaching the runway. Needless to say i loose too many of them to succesfully complete a mission or campaign. any solutions to this dilema????????????
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Reply #1 -
May 2
, 2004 at 9:34am
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...
Posts: 99
I've thought it's if you stay in the target area too long or you exceed your goals ? same thing happens if you change to a more superior aicraft than the one your supposed to fly, is this the computer compensating ? just a thought.
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Reply #2 -
May 2
, 2004 at 7:19pm
I like jam.
Cornwall, England
Posts: 12574
Hit X before they have a chance to crash.
Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #3 -
May 3
, 2004 at 5:17am
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,
Posts: 3879
Woody has it right, CFS is a
utilising a flight sim engine. To be succesful in the campaign you have to play it as a game and use the features that you have available that were not available to your historical counterpart. They did not have a map that accurately showed them their position to within 1/1000th of an inch, you do. They did not have a radar scope, you do. They did not have HUD, or labels, or outside views, or a warp feature but you certainly do.
The game can be played as a hardcore simulation by refusing to use any of the features outlined above. It is easier to achieve this in CFS3 by switching them off in the Config program, but you must make sure to take a good map
Who switched the lights off? I can't see a thing....... Hold on, my eyes were closed. Oops, my bad...............&&
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Reply #4 -
May 3
, 2004 at 6:41am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Many of these problems are caused by the flight dynamics of 3rd party aircraft used, the way the mission is set up & the way you play them. Many missions are intended to work in real time. Warping messes up the sequence of events which can completely spoil the mission.
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Reply #5 -
May 3
, 2004 at 8:46am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 140
thanks for all of the info. ithought that perhaps the runway take off and landing zones were at fault.
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Reply #6 -
May 4
, 2004 at 5:09am
Pori, Finland
Posts: 14
The only sure way that your wingmen survive is that you hit the X to end the mission. I tested this a bit maybe a year ago, it also has some info about taking off from a carrier. The crashing wingmen are the reason why the newer missions that I have made start and end mid.air. If you run into problems with too many wingmen lost, edit the pilotlog with notepad. The line saying wingmenlost should read 0.
Though my notes dont say this I think that Japanese wingmen were more able to land their planes safely.
I tested changing the landing position (in both mis. and airbases.dat) from 500 to 50 but there was no joy, the planes crashed the same way. I did not test what if anything happens if one puts in a negative value for the touchdown position.
Airfield: Torokina
Plane: F4U with both default airfile & modified
# planes:8
Testing through mission builder Fly now! option
When using default airfile 4/7 wingmen survive the landing regardles of the landing touchdown distance.
When using modified airfile I was lucky to have one wingman alive.
Some wingmen make a go around and start circling the airfield but mostly crash while doing so. (may take a while)
I also made tests on taking off from a carrier. The results were much the same, with default airfile your wingmen have a much better changes of surviving.
With modified airfile I noticed that the "safest" formation in wich to start in was FINGERTIP. With other formations the losses were numerous. (at least if you take off asap, look below)
But I also tested a work around for that:
When taking off, instead of rushing things and taking off as soon as possible, wait for the wingmen to circle around. Take off when they are on the downwind leg, or otherwise flying straight and level.
This because when you take off, they will try to form up asap, making them to turn to you instantly. And if they are in the middle of turning the other way, they start turning towards you and usually stall and crash.
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Reply #7 -
May 4
, 2004 at 12:39pm
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,
Posts: 3879
This because when you take off, they will try to form up asap, making them to turn to you instantly. And if they are in the middle of turning the other way, they start turning towards you and usually stall and crash.
Silly buggers!
Thanks for the Info there ckur, that goes some way to explaining a few problems.
Who switched the lights off? I can't see a thing....... Hold on, my eyes were closed. Oops, my bad...............&&
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Reply #8 -
May 5
, 2004 at 11:59am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 140
Thanks CKUR and all other for the info.
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Reply #9 -
May 6
, 2004 at 7:09am
Hampshire, UK
Posts: 74
Hi All,
interesting thread.
As someone who has done nothing more than dabble with panels, dp's and the aircraft.cfg it strikes me that the ai's problem is this.
The ai can't or won't use flaps. However, something tells the ai to land any plane at a given speed. This speed wil normally be for landing with flaps extended.
Is it simply that the ai is trying to get to a landing speed below the stall speed with no flaps.
Is there a figure somewhere in the mdl or air file that tells the ai at what speed to land and take-off.
If so, would raising this figure to somewhere above stall speed help the ai.
Or am I over simplifing things here?
Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #10 -
May 6
, 2004 at 9:15am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Hi Kev. I could be wrong but think that AI aircraft can use flaps. The animation works anyway.
The AI aircraft are controlled by values in the AIR file entries. These can be different to those in Aircraft.cfg which define the flyable aircraft. I'm not sure there's an entry for landing/take off speed. This might be in the DP. As I've mentioned before I'm out of touch with all this.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #11 -
May 6
, 2004 at 4:42pm
I like jam.
