I'm getting tired of being balked off runways and collided with by people attempting the equivalent of "White Van" flying (For those not in the know .... They have to be there first at any cost). I've been joining multiplayer sessions both on the zone and using FSSpy and on most occasions I get some ignorant personage causing me problems.
I just want someone to fly with on a regular basis who A. Will put up with a fairly inexperienced aviator (Takeoffs are fine .... flying is fine keeping out of peeps way for the most part or trying to is the norm ... Landings need plenty of practice).
B. Has a reasonable command of the english language because sign language just doesnt work on a computer
and I don't have any other languages (well apart from being able to order a beer almost anywhere
C. Is willing to help me out with setting up any software such as RW and Teamspeak.
If you meet any of the above criteria apply within. 8)