You got a scenery conflict more than likely.
1st. Usually the biggest culprits are sceneries that are close together. Often times scenery is built with a synthetic scenery tile as the base.These can be quite large.If you have two overlapping scenery tiles from two sceneries,then you will get that multiple image look.
2nd.Sceneries that have lots of trees and or lights close together is another culprit. I would look for those things first. Fly the scenery and check your frame rates as you fly directly at the densest part of the scenery .If you get a dramatic drop in frame rates then I would be suspect of that scenery.Deactivate it in scenery library and fly again and see if this improves things.
Remove sceneries one by one till the graphic issue stops. You may find that a particular scenery by a particular builder has characteristics and /or objects that cause the problem.