Cornwall, England
Posts: 12574
Whats wrong with just pressing X?
Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #12 -
May 7
, 2004 at 6:46am
Hampshire, UK
Posts: 74
What is wrong with pressing X?
Nothing if you are just interesting in achieving the mission goals.
Personally I think the main goal for most mission should be getting as many of your boys back home as possible.
A little while ago I set up a short mission to simulate a BoB scramble. The test being that if maximum climb rate was achieved in the Hurricane Mk1a you will meet the incoming 109e's on level terms.
The dogfight then ensued with planes being spread over most of the Channel.
Towards the end once I was out of ammo I watched 1 of my wingmen chase 2 109's towards France.
I tried to marshal the rest of my wing to finish off the 109's then brought them back down to Hawkinge. Of the 3 wingmen near me, 1 crashed on landing but had no visible undercarriage (The others did). Could this have been battle damage! 1 landed and stopped on the field. The 3rd landed but taxied off the field and was last seen heading along the A260 towards London!
now there I was, taxied to dispersal, engine shutting down and contemplating the letters I'd ned to right to my missing wingmens families when winging his way over the White Cliffs came the wingman who had chased the 109's to France. He then proceeded to land perfectly on the field and stop with the other successful lander.
This was a full 5 minutes after I had landed.
It really brought a lump to the throat. Possible the finest moment so far in single player missions.
I try to care for my wingmen much more now!
I don't fly that mission much now as I'm sure it will never be that good again.
That is why I don't press X
If we could just get them to land safely more often.
I have noticed that the ai are able to land on the grass fields of the BoB scenery much better than on runways. Don't know why as the ai only see a single section of the field as a grass runway!
Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #13 -
May 7
, 2004 at 8:29am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 140
to kevib 1
could not have said it better myself, right on!!!
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Reply #14 -
May 7
, 2004 at 8:55am
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...
Posts: 99
I've been trying to run a ground crew BoBHurricane campaigns without the Kenley base, & in one mission ALL the wingmen crash on take off
i've started take off & then pulled off to one side sharpish to watch, the wingmen adopt a nose down attitude as they try to take off(this is off grass)& dont make it
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Reply #15 -
May 7
, 2004 at 12:20pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Happ. I tried the Kenley scenery for you. First of all, it conflicts with Steve McClelland's CFSII Europe mesh. You would need to temporarily deactivate the mesh for Kenley to work. Make sure you installed NovaLib1.bgl to the CFS2\SCENEDB\library\scenery folder. The Kenley folder can be pasted anywhere you wish & activated via the Scenery Library. I had to paste copies of 5 texture files from the Kenley\Texture folder into the CFS2 main texture folder for the trees to display. These are the 4 BMP files named nova066 + VOD62.PAT. Please try it & tell me if that fixed it.
PS. I didn't try any of the missions. I suspect that installing the Kenley scenery could fix your wingmen problem with this campaign.
PPS. Don't forget to edit the Kenley entry in airbases.dat according with the instructions with the campaign.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #16 -
May 7
, 2004 at 2:18pm
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...
Posts: 99
What a shame Hagar, the airstarts run fine & i like Steves euro scenery so i wont be changing it, any way (in mission builder) i can correct this wingman crashing? it must be a start height problem for them to nose over like that.
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Reply #17 -
May 7
, 2004 at 2:47pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
I haven't tried the campaign so this is only a guess. In the instructions it tells you to edit the existing default Kenley entry in airbases.dat. I assume this means that the runway altitude & location is different with the recommended Kenley scenery installed. I'm not sure the campaign will work properly with Steve's mesh as the altitude in that area is almost certainly different again.
To play this campaign properly it would be best to install the Kenley scenery & use it without the mesh. This need only be temporary. If you activated the mesh via the Scenery Library it would be a simple matter of deactivating it to play this campaign. If you wish to use it for other campaigns you can reactivate it with a single click & deactivate Kenley.
Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #18 -
May 7
, 2004 at 6:14pm
I like jam.
Cornwall, England
Posts: 12574
What is wrong with pressing X?
Nothing if you are just interesting in achieving the mission goals.
Personally I think the main goal for most mission should be getting as many of your boys back home as possible.
A little while ago I set up a short mission to simulate a BoB scramble. The test being that if maximum climb rate was achieved in the Hurricane Mk1a you will meet the incoming 109e's on level terms.
The dogfight then ensued with planes being spread over most of the Channel.
Towards the end once I was out of ammo I watched 1 of my wingmen chase 2 109's towards France.
I tried to marshal the rest of my wing to finish off the 109's then brought them back down to Hawkinge. Of the 3 wingmen near me, 1 crashed on landing but had no visible undercarriage (The others did). Could this have been battle damage! 1 landed and stopped on the field. The 3rd landed but taxied off the field and was last seen heading along the A260 towards London!
now there I was, taxied to dispersal, engine shutting down and contemplating the letters I'd ned to right to my missing wingmens families when winging his way over the White Cliffs came the wingman who had chased the 109's to France. He then proceeded to land perfectly on the field and stop with the other successful lander.
This was a full 5 minutes after I had landed.
It really brought a lump to the throat. Possible the finest moment so far in single player missions.
I try to care for my wingmen much more now!
I don't fly that mission much now as I'm sure it will never be that good again.
That is why I don't press X
If we could just get them to land safely more often.
I have noticed that the ai are able to land on the grass fields of the BoB scenery much better than on runways. Don't know why as the ai only see a single section of the field as a grass runway!
I find nothing wrong with pressing X if it stops all your wingmen from becomming craters when they try to land.
You are the only person I have met, aside from me, who looks after their wingmen in CFS2. In my last campaign they were getting really quite good, they would destroy what I told them to, they would take off, land and clear my tail of anything lucky enough to get there. Whats more, all but one had a more than 5 kills. Just try to remember, when you press H a wingman will come and help you out. When one of them calls for help, you should do the same for him.
Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #19 -
May 8
, 2004 at 5:12am
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...
Posts: 99
well, i move wingmen into the other section in campaigns if they get kills, most i've seen there is 2 kills on a wingman then they get wasted ,it's part of your goals that you dont lose too many, & you will get 'busted down' if you do, i've been behind an attacker about to shoot down a wingman & put round after round into it, its on fire one end to the other, and it STILL shoots down the wingie ! I think the computer CHEATS
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Reply #20 -
May 8
, 2004 at 2:01pm
I like jam.
Cornwall, England
Posts: 12574
Hehehe. While shooting down enemy aircraft, aim for the wing. If they don't have two of those then they can't fly.
Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #21 -
May 10
, 2004 at 1:06am
Pori, Finland
Posts: 14
If we could just get them to land safely more often.
I have noticed that the ai are able to land on the grass fields of the BoB scenery much better than on runways. Don't know why as the ai only see a single section of the field as a grass runway!
When landing on a runway, take a look at your wingmen. They seem to land quite a bit before the runway and then they speed up. That is they dont crash before reaching the runway... This was the reason I tried changing landing touchdown distance, but as said with no notable results.
One reason for crahes may be that in pacific the wingers land too soon and there is water, not land in the position where they land. In BOB missions the runways are mostly a bit further inland. Sometimes I have even noticed that if wingman lands in the water, quite near the shoreline they are able to do some ambhian work and get on to dry land.
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Reply #22 -
May 10
, 2004 at 8:25am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 75
I was courious so I made a simple AI land mission using the SBD. I doged him with the wild cat. With the 1% airfile the SBD would almost get to the runway gear down then he would just hang in the air nose down and crash. I had just installed a new CFS2 so I copied over the mission and tryed it. The SBD was stock MS AI only.
This time it landed right on the runway no prob.
But get this it would not stop. It just kept flying at "0" feet off across the water.
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Reply #23 -
May 10
, 2004 at 6:34pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 18
All accurate airfiles are much too touchy for the AI.
The only way to solve that seems to have two different flight models, one "touchy" and accurate for the player, and a "stock based" one for the AI. Anyway, the AI doesn't use the flight model as the player does. You'll notice that an AI using the same flight model can perform manoeuvres that you can't follow.
Another aspect of using accurate flight models with AI is that they underperform in combat, bath bombers and fighter. I believe that it is due to the fact that they can't stabilise their aircraft. You 'll see that when flying straight, they ondulate like a dolphin, which is not a good stable gun platform, obviously !
Last thing about AI is their DPs. They must have their cannons and machine gun attributed to the same trigger and they must be harmmonized differently, both in range and elevation. The AI doesn't have a gun sight. He seems to focus on a hard coded line of fire, and if you don't harmonize for it, then the AI misses its aim.
Last Edit: May 11
, 2004 at 6:08pm by GuyBoullenger
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Reply #24 -
Jul 4
, 2004 at 5:58am
Lieutenant Colonel
Posts: 9
A bit of an old thread... but here's my 2 cents worth...
Had the same problem with nose diving into ground shortly before landing with 1% Beaufighter - entire flight in perfect formation.
After playing with the air file with AirEd found that it was the Flaps angle that caused the grief for the AI.
In section 320 there is the "*Flaps Angle Limit" on the 1% Beau this was over 1 (= 58 degree historical flap angle) . Reducing this below 1 had immediate benefits and at 0.45 wingmen can usually land OK if not suffering combat damage. *This is by test and observation* settings may be different for other Aircraft. (and AI still perform other weird things - like bouncing during landing , travelling in a wheelbarrow like mode and taxiing over water.... but it's one step in the puzzle)
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Reply #25 -
Jul 8
, 2004 at 12:25pm
Posts: 943
While shooting down enemy aircraft, aim for the wing. If they don't have two of those then they can't fly.
heehee. another brilliant way of taking the enemy down is kill the pilot. just shoot straight into th cockpit and hopefuly he dies. By the way, if you need to take B-24s down quickly, then use rockets. they're not as inaccurate as you would think, i managed to bag one at 600 yards. B-24s can usually take about one rocket and a few bullets and they go down.
- Akula
